Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (2024)

When I was a kid, my best friend’s dad was an engineer. I remember her telling me that, and Iliterally pictured her dad wearing the blue and white striped cap driving a train. I really had no idea what an engineer actually was. I especially had no idea that engineers did so many cool things!

An engineer is part scientist, part inventor, part artist, part architect, part mathematician, part creative thinker, and there are many more parts, too! Engineerstake scientific and mathematical knowledge and apply it to solve real world problems. So when your students ask the question that all math and science teachers hear regularly, “Why do we need to know this?” You can tell them, “Because I want you to be an engineer one day!”

The work of engineersis all around us, and I created a list of some of the stand out jobs that you might like to share with your students. (I even created a printable version for you at the bottom of the page.) Here are some cool things that engineers do:

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (1)

Engineers design cool buildings.

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (2)

Sydney Opera House © 2015 Bernard Gagnon is licensed under theCreative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedlicense

This is a picture of the Sydney Opera House in Sydney, Australia. Engineers also design skyscrapers, towers, bridges, tunnels and roads. If you can drive your car on it or go inside it, an engineer probably helped design it.

Theydesign roller coasters.

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (3)

(public domain photo)

Not only do engineers design the tracks for roller coasters, they also help design the cars for the rides to ensure passenger safety. They design otherrides and attractions at theme parks and fairs, too.

Theydesign space shuttles and other space vehicles.

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (4)

BYU Mars Rover © 2009 Peter Hyatt is licensed under theCreative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedlicense

This picture shows a Mars Rover. If it has carried an astronaut into space or landed on the moon or another planet, then engineers helped design it. Not only space craft, engineers also design planes, jets, helicopters, cars, and pretty much every vehicle you can think of.

Theydesign special effects for movies.

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (5)

Fast and Furious Movement © 2010 Jordan Messenger is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Genericlicense

Engineers help create special effect cars like this one above. Do you see the metal ‘arm’ that is holding it up so that it can appear to hit the wall from above? Theyalso create special effects with lights, sound, and computer technology, too.

Theycreate new toys.

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (6)

Bumblebee at the meet-and-greet session© 2014 SuperArticleGuyis licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Many big toy companies, like Hasbro, hire toy engineers. They invent new toys and also ensure that toys work properly and are safe for children to play with.

Theyinvent new food.

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (7)

Ben and Jerry’s Refrigerator © 2014 Uziel302 is licensed under theCreative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedlicense

Food engineers use chemistry to create different types of foods. They also find new ways to store and package food to keep it safe.

Theycreate state-of-the-art sports equipment.

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (8)

Milwaukee Panthers Football Helmet © 2012 lllwauk is licensed under theCreative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedlicense

Sports engineers create equipment that is lightweight and durable. They also create equipment to keep players safe.

Theydesign playground equipment.

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (9)

Play ground © 2014 Balurbala is licensed under theCreative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedlicense

Engineers design playground equipment. They make sure it is solid and sturdy. They also make sure it is safe for children.

Theycreate artificial body parts.

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (10)

Prototype of the HeartSaver © 1999 Wellcome Imagesis licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

This is a picture of a prototype of an artificial heart. Engineers also create artificial limbs to help people who have suffered the loss of a limb. Theydo more than that in the medical field, too. They also help create tools for surgeons and hospital equipment.

Theytry to find ways to protect the environment from pollution.

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Smokestack in Detroit © 2006 Gyre is licensed under theCreative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedlicense

Environmental engineers find way to protect the earth from water and air pollution. They also help clean up pollution that has already happened, like oil spills.


Engineering is a vast field that finds its way into almost every part of life, and who knows with some encouragement, some of your students may become engineers one day, too!

Click the image belowfor the free printable version of this passage. Discussion questions are included.

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (12)

If you’re looking for more, here is a great video I found called “Engineers are Cool.” It is fast-paced and has a ton of great pictures and examples.


Happy Engineering Week!

Be sure to check all of the other posts for National Engineers Week!

Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids (2024)


Cool Things Engineers Do - STEM Activities for Kids? ›

STEM activities help your child master more than science, technology, engineering, or math. They empower children to build problem-solving skills, teamwork capabilities, and perseverance. These are skills that children can use to succeed in any field.

What do STEM activities do for kids? ›

STEM activities help your child master more than science, technology, engineering, or math. They empower children to build problem-solving skills, teamwork capabilities, and perseverance. These are skills that children can use to succeed in any field.

What do engineers do facts for kids? ›

An engineer is a person who designs and builds complex products, machines, systems, or structures. Engineers want to know how and why things work. They have scientific training that they use to make practical things.

What is STEM engineering for kids? ›

Applied Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) courses typically cover topics that educate students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. STEM becomes STEAM when the Arts are incorporated into the classroom.

How do you make STEM learning fun? ›

How can STEM teachers make learning more fun and engaging for students?
  1. Use real-world problems.
  2. Incorporate games and gamification.
  3. Encourage inquiry and experimentation.
  4. Collaborate with other teachers.
  5. Involve students in co-creation.
  6. Seek feedback and improvement.
  7. Here's what else to consider.
Oct 23, 2023

What is an example of a STEM activity? ›

Marble mazes are one of students' favorite STEM activities! You can provide supplies like straws and paper plates for their project. Or let them use their imaginations and create marble mazes from any materials they can think of.

What is a good STEM lesson? ›

The best STEM lessons require students to interact with the concept with their hands, whether it be through designing, building, creating, role-playing, or any other inventive and discovery-based process. To be most effective, hands-on activities should mimic a real-world scenario as much as possible.

What is a fun fact about engineers? ›

Eight Fun Facts About Engineering
  • A civil engineer made water slides work. ...
  • Engineers are responsible for the technology behind TV and radio. ...
  • Engineers created the snowboard. ...
  • The history of the word. ...
  • Engineers are responsible for the Ferris wheel. ...
  • Mt. ...
  • Engineers have created special effects for iconic films.
Oct 27, 2021

What is unique about engineers? ›

Engineers love to figure out how things work and use their knowledge in practical ways; therefore, at their core, engineers are innovative problem solvers. While scientists and inventors create things, it's the engineer that figures out how the creation can be used to solve real-world complications.

What is STEM game for kids? ›

STEM games are a great way to introduce your students to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math concepts in a fun and engaging way.

What do STEM engineers do? ›

There are many career options in STEM for graduates with science, technology, engineering or mathematics degrees. STEM professionals hold careers in public health, research, renewable energy, computer technology, space exploration, automotive development, big data analysis and more.

What is STEM for dummies? ›

STEM is an abbreviation for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The term is used to describe both education and careers in those fields. STEM was first introduced in 2001 by the U.S. National Science Foundation.

What is STEM activity for kids? ›

STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities can inspire children to develop a natural curiosity about the world. From making paper circuit boards to building a balloon car, children can do dozens of STEM activities daily to boost creativity and cognitive processing.

How do you plan STEM activities? ›

Creating Effective STEM Lesson Plans: Tips and Tricks
  1. Start with a real-world problem. ...
  2. Determine the project criteria and constraints. ...
  3. Identify the specific design process steps you want students to follow. ...
  4. Determine the assessment criteria. ...
  5. Find or create supplemental materials your students will need.
Apr 30, 2023

Why is it important to teach children STEM? ›

Hands-on STEM programs and activities teach more than science and mathematics concepts. They help your child discover real-world applications, spark their creativity and develop 21st-century skills including media and technology literacy, productivity, social skills, communication, flexibility and initiative.

How does STEM help students? ›

One of the main benefits of STEM education is helping students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in any career field. It encourages students to think creatively and independently and helps them understand and apply complex concepts and ideas.

Why are kids interested in STEM? ›

STEM-Based Education Encourages Critical Thinking

Programs such as after-school clubs and interactive summer camps urge learners to get hands-on with STEM topics. In addition to practicing critical thinking, kids are also empowered to collaborate, use their imaginations and take the initiative.

How stem toys help kids? ›

Boost cognitive skills and creative thinking

As STEM toys get more difficult and intricate, children's cognitive skills, decision-making, problem-solving and memory are challenged and improved.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.