38 Cute And Easy Doodles To Draw - No Drawing Skills Needed (2024)

These cute and easy doodles will help you draw cool things even if you think you can’t draw. They’re easy, super fun and anyone could do them.

But can anybody draw cute doodles? Yes!

If you don’t like your doodles and drawings, maybe all you need is a bit of inspiration and more simplicity. That’s why I’m sharing cute and easy doodles to draw for beginners.

The benefits of doodling

I’m not an expert, but doodling has always helped me when I’m bored or even anxious. I may not even realize it at the moment of doodling, but it sure as hell feels like the simplest therapy there is.

At Harvard Health Publishing, Srini Pillay says that doodling can help you with your memory, stress release, and improved focus. Well, isn’t that something worth trying out?

The article argues that, by doodling, we may be able to feel more relaxed and concentrate more and that doodles can reveal what is going on in the unconscious.

For me, this is enough to try some cute doodles and fill my art journal with them whenever I want to add something more to my pages, or just to relax.

So, if you’re interested and curious, here are some easy and cute doodles you can try out. Have fun :).

Cute and easy doodles to draw

Just a quick tip. If you’re afraid you’ll ruin your drawing on the first try, just use a pencil and then trace it with a pen afterward. If you wonder what pens to use, here’s an article about the best pens for doodling.

1. Nature doodles

An easy doodle of three mountain peaks with snow tops.

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A sunset at sea with cute little birds flying around.

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A cute tree in a circle. Drawing circles around doodles is a great way to make them more visible and stand out.

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Rain can be inspiring rather than sad, right? This easy-to-draw doodle is super cute and I’m sure you’ll love it.

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Doodles would be nothing if there weren’t flowers. They’re one of the easiest doodles to draw, and here’s one you can try right now:

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2. Animal doodles

This little fish is easy to draw with a few lines and a heart for the eye. A true touch of whimsy!

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You can draw a cute cat doodle by using just a few lines. Add a nice detail like a circle or a heart in the middle of the drawing.

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I’m not a fan of drawing animals, but if they’re simple, cute, and a bit whimsical, I’m in for it. Look at this cutie pie below.

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I used to doodle this simple flock of birds all the time. You can play with sizes to make them seem far away or close. Also, paint them in different colors for a whimsical look.

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3. Food doodles

Who doesn’t like sweet cherries? And they’re amazingly easy to doodle.

If you’re a pizza lover like me, you can doodle something like this piece below, and later just add color.

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Delicious watermelon is also an easy doodle to draw: two semi-circles, a line, and some drops, and voila!

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What about cups of coffee or tea? You can add doodles to the cup, too.

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Cupcakes can be so cute, especially if you add color or sprinkles, which makes them even cuter.

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What about a cute little lollipop? You can draw it big and then journal inside the swirly part.

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4. Universe doodles

I love drawing and doodling things from the universe, especially planets, and stars. Here’s how you can easily doodle this one:

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I love doodling constellations. They’re easy to doodle: draw a few stars and connect them with lines. That’s it.

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We can never have enough stars in our journals. They can be great finishing touches on our pages or just doodles here and there to fill the empty space.

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Here’s another one you can draw with the moon and the clouds. You can make the clouds thicker if you want to. Paint the clouds in unusual colors like pink and yellow for more interest.

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5. Whimsical doodles

What’s more whimsical than the moon and the stars? I just love these easy doodles.

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You can combine flower wreaths and words in a big circle, like in the example below.

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Why not combine the moon, clouds, the sun, and stars into one super cute doodle?

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When I doodle for relaxation, or just talk on the phone, I usually doodle swirls lines and dots.

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One of the cutest doodles to draw is a jar with dreamy things in it.

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A doodle of a banner with signs, letters, and words can be super cute, and amazingly easy to draw.

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I can’t get enough of the moon doodles. They never disappoint and you can make it as whimsical as you want. The less ordinary, the more interesting.

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When you draw a circle like this, you can create a whole whimsical world inside it.

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Ok, this one looks like a product by a 3-year-old, but its simplicity makes it the cutest thing ever.

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Houses are always fun and easy to draw doodles. And if you add a few things like a heart, rain, or flowers, it looks cuter and more whimsical.

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Rainbows are always interesting to draw. I didn’t paint this one, but you can play with colors and make it as simple as you can. There’s beauty in that, I promise you that.

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Just a simple swirl can look amazing on your pages. This doodle is so easy to draw that you can literally make hundreds of them.

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Just a few lines and you have a cute envelope doodle.

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If you play with lines and shapes, you can doodle cute gifts with bows.

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A caste is easy to draw with only a few lines. You can literally draw it without lifting your pen off the paper, that’s how easy it is.

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I love doodling whimsical eyes and adding unusual eyelashes or irises.

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6. Flowers in a vase

The simplest flower doodle ever, gently put into a vase. How cute is that? Check more of these below.

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How to practice drawing doodles?

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Add color

If your doodles seem too simple, try adding color to them with markers, pens, or watercolor. Just be careful if you’re using watercolor on small doodles. You might get a smudgy doodle because it’s so small for painting with water.

I’d rather use pens and markers for this.

Use thin and thick lines

If you want your doodles to look more appealing and have more depth, use thick and thin lines to add dimension. I usually add thin lines to my flower doodles to give them more depth.

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Look at things as shapes

Drawing can be tough, I know. But if you practice drawing looking at things as a collection of shapes and lines, you’ll draw more easily.

For example, when I drew the radio below, I only used shapes like rectangles and circles and a few lines.

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Use dots as reference

This is a great piece of advice, especially for abstract doodles. I learned this great technique from Mr. Otter Art Studio on YouTube.

She first draws dots and then she connects them with lines and creates wonderful flowers. Here’s my take on it:

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The places where the flowers meet are those initial dots. Amazing, right?

Draw a circle around your doodles

I already mentioned this above with some examples. If you want to practice easier doodles, first draw a circle and then create a whole world of doodles inside that circle.

Doing it this way, you’ll limit your drawing space and thus spark your creativity. It sounds contradictory, but it really works. This doodle below is one of my favorites.

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Simple Flower Doodles: Step By Step Tutorial for Art Journaling Beginners

Best Pens for Doodling: In-Depth Guide for Art Journalists

28 Easy Things to Draw in Your Art Journal (Even If You Have No Skills)

Do you think these doodles are easy to draw? Pin them to your favorite Pinterest board and save them for later!

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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have personal experiences or expertise. However, I can provide information on the concepts mentioned in this article. Let's go through each concept and provide relevant information:


Doodling refers to the act of drawing or sketching in a casual or unconscious manner. It is often done absentmindedly while a person is engaged in other activities, such as listening to a lecture or talking on the phone. Doodling can take various forms, from simple shapes and patterns to more elaborate drawings. While doodling is often seen as a form of creative expression, it can also have cognitive benefits. Research suggests that doodling can help improve focus, memory, and stress release .

Benefits of Doodling:

Doodling has been found to have several benefits, both for mental well-being and cognitive function. Some of the benefits of doodling include:

  1. Memory Enhancement: Doodling can help improve memory retention and recall. It engages the brain's visual and spatial processing, making it easier to remember information.
  2. Stress Relief: Doodling can serve as a form of relaxation and stress relief. It allows individuals to focus their attention on a creative activity, which can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm.
  3. Improved Focus: Engaging in doodling can enhance concentration and focus. It provides a visual and kinesthetic stimulus that can help individuals stay engaged and attentive.
  4. Unconscious Expression: Doodles can sometimes reveal unconscious thoughts, emotions, or ideas. Analyzing doodles can provide insights into an individual's state of mind or underlying psychological processes.

Drawing Techniques:

The article mentions several drawing techniques that can be used to create cute and easy doodles. Here are some of the techniques mentioned:

  1. Nature Doodles: Drawing simple representations of natural elements like mountains, trees, sunsets, rain, and flowers.
  2. Animal Doodles: Creating cute and whimsical doodles of animals, such as fish, cats, birds, and cats.
  3. Food Doodles: Drawing doodles of food items like cherries, pizza, watermelon, cups of coffee or tea, cupcakes, and lollipops.
  4. Universe Doodles: Doodling elements from the universe, such as planets, stars, constellations, moons, and clouds.
  5. Whimsical Doodles: Creating imaginative and playful doodles, including moon and star combinations, flower wreaths with words, swirls, eyes, jars with dreamy things, banners with signs, and more.
  6. Flowers in a Vase: Drawing simple flower doodles and placing them in a vase.

Tips for Drawing Doodles:

The article also provides some tips for practicing and improving doodling skills. These tips include:

  1. Adding Color: Enhance your doodles by adding color using markers, pens, or watercolors. Experiment with different coloring techniques to bring your doodles to life.
  2. Using Thin and Thick Lines: Create depth and dimension in your doodles by using a combination of thin and thick lines. This technique can make your doodles more visually appealing.
  3. Looking at Things as Shapes: Simplify complex objects by breaking them down into basic shapes and lines. This approach can make drawing easier and more accessible.
  4. Using Dots as Reference: Start your doodles by placing dots on the paper and then connect them with lines to create shapes and patterns. This technique can be particularly useful for abstract doodles.
  5. Drawing in Circles: Limit your drawing space by starting with a circle and then filling it with doodles. This technique can spark creativity and help you explore different ideas within a confined space.

Remember, doodling is a personal and creative activity, so feel free to experiment, have fun, and develop your own unique style. Happy doodling!

Note: The information provided is based on general knowledge and does not cite specific sources.

38 Cute And Easy Doodles To Draw - No Drawing Skills Needed (2024)
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