Golden Ration: Definition, Examples and Facts (2024)

Golden Ratio, a captivating mathematical concept, finds its expression in diverse fields. Use the Golden ratio calculator to explore its Golden ratio face, Golden ratio symbol, and Golden ratio in nature. Delve into its Golden ratio formula, Golden ratio number, and Golden ratio examples, appreciating its aesthetic presence in Golden ratio photography and Golden ratio in art.

Golden Ratio, also known as the Divine Proportion, is a mathematical concept admired for centuries. It’s a ratio found in nature and art, considered a measure of beauty and proportion. Represented by the Greek letter phi (φ), it’s roughly 1.6180339887.

Golden Ration: Definition, Examples and Facts (1)

Golden Ratio

In simple terms, the Golden Ratio is about the relationship between two quantities in patterns like spirals or nested rectangles. In a spiral, each quarter turn relates to the previous one by the Golden Ratio. Artists and designers often use it to create aesthetically pleasing compositions. For instance, in painting, the Golden Ratio guides the placement and size of elements within a frame.

What is Golden Ratio?

Golden ratio, also known as the golden mean, divine proportion, or golden section, describes a special relationship between two quantities. When the ratio of two numbers is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger quantity, they are said to be in the golden ratio.

Imagine dividing a line into two parts. These parts are in the golden ratio if the length of the longer part (let’s call it “a”) divided by the length of the shorter part (let’s call it “b”) is equal to the ratio of their combined length (a + b) to the longer length.

It is denoted using the Greek letter ϕ, pronounced as “phi

Golden Ratio Formula

Golden ratio formula is used to calculate value of golden ratio. The golden ratio equation that is used to find Golden Ratio Equation is,

Golden Ratio Equation

We know that, from definition of golden ratio,

a/b = (a + b)/a = ϕ

From this equation,

a/b = ϕ…(i)

(a + b)/a = ϕ…(ii)

From equation (i),

a/b = ϕ

⇒ a = b

From equation (ii),

(bϕ + b)/bϕ = ϕ

b( ϕ + 1)/bϕ = ϕ

(ϕ + 1)/ϕ = ϕ

1 + 1/ϕ = ϕ

How to Calculate Golden Ratio?

Value of golden ratio is calculated using golden ratio equation as,

We know,

ϕ = 1 + 1/ϕ

ϕ2= ϕ + 1

ϕ2– ϕ -1 = 0

Using Quadratic Equation Formula as,

ϕ =(−b ± √b2 − 4ac)/2a


a = 1

b = -1

c = -1

ϕ ={1 ± √(1+4)}/2

Taking positive value as,

ϕ = 1/2 + √5/2

Importance of Golden Ratio in Art, Architecture, and Design

In art, the golden ratio is a handy tool for creating beautiful compositions. Artists use it to decide where to place elements, like the main subject or how to divide the canvas. Following the golden ratio helps artists achieve balance and harmony in their work, resulting in a more visually appealing piece.

Similarly, in architecture, the golden ratio is employed to craft harmonious and balanced structures. Architects use it to determine the proportions of a building, including height, width, and the size and placement of windows and doors. By incorporating the golden ratio, architects can design structures that are both practical and visually pleasing, maintaining a sense of harmony and balance.

In design, the golden ratio finds application in various areas like web design, graphic design, and product design. Designers utilize it to figure out the proportions of elements within a design, such as typefaces, image and text placement, and the balance of empty space. By sticking to the golden ratio, designers can create visually appealing designs that effectively convey their intended message. This approach also enhances the chances of Google crawlers reading and indexing the content, potentially leading to a higher ranking on Google.

What are Characteristics of Golden Ratio?

Golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion or phi (Φ), has several key characteristics that make it unique and significant in mathematics and various fields of design:

  • Irrational Number: A golden ratio is an irrational number, meaning that it cannot be expressed as a simple fraction and its decimal representation goes on forever without repeating.
  • Proportion between two quantities: The golden ratio is defined as the proportion between two quantities, where the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller quantity is equal to the ratio of the sum of both quantities to the larger quantity.
  • Unique Value: The golden ratio has a unique value that cannot be derived from any other mathematical formula or equation. This value is approximately 1.618.
  • Found in Nature: The golden ratio can be found in various patterns and proportions in nature, such as in the growth patterns of plants and the arrangement of spirals in seashells.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The golden ratio has been found to have a strong aesthetic appeal and is often used in various forms of design, such as architecture, graphic design, and web design, to create visually pleasing compositions. Adherence to the golden ratio can lead to harmonious and balanced designs.
  • Reoccurring in Mathematics: The golden ratio appears in various mathematical concepts, such as the Fibonacci sequence, and has been found to play a role in geometry, trigonometry, and number theory.

Examples of Golden Ratio in Nature

Golden Ration: Definition, Examples and Facts (2)

Golden Ratio Examples

  • Proportions of the human face and body.
  • Branching patterns of trees and the shapes of their leaves.
  • Shapes of sea shells, hurricanes, and spiral galaxies.
  • Pattern of seed heads in sunflowers and the spacing of leaves on a stem.
  • Shapes of some fish, animals, and insects, such as the stripes of a tiger or the wings of a bee.

How Golden Ratio is Applied in Design?

The Golden Ratio can be applied in design to create aesthetically pleasing compositions and balance. Here are some ways it’s used in the design:

  • Layout design: The Golden Ratio can be used to determine the placement of elements on a page, such as text and images, to create a harmonious and balanced layout.
  • Typography: The ratio can be used to determine the size and spacing of the type, as well as the balance between different font weights and styles.
  • Logo design: The ratio can be used to create logos that are aesthetically pleasing and harmonious. For example, the proportion of the width to height of the logo can be based on the Golden Ratio.
  • Photography: The Golden Ratio can be used to determine the placement of subjects within a frame, to create more visually appealing compositions.
  • Web design: The ratio can be used in web design to create aesthetically pleasing and balanced page layouts, with the proper proportions of header, content, and footer sections.

Read: How is Golden Ratio used in Architecture and Arts?

What is Golden Rectangle?

In geometry, a golden rectangle is a special type of rectangle where the lengths of its sides follow the golden ratio. This rectangle has a unique self-similar pattern, and whenever you add or remove a square, the resulting shape remains a golden rectangle.

How to Construct a Golden Rectangle?

Create a golden rectangle in three steps:

Step 1: Start with a 1-unit square, draw a midpoint on one side, and connect it to a corner.

Golden Ration: Definition, Examples and Facts (3)

Construct a Golden Rectangle

Step 2: Use the midpoint as a center, draw an arc along the side using Pythagoras Theorem (√5/2 units).

Golden Ration: Definition, Examples and Facts (4)

Construct a Golden Rectangle

Step 3: Connect the arc’s intersection with the square’s side to form a golden rectangle with dimensions in the golden ratio, ϕ = 1.61803.”

Advantages of Golden Ratio

There are several advantages to using the Golden Ratio in design:

  • Aesthetics: Golden Ratio is believed to create aesthetically pleasing and harmonious compositions, which can help to engage the viewer and create a more positive response to the design.
  • Balance: By using the Golden Ratio, designers can create balanced compositions that are aesthetically pleasing and less likely to be visually overwhelming or chaotic.
  • Consistency: Golden Ratio can provide a consistent structure to designs, which can help to create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.
  • Versatility: Golden Ratio can be applied to a wide range of design elements, from the overall composition of a page or logo to the size and spacing of type, making it a useful tool for designers working in many different mediums.
  • Universality: Golden Ratio has been used throughout history and in many different cultures, making it a universally recognizable and accepted principle of design.

Disadvantages of Golden Ratio

Some of the Criticism of the Golden Ratio as design principles are mentioned below:

  • Lack of empirical evidence: Despite the popularity of the Golden Ratio as a design principle, there is a lack of empirical evidence to support its effectiveness as a design tool. Critics argue that there is no scientific evidence that the Golden Ratio is the ideal proportion for aesthetically pleasing designs.
  • Over-reliance: Some designers rely too heavily on the Golden Ratio, to the point that it becomes a crutch for creativity. The obsession with the ratio can stifle creativity and lead to formulaic designs that lack originality.
  • Unnatural proportions: The Golden Ratio is based on mathematical principles, but some critics argue that it doesn’t always result in natural-looking proportions. The ratio is not always applicable to every design scenario and can result in unnatural, unbalanced designs.
  • Cultural bias: The Golden Ratio has been used as a design principle for centuries in Western cultures. However, it may not be applicable to other cultures with different aesthetic values and design traditions.
  • Misapplication: The Golden Ratio is often misapplied by designers who do not understand the concept deeply. The ratio can be distorted and misused.

Other Aspects of Golden Ratio

Various other aspects of golden ratio includes,

Golden Ratio Face

Defines ideal facial proportions believed to be aesthetically pleasing. Used in cosmetic surgery and beauty analysis to achieve symmetry.

Golden Ratio Face Calculator: Determines facial beauty based on golden ratio proportions. Analyzes facial features to provide a “beauty score.”

Golden Ratio Calculator

Online tool to calculate the golden ratio of given measurements.. Useful for design, art, and analyzing natural phenomena.

Golden Ratio Symbol

Represented by Greek letter Phi (Φ). Symbolizes the mathematical ratio of 1.618:1

Golden Ratio in Nature

Visible in the spiral of shells, branching of trees, and flower petals. Demonstrates efficiency and beauty in natural growth patterns.

Golden Ratio Formula: Expressed mathematically as (1 + √(5)) / 2. Approximately equals 1.6180339887.

Golden Ratio Examples

Some examples of Golden Ratio includes,

  • Parthenon in Athens
  • Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man.”
  • Sunflower seed arrangements and nautilus shells.


Golden Ratio is a highly debated design principle that has both its supporters and detractors. While some argue that it is an effective tool for creating aesthetically pleasing designs, others criticize it for its lack of empirical evidence and potential for misapplication. Whether or not the Golden Ratio should be used as a design principle ultimately depends on the designer’s individual perspective and aesthetic goals. Regardless, it is important for designers to have a thorough understanding of the concept and not rely solely on the ratio in their designs. By incorporating a variety of design principles and techniques, designers can create unique, well-balanced designs that meet their specific design needs.

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Golden Ratio Face – FAQs

What is the golden ratio and why is it important?

Golden ratio is a mathematical ratio of 1.618:1, often found in nature, art, and architecture, known for its aesthetically pleasing proportions.

How do you calculate the golden ratio?

Golden ratio is calculated using the formula (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, approximately equal to 1.618.

Can the golden ratio be seen in nature?

Yes, the golden ratio can be observed in the arrangement of branches along the stems of plants, the veins of leaves, the spiral of shells, and the structure of various natural patterns.

How is the golden ratio used in face beauty analysis?

Golden ratio is used to measure the symmetry and proportion of facial features, often considered in cosmetic surgery and beauty analysis.

What are some examples of the golden ratio in art and architecture?

Examples include the Parthenon in Athens, Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man,” and Salvador Dalí’s “The Sacrament of the Last Supper.”

What exactly is the Golden Ratio?

Golden Ratio, often denoted by the Greek letter phi (Φ), is a mathematical ratio of approximately 1.618:1, believed to be aesthetically pleasing and frequently found in nature, art, and architecture.

How is the Golden Ratio calculated?

Golden Ratio is calculated using the formula: (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2. This irrational number is approximately equal to 1.618033988749895.

Where can the Golden Ratio be observed in nature?

Golden Ratio can be seen in the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the branching of trees, the spiral of shells, and the distribution of seeds in a sunflower.

Why is the Golden Ratio considered important in art and architecture?

It’s believed to produce dimensions and layouts that are inherently beautiful. Famous artworks and architectural structures, like the Parthenon and Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man,” incorporate the Golden Ratio.

Can the Golden Ratio improve design and photography?

Yes, by applying the Golden Ratio, designers and photographers can create compositions that are naturally appealing to the eye, enhancing balance and harmony in their works.

How does the Golden Ratio relate to the Fibonacci sequence?

The ratios of successive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence approximate the Golden Ratio as they increase. This link further connects the Golden Ratio to natural patterns and growth sequences.

Are there tools to calculate or apply the Golden Ratio in projects?

Yes, there are online calculators, software plugins, and design templates specifically created to help apply the Golden Ratio to various projects, from graphic design to architecture.

What are some practical applications of the Golden Ratio in everyday life?

Beyond art and design, the Golden Ratio is used in financial markets (technical analysis), product design, and even in determining aesthetically pleasing proportions in dental and cosmetic surgery.

Has the significance of the Golden Ratio changed over time?

While its mathematical properties remain constant, the interpretation and application of the Golden Ratio have evolved, reflecting changes in aesthetic preferences and scientific understanding.

Are there any controversies or myths associated with the Golden Ratio?

Yes, some claims about the Golden Ratio’s universal beauty and omnipresence in nature are considered exaggerated or mythological. Critics argue that its significance is sometimes overstated in popular culture and design.



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Golden Ration: Definition, Examples and Facts (2024)


What is the golden ratio easily explained? ›

The golden ratio, also known as the golden number, golden proportion, or the divine proportion, is a ratio between two numbers that equals approximately 1.618. Usually written as the Greek letter phi, it is strongly associated with the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers wherein each number is added to the last.

What are some interesting facts about the golden ratio? ›

What are interesting facts about the golden ratio? - Quora. The Golden ratio(1.618…..) is an unique number in mathematics and it's appearance can be found through out nature: face, body, flower petals, animals, fibonacci series, shell, galaxies, arts, architecture etc.

What is the golden ratio answers? ›

As ϕ is the ratio between two positive quantities, the value of ϕ should be the positive one. Hence, the value of golden ratio ϕ is approximately equal 1.618. Interesting Facts: Golden ratio is a special number and is approximately equal to 1.618.

How to use golden ratio in real life? ›

Faces, both human and nonhuman, abound with examples of the Golden Ratio. The mouth and nose are each positioned at golden sections of the distance between the eyes and the bottom of the chin. Similar proportions can been seen from the side, and even the eye and ear itself (which follows along a spiral).

What is the golden ratio of God? ›

This ratio - 1.618 - is an approximation of its true value of [1+√5)/2]. This ratio has served mankind in three ways: it provides beauty, function, and reveals how wise, good, and powerful the Creator is.

What is the most perfect golden ratio? ›

The Golden Ratio is 1: 1.618, and the full equation states that when a line is divided into two parts in a ratio of 1: 1.618, it creates the ideal proportion.

What did Fibonacci say about the golden ratio? ›

The Golden Ratio is a relationship between two numbers that are next to each other in the Fibonacci sequence. When you divide the larger one by the smaller one, the answer is something close to Phi. The further you go along the Fibonacci Sequence, the closer the answers get to Phi.

What is the golden ratio in the human body? ›

It has been suggested that the ideal human figure has its navel at the golden ratio ( , about 1.618), dividing the body in the ratio of 0.618 to 0.382 (soles of feet to navel:navel to top of head) ( 1⁄ is. -1, about 0.618) and Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man is cited as evidence.

Why golden ratio is important in our life? ›

“The golden ratio is all about blank space and its relation to the 'pay attention' space,” says Berndt. “There's only so much that people can take visually. This is a guiding principle to help you understand the limits of human attention so you can create something that is aesthetically pleasing.”

What is the famous golden ratio? ›

The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, is a special number (equal to about 1.618) that appears many times in geometry, art, an architecture.

Why is the golden ratio so beautiful? ›

Others think that we tend to perceive a face more aesthetically appealing when it features the Golden Ratio because the human eye can process it faster and that causes our brain to feel 'pleased'. The Golden Ratio is not just observed in humans, but it is actually used in architecture and art work as well.

What is the golden ratio simply explained? ›

What Is the Golden Ratio? The golden ratio or golden mean, represented by the Greek letter phi (ϕ), is an irrational number that approximately equals 1.618. The golden ratio results when the ratio of two numbers is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two numbers.

What best describes the golden ratio? ›

Putting it as simply as we can (eek!), the Golden Ratio (also known as the Golden Section, Golden Mean, Divine Proportion or Greek letter Phi) exists when a line is divided into two parts and the longer part (a) divided by the smaller part (b) is equal to the sum of (a) + (b) divided by (a), which both equal 1.618.

How to solve golden ratio examples? ›

You take a line and divide it into two parts – a long part (a) and a short part (b). The entire length (a + b) divided by (a) is equal to (a) divided by (b). And both of those numbers equal 1.618. So, (a + b) divided by (a) equals 1.618, and (a) divided by (b) also equals 1.618.

What is a real life example of a ratio? ›

Recipes are a good of examples of using ratios in real life. For the lemonade, 1 cup sugar to 5 cups water so if I had 2 cups of sugar I would need 10 cups of water. The ratio here is 2 jars to 5 dollars or 2:5.

What is an example of the golden ratio in the human body? ›

Golden Ratio and the Human Body

Your navel is positioned such that the ratio of the short half to the long half equals the golden ratio. Similarly, your forearm and hand form the ratio, i.e., 1.618, the golden ratio. ratio with the distance between the eyes and the bottom of the chin.

How do I calculate my golden ratio? ›

The Golden Ratio can be calculated proportionally, using joined line segments AB and BC that obey the Golden Ratio with AB being the shorter segment. The Golden Ratio is given by the proportion AB/BC = BC/AC. The Golden Ratio may also be expressed in terms of itself, as the formula phi = 1 + 1/phi.

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