10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (2024)

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    A famous and important sequence is the Fibonacci sequence, named after the Italian mathematician known as Leonardo Pisano, whose nickname was Fibonacci, and who lived from 1170 to 1230. This sequence is:

    \[\{1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55, \ldots \ldots \ldots\} \nonumber \]

    This sequence is defined recursively. This means each term is defined by the previous terms.

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (2)

    and so on.

    The Fibonacci sequence is defined by 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (3), for all 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (4), when 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (5) and 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (6).

    In other words, to get the next term in the sequence, add the two previous terms.

    \[\{1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,55+34=89,89+55=144, \cdots\} \nonumber \]

    The notation that we will use to represent the Fibonacci sequence is as follows:

    \[f_{1}=1, f_{2}=1, f_{3}=2, f_{4}=3, f_{5}=5, f_{6}=8, f_{7}=13, f_{8}=21, f_{9}=34, f_{10}=55, f_{11}=89, f_{12}=144, \ldots \nonumber \]

    Example \(\PageIndex{1}\): Finding Fibonacci Numbers Recursively

    Find the 13th, 14th, and 15th Fibonacci numbers using the above recursive definition for the Fibonacci sequence.

    First, notice that there are already 12 Fibonacci numbers listed above, so to find the next three Fibonacci numbers, we simply add the two previous terms to get the next term as the definition states.

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (7)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (8)

    Therefore, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Fibonacci numbers are 233, 377, and 610 respectively.

    Calculating terms of the Fibonacci sequence can be tedious when using the recursive formula, especially when finding terms with a large n. Luckily, a mathematician named Leonhard Euler discovered a formula for calculating any Fibonacci number. This formula was lost for about 100 years and was rediscovered by another mathematician named Jacques Binet. The original formula, known as Binet’s formula, is below.

    Binet’s Formula: The nth Fibonacci number is given by the following formula:

    \[f_{n}=\frac{\left[\left(\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}\right)^{n}-\left(\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}\right)^{n}\right]}{\sqrt{5}} \nonumber \]

    Binet’s formula is an example of an explicitly defined sequence. This means that terms of the sequence are not dependent on previous terms.

    A somewhat more user-friendly, simplified version of Binet’s formula is sometimes used instead of the one above.

    Binet’s Simplified Formula: The nth Fibonacci number is given by the following formula:

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (9)

    Note: The symbol 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (10) means “round to the nearest integer.”

    Example \(\PageIndex{2}\): Finding 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (11) Explicitly

    Find the value of 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (12) using Binet’s simplified formula.

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (13)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (14)

    Example \(\PageIndex{3}\): Finding 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (16) Explicitly

    Find the value of 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (17) using Binet’s simplified formula.

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (18)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (19)

    Example \(\PageIndex{4}\): Finding 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (21) Explicitly

    Find the value of 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (22) using Binet’s simplified formula.

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (23)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (24)

    All around us we can find the Fibonacci numbers in nature. The number of branches on some trees or the number of petals of some daisies are often Fibonacci numbers

    Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\): Fibonacci Numbers and Daisies

    a. Daisy with 13 petals b. Daisy with 21 petals

    a. 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (26) b. 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (27)

    (Daisies, n.d.)

    Fibonacci numbers also appear in spiral growth patterns such as the number of spirals on a cactus or in sunflowers seed beds.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{5}\): Fibonacci Numbers and Spiral Growth

    a. Cactus with 13 clockwise spirals b. Sunflower with 34 clockwise spirals and 55 counterclockwise spirals

    a. 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (28) b. 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (29)

    (Cactus, n.d.) (Sunflower, n.d.)

    Another interesting fact arises when looking at the ratios of consecutive Fibonacci numbers.

    It appears that these ratios are approaching a number. The number that these ratios are getting closer to is a special number called the Golden Ratio which is denoted by 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (30) (the Greek letter phi). You have seen this number in Binet’s formula.

    The Golden Ratio:

    \[\phi=\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2} \nonumber \]

    The Golden Ratio has the decimal approximation of \(\phi=1.6180339887\).

    The Golden Ratio is a special number for a variety of reasons. It is also called the divine proportion and it appears in art and architecture. It is claimed by some to be the most pleasing ratio to the eye. To find this ratio, the Greeks cut a length into two parts, and let the smaller piece equal one unit. The most pleasing cut is when the ratio of the whole length 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (31) to the long piece 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (32) is the same as the ratio of the long piece 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (33) to the short piece 1.

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (34) 1

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (35)10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (36)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (37) cross-multiply to get

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (38) rearrange to get

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (39) solve this quadratic equation using the quadratic formula.

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (40)

    The Golden Ratio is a solution to the quadratic equation 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (41) meaning it has the property 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (42). This means that if you want to square the Golden Ratio, just add one to it. To check this, just plug in 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (43).

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (44)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (45)

    It worked!

    Another interesting relationship between the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci sequence occurs when taking powers of 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (46).

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (47)

    And so on.

    Notice that the coefficients of 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (48) and the numbers added to the 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (49) term are Fibonacci numbers. This can be generalized to a formula known as the Golden Power Rule.

    Golden Power Rule: \(\phi^{n}=f_{n} \phi+f_{n-1}\)

    where\(f_{n}\) is the nth Fibonacci number and \(\phi\) is the Golden Ratio.

    Example \(\PageIndex{5}\): Powers of the Golden Ratio

    Find the following using the golden power rule: a. 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (50) and b. 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (51)

    1. 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (52)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (53)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (54)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (55)

    1. 10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (56)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (57)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (58)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (59)

    10.4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (2024)


    How do you solve Fibonacci with golden ratio? ›

    The golden ratio is derived by dividing each number of the Fibonacci series by its immediate predecessor. In mathematical terms, if F(n) describes the nth Fibonacci number, the quotient F(n)/ F(n-1) will approach the limit 1.618... for increasingly high values of n. This limit is better known as the golden ratio.

    What is the best Fibonacci golden ratio? ›

    What is the Fibonacci sequence? The golden ratio of 1.618 – the magic number – gets translated into three percentages: 23.6%, 38.2% and 61.8%.

    What are the 10 Fibonacci numbers? ›

    Fibonacci Sequence List. The list of first 20 terms in the Fibonacci Sequence is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181.

    How do I find my golden ratio? ›

    The Golden Ratio can be calculated proportionally, using joined line segments AB and BC that obey the Golden Ratio with AB being the shorter segment. The Golden Ratio is given by the proportion AB/BC = BC/AC. The Golden Ratio may also be expressed in terms of itself, as the formula phi = 1 + 1/phi.

    Why is 1.618 so important? ›

    The golden ratio, also known as the golden number, golden proportion, or the divine proportion, is a ratio between two numbers that equals approximately 1.618. Usually written as the Greek letter phi, it is strongly associated with the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers wherein each number is added to the last.

    Are Fibonacci and golden ratio the same? ›

    If you want a one-word answer, it will be a NO. The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers and the golden ratio is the ratio of two numbers. The ratio of two consecutive Fibonacci sequence numbers is not constant, it approaches the golden ratio the bigger the pairs are.

    What is the God number in nature? ›

    The golden ratio is 1.618, represented by the Greek letter 'phi', is said to be is a mathematical connection between two aspects of an object. It is also called the Fibonacci sequence and it can be found across all of nature: plants, animals, weather structures, star systems – it is ever-present in the universe.

    What is the strongest Fibonacci level? ›

    The ratios form the support or resistance levels in Fibonacci Retracement analysis. The important levels are 61.8% (an-1 / an), 38.2% (an-2 / an), and 23.6% (an-3 / an). There are other important levels like 78.6% and 50%, which are not Fibonacci ratios but are nonetheless important.

    What is the most attractive golden ratio? ›

    A visually balanced face is approximately 1.618 times longer than it is wide. The distance from the top of the nose to the center of the lips should be around 1.618 times the distance from the center of the lips to the chin.

    How is Fibonacci used in real life? ›

    The Fibonacci sequence, also known as the golden ratio, is utilized in architectural designs, creating aesthetically pleasing structures. In engineering and technology, Fibonacci numbers play a significant role, appearing in population growth models, software engineering, task management, and data structure analysis.

    Why is the Fibonacci sequence so important? ›

    The Fibonacci sequence is important for many reasons. In nature, the numbers and ratios in the sequence can be found in the patterns of petals of flowers, the whorls of a pine cone, and the leaves on stems. As the sequence continues, the ratios of the terms approach a number known as the golden ratio.

    What does Fibonacci mean in life? ›

    The spiritual meaning of the Fibonacci spiral is often associated with balance, harmony, and perfection. Some believe that this pattern represents the infinite and interconnected nature of all things. It symbolizes the natural order and balance found in the universe and signifies the beauty and efficiency of creation.

    What is the ideal golden ratio for a body? ›

    The closer you can get your waist/shoulder ratio to 1/1.61, the more aesthetically pleasing your body will be. To find out your ratio, measure around your waist, then the circumference your shoulders, (You're probably going to need some help with this part) then divide shoulders/waist to get your ratio.

    What is the golden ratio in the human body? ›

    It has been suggested that the ideal human figure has its navel at the golden ratio ( , about 1.618), dividing the body in the ratio of 0.618 to 0.382 (soles of feet to navel:navel to top of head) ( 1⁄ is. -1, about 0.618) and Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man is cited as evidence.

    Why is the golden ratio so attractive? ›

    The golden ratio is a mathematical concept that is often associated with aesthetics and beauty. It is a proportion that is believed to possess a sense of balance, harmony, and pleasing aesthetics and has been used by artists and designers as a guiding principle in their creations.

    What is the golden rule of Fibonacci retracement? ›

    As per the Fibonacci retracement theory, after the upmove one can anticipate a correction in the stock to last up to the Fibonacci ratios. For example, the first level up to which the stock can correct could be 23.6%. If this stock continues to correct further, the trader can watch out for the 38.2% and 61.8% levels.

    How is Fibonacci ratio calculated? ›

    The key Fibonacci ratio of 61.8% is found by dividing one number in the series by the number that follows it. For example, 21 divided by 34 equals 0.6176, and 55 divided by 89 equals about 0.61798. The 38.2% ratio is discovered by dividing a number in the series by the number located two spots to the right.

    How do you solve golden ratio problems? ›

    You take a line and divide it into two parts – a long part (a) and a short part (b). The entire length (a + b) divided by (a) is equal to (a) divided by (b). And both of those numbers equal 1.618. So, (a + b) divided by (a) equals 1.618, and (a) divided by (b) also equals 1.618.

    What is the difference between the Fibonacci method and the golden section method? ›

    The Fibonacci method differs from the golden ratio method in that the ratio for the reduction of intervals is not constant. Additionally, the number of subintervals (iterations) is predetermined and based on the specified tolerance. Thus the Fibonacci numbers are 1,1,2,3, 5,8,13,21, 34ททท.

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    Name: Terrell Hackett

    Birthday: 1992-03-17

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    Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.