Disneyland Singapore Resort (2024)

Frozen : The Story of Two Sisters

Disneyland Singapore Resort (1)

Queue -

As guests enter the queue they have an option to use fastpass line or standby line. This description will cover the standby line, but the fastpass line will be mostly a straight beeline to the ride passing my each of the queues sections. Either way both queue start at the same place, Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna.

Disneyland Singapore Resort (2)

Guests enter and make switchbacks throughout the store, the majority of the store is empty however there are some wares on the walls known as the winter department. As guests approach the wall they see what is being offered: winter boots, capes, gloves, hats, ice picks, and snowshoes. Guests continue to make their way through the store all the while an animatronic Oaken talks about Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Sven, and other interesting things about the store, day, and his family. Upon mentioning his family and go yoo-hoo family, and the sauna clears up to show his whole entire family yoo-hoo ing back. Eventually guests reach the back of the store, and exit into a snow covered forest illuminated by the moonlight. A notice on a stake is sticking out of the snow.

"Hello, if you are reading this it likely means that some Snowgies have escaped Marshmallow. I ask of you to keep an out on your journey to see Grand Pabbie for those mischievous little Snowgies. If you see some just point them out, and they should go running back home.Thank you for your help.
- Queen Elsa "

Now with a task in hand guests will navigate through the forest out in the forest. Between the snow mounds, and the tree there will be various objects where the Snowgies thank to the use of AR technology, and double pane glass acting as the projector. As guests near the exit of the snowy forest Marshmallow makes an appearance sitting down with an arm at an angle. Beneath said arm the found Snowgies will run up to the guests jump up and down and run past Marshmallow to home. Marshmallow will look down at guest, and either laugh or thank the guests.

As guests leave the forest they enter the Ice Caverns. Tall and large stalactites and stalagmites surround guests as the sound of rushing water is heard. Guests continue through the caverns only illuminated by the faint glow of lanterns hanging on the ceiling as guests continue through the caverns. Eventually guests reach the merging point for standby and fastpass. Guests will decide whose story this wish experience either Anna or Elsa. Either way guests will cross a bridge over a river as blocks of ice float by. Occasionally the top part of an eaten carrot floats by as well. Guests finally reach the loading dock, and either enter a sled that has been painted, and decorated to look like Anna's coronation outfit or a sled of similar appearance, but now themed to Elsa's outfit. There will be six sleds in total at any time at the loading docks, and three for each pattern.

Ride Stats & Info -

Attraction Type : Trackless Dark Ride
Vehicle : Harvester's Sled
Theme : Frozen
Amount of People per Vehicle : 4
Amount of Vehicles : 36
Duration : 4 Minutes
Riders per Hour : 2,160
Riders per Day : 25,920 - 32,400
Fastpass : Yes
Height Restriction : None
Ticket Rating : E-Ticket

Ride Experience -

Safety Spiel - English : Hey everyone! It's me Kristoff, and everyone is so excited you could come for the telling of Anna and Elsa's story! Now while in the sled keep your arms, legs, and everything else inside the sled at all times. Also don't use flash or any external lighting as that may distract Grand Pabbie, or even startle someone.
Safety Spiel - Malay : Hai semua! Ia adalah saya Kristoff, dan semua orang sangat teruja anda boleh datang untuk memberitahu cerita Anna dan Elsa! Sekarang ketika di luncur menyimpan lengan, kakinya, dan segala yang lain di dalam kereta luncur sepanjang masa. Juga jangan gunakan lampu kilat atau lampu luaran seperti yang mungkin mengalihkan perhatian kepada Pabbie Besar, atau bahkan mengejutkan seseorang.
Safety Spiel - Chinese : 嘿大家!這是我的克里斯托夫,每個人都很高興你可以來告訴安娜和艾爾莎的故事!現在在雪橇中始終保持你的胳膊,腿和雪橇裡的一切。也不要使用閃光燈或任何外部照明,因為這可能會分散大寶貝,甚至嚇倒某人。

The Story Begins -
As the sleds leave the loading docks they enter the night sky of Arendelle. The sleds, as they come in face a screen showcasing a bunch of baby rock trolls and Olaf playing. Occasionally a few Snowgies run past Olaf in the background. As the rock trolls stop playing with Olaf; Olaf takes notice of the guests, and gasps.

Olaf : You're here! All of you! Oh this is so exciting! I better go tell everyone you made it, and then warm hugs for all of you!

Olaf runs off the screen as the vehicles follow him onto a physical set. On the physical set guests can see an amphitheater like setting similar to that of the Greeks that the rock trolls have put together. Elsa and Anna are sitting together laughing and talking. Sven is playing with the Snowgies, and trying to shake them off his horns.Throughout the set various Snowgies pop up around the rock trolls that are already seated. Kristoff is seen next to Anna, trying to get her attention. The amphitheater will be centered around Grand Pabbie, as he stands by a mysterious orb on a pedestal. Suddenly Olaf runs in from the side. This will be done similarly to how he walks at Frozen Ever After. Many of the characters will be static figures with limited motion, and the only AAs in the room will be Grand Pabbie and Olad. The vehicles begin to sort with the Elsa schemes to the left, and the Annas in the right.

Olaf : They're here! All of them!
Elsa and Anna chuckle; as everyone looks towards the guests.
Elsa : We're so glad you could all make it here.
Anna : This is so exciting! I mean we all get to finally meet! Wait do any of you hate chocolate? That'll be a dealbreaker on our way to friendship!
Elsa : She's just teasing. I think...
Grand Pabbie : Shh, it is time.

Grand Pabbie begins to wave his hands around as the orb takes light on the walls behind the characters projections of the orbs happenings can be seen. Grand Pabbie will briefly go over the events of Frozen, and he stops at the Coronation Day as the vehicles begin to move onto the next scene. The rest of the ride will be color coded in places where the sleds go down on different paths.

For the First Time in Forever (Anna) -

Disneyland Singapore Resort (3)

As the sleds slide into the halls of the castle the opening strums of Anna's portion of For the First Time in Forever can be heard as she happily yells out "It's coronation day!". The sleds turn to face the walls of the ballroom with its large arches. Anna is seen on an indoor swing slowly going back and forth as she sings.

Anna : For the first time in forever
There'll be music, there'll be light!
For the first time in forever
I'll be dancing through the night

The sleds suddenly rush into the arches and face open windows acting as screens. Here depicts the scene in which she is talking/singing to the ducks.

Disneyland Singapore Resort (4)

Anna : Don't know if I'm elated or gassy
But I'm somewhere in that zone!
'Cause for the first time in forever
I won't be alone

Suddenly the windows burst open allowing the sleds to go into the next scene, and as guests go to the next scene they hear this :

Anna : It's only for today!
It's agony to wait!
The gate!
For the first time in forever
Nothing's in my way!

For the First Time in Forever (Elsa) -

Disneyland Singapore Resort (5)

As the sleds drive in guests past under Elsa's bedroom's doorway. The sleds stop in front in the same location and pose as she is in, in the above photo. Elsa begins to sing.

Elsa : Don't let them in
Don't let them see
Be the good girl
You always have to be
Don't feel
Put on a show
Make one wrong move
And everyone will know

As she continues to sing the objects continually begin to freeze (thanks to projections), and her face grows into horror at this. As she finishes that part he sleds turn to face the windows, and through the reflection see Elsa putting everything down, and walking towards the windows.

Elsa : But it's only for today
It's agony to wait
Tell the guards to open up the gate!

Suddenly the windows burst open, and the sleds enter the next scene.

Coronation Party -

As soon as the sleds enter the ballroom the song Winter's Waltz play. The vehicles soon spin and move up and down around in synch to the music as if the vehicles were actually dancing. Around the guests will be screens allowing for a crowd to watch the waltzing, and occasionally those in the crowd will wave, or whisper to one another while pointing at a guest. Furthermore at the end of the room on an elevated platform Elsa is seen awkwardly, but Anna soon walks up with Hans behind her. It seems like they're arguing about something. However it soon becomes loud, overpowering the music. Uon the audible yelling the sleds abruptly stop to face the arguing.

Anna : What did I ever do to you?
Elsa : Enough Anna.
Anna : No! What are you so afraid of, why do you shut me, the world out?

The vehicles quickly move into the next scene as Anna begins to finish her sentence.

Monster -

The vehicles enter a small dark room, as they line up to face a screen once more. Elsa is by the door of the palace, and as Anna finishes her last line from the previous scene.

Elsa : I said enough!

Disneyland Singapore Resort (6)

Elsa quickly turns around as ice crystals shoot out of the ground. The sleds all jerk backwards in real time narrowingly missing impalement. Elsa opens the doors and runs out. From behind some talking is heard.

Duke of Weselton : Sorcery! Hurry, we mustn't let her escape!
Anna : No you stay, she's my sister I'll go.

The vehicles soon traverse into different scenes.

In Summer (Anna) -

The vehicles enter a dark room.

Olaf : Hi, I'm Olaf! I just don't know why, but I love the idea of summer and all things hot.

The room come to life in vibrant colors as Olaf begins to sing In Summer. As the vehicles go around the room; randomly they see various visions of Olaf. All the Olafs will be synced together singing the same line in the song. The ceiling will be projected onto as bright blue skies cover the ceiling. Clouds lazily float around as bees happily buzz along to the rhythm, and dandelion fuzz spin in the air. Occasionally a summer breeze blows through causing all the vehicles to spin.

The first scene set up is Olaf lounging on the beach getting gorgeously tan. He will be wearing shades, and have a cool drink in his hand. Lying on a beach towel underneath a shady beach umbrella. A beach ball is being inflated by some seagulls. While another seagull is applying suntan lotion onto his friend which is sunbathing. In the distance a Norwegian ship sails by captained by what appears to be a group of Snowgies.

The second scene set up has Olaf with his sandmen and seagull friends. They will be dressed in outfits in similar appearance to that of the Dapper Dan's as they tap dance around the sandmen. As the wind blows it seems like the sandmen are als moving to the rhythm.

Disneyland Singapore Resort (7)

The final scene shows Olaf, seagulls, and his snow buddy in a giant bucket full of hot water with steam rising. The bucket seems to be tipping over with water. Olaf spins in the center of a forming whirlpool as the bucket begins to tip over. The seagulls comically attempt to swim back into the bucket flapping their wings to no avail.

Disneyland Singapore Resort (8)

All three vehicles come to see Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf enjoying a picnic.
Kristoff: I'm going to tell him.
Anna: Don't you dare!

With that the room goes bark as the temperature gets lower as the vehicles progress into the next room.

Let It Go (Elsa) -

Disneyland Singapore Resort (9)

Guests enter the foyer of the ice palace, and on the balcony above the fountain is Elsa still in her coronation dress. Behind her will be screens showing the snowy mountain, and behind guests large ice walls with snowflake designs on them. Above guests hangs the iconic ice chandelier nearly formed, but not quite.

Disneyland Singapore Resort (10)

Elsa : My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past
Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway!

As Elsa sings the walls glow change colors, and projection effects cause swirls of snow to fly throughout the room. Curls and spikes come out of the pillars in the staircase causing for a more elegant design. The screens behind Elsa build up the elegant ice walls, and the chandelier above spins expanding its wings. The fountain below uses fiber optics to change color, and Elsa herself thanks to projection technology transforms into her blue dress in front of guests.

As Elsa finishes her song the doors below her open, and the sleds slide through.

Confrontation -

All the six sleds slip and slide throughout the room stopping as the vehicles spin to face the two centers on a platform in the middle of the room. The room itself is rather plain in terms of the rest of the palace's design there is mainly ice walls, a doorway in one part, and in another a balcony facing the outside wilderness.

Anna: Hey, Elsa I was just wondering...If you could come back home?
Elsa: Anna, this is my home.
Anna: I'm sensing there's something you don't know
Elsa: What do I not know?
Anna: Arendelle's in deep, deep, deep, deep snow...

Elsa looks at herself horrified, and harsh winds begin to blow in the room.

Anna: It's okay, you can just unfreeze it
Elsa: No, I can't, I - I don't know how!

Elsa looks away from Anna, her face filled with sorrow.

Anna: We can work this out together
Elsa: I can't control the curse!
Anna: Don't panic
Elsa: There's so much fear!
Anna: We'll make the sun shine bright
Elsa: You're not safe here!
Anna: We can face this thing together
Elsa: Oh!

Disneyland Singapore Resort (11)

The wind in this room continues to intensify, and the sleds continue to rock back and forth harder. Cold blasts of air are being shot across the room, and the palace walls are beginning to crack.

Anna: We can change this winter weather
Elsa: AHHHHH...
Anna: And everything will be alright...
Elsa: I CAN'T!

Elsa looks back at Anna, as strobe lights go off. Anna stumbles, and she is covering her heart. She moves her hand from her heart, and reveals new frost forming.

Elsa: Anna! You need to leave now!
Anna: No! We can do this together!
Elsa: Anna, you're going to leave. Now!

Elsa begins to swirl around her arms, and ice spikes and icy walls begin to pop out of the floor. Occasionally the sleds move to avoid the popping up spikes. The sleds soon maneuver out of the room.

True Love (Anna) -

The sleds enter into rock trolls domain, where Grand Pabbie is seen giving Anna her diagnosis. Upon hearing she needs an act of true love, she tells Kristoff to take her to Hans. The sleds suddenly leave the scene, and enter the next.

Capture (Elsa) -

A silhouette is projected on the wall of the chandelier falling as Elsa falls with the soldiers nearby. The vehicles progress into the cell where Elsa is now being held. Ice is seen forming on all the walls as Elsa is making her escape. The sleds follow Elsa's lead through the giant hole in the wall.

Snowstorm -

This scene will be made possible thanks to screens. Each side will be separated by a screen, and upon entering the vehicles begin to tilt as the harsh winter storm is shown throughout the room. The vehicles all stop in front of the screen. Each side organized as semicircle, and each side gets two different films. Elsa's side has her running around, and a shadowy figure chasing her. Anna's side has her slowly making her way to Kristoff. Suddenly the blizzard stops, and each side can see the other princess across the way. As Hans is about kill Elsa, Anna runs across the way. Steam shoot out in front of the screens as they go down revealing a frozen Anna protecting Elsa.

Disneyland Singapore Resort (12)

Elsa looks surprised as Anna's ice begins to melt. The two sisters soon hug as Anna reveals the love thaws. Elsa, now understanding how to bring back summer moves her arms around. The vehicles move into the next scene as Vuelie Reprise plays.

Finale -

Vuelie Reprise continues to play as the vehicles enter the amphitheatre from the beginning of the ride, and the vehicles renter their positions from the start of the ride. Night has now fallen upon the scene, and an aurora borealis spreads across the night sky. In a corner Sven, Olaf, and all the snowgies are seen huddled together now sleeping. Grand Pabbie is now done with story, and looks all around him. Anna and Kristoff are seen together holding hands, and Elsa is asleep on Anna's shoulder.

Disneyland Singapore Resort (13)

Grand Pabbie: Well it looks like the story is now over, and it seems that everything ended in happily ever after. Hans was banished from the kingdom, and Elsa leaves the gates to Arendelle open always. Thank you for coming.

Elsa wakes up extremely groggy, and she yawns.

Elsa: Did..I miss anything?
Anna: No nothing, at all. Let's get you home, all of you home.

With that the sleds go into the exit.

Disneyland Singapore Resort (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.