How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (2024)

Last updated on Jan 23, 2024

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What is the golden ratio?


How to use the golden ratio in photography?


What are the benefits of the golden ratio?


How to find the golden ratio tools?


How to avoid the pitfalls of the golden ratio?


Here’s what else to consider

If you want to take your photography to the next level, you might want to learn about the golden ratio. The golden ratio is a mathematical proportion that has been used by artists and designers for centuries to create harmonious and balanced compositions. In this article, you will discover what the golden ratio is, how to apply it to your photography, and what benefits it can bring to your images.

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  • Emiral Roamer Visual arts consultant and director of the private studio works (by the historian of visual arts, PHD/PROF Hassan…

    How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (3) 4

  • Dainius Ščiuka / Ščiuka Studio

    How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (5) How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (6) 3

  • Agustín Amate Bonachera (Ph.D.) Global Educator | Advertising Photographer | Consultant in Creativity, Branding Visual Marketing | Author | Speaker |…

    How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (8) How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (9) 3

How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (10) How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (11) How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (12)

1 What is the golden ratio?

The golden ratio is a ratio of approximately 1.618:1, which means that the larger part of a whole is about 1.618 times bigger than the smaller part. The golden ratio can be found in nature, such as in the spiral of a shell or the arrangement of petals in a flower. It can also be represented by a geometric shape called the golden rectangle, which is a rectangle that can be divided into a square and a smaller rectangle with the same proportion.

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  • Emiral Roamer Visual arts consultant and director of the private studio works (by the historian of visual arts, PHD/PROF Hassan Tafesh).
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    Due to my work as a visual arts consultant and I love photography, I will provide twelve pieces of advice extracted from my personal and professional experience, which I will present separately.1 / Understand Your Equipment: Know your camera inside out. Understand its settings, modes, and capabilities.Learn about aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and how they affect each other.2 / Master Composition:Study and practice the rule of thirds, leading lines, framing, and other composition techniques.Experiment with different perspectives and angles.3 / Learn to use natural light to your advantage. The quality and direction of light impact your photos.Experiment with different lighting conditions, such as golden hour and blue hour.


    How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (21) 4

  • Dainius Ščiuka / Ščiuka Studio
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    The golden ratio, from my perspective, is all about achieving visual balance in photography. To harness its potential, I'd suggest first mastering the rule of thirds, a fundamental principle in composition.Once you're comfortable with the rule of thirds, start actively seeking out instances of the golden ratio in your daily life, whether it's in nature, art, or photography. As I've learned through my own experiences, it's essential to begin by identifying any potential distractions while looking through the shot. After addressing these distractions, focus on refining the composition, where the golden ratio proves to be a highly effective tool for creating visually captivating and well-balanced photographs.


    How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (30) How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (31) 3

  • Dóra Réti 🏗️📷 Industrial photography specialist|Photoartist|Photojournalist|Professional photographer
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    Applying the golden ratio creates harmony in the image. It is one of the most widespread and highly usable rules in image composition, extensively used in both painting and sculpture. Its practical application is much simpler than the theory.The golden ratio falls vertically or horizontally between the midline and the line of thirds. It is that simple.In practical terms, this often means that the point of interest or the main subject of the photo is placed off-center, creating a visually appealing and balanced composition.

  • Stefan Lubomirski de Vaux (lubo) Recently retired photographer now living in Portugal.
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    The Golden ratio just makes pictures look good, balanced and emphasising the key elements of the picture. The human eye is set up to scan the environment for danger and beauty and responds well to things interacting with golden ratio features.


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2 How to use the golden ratio in photography?

There are several ways to use the golden ratio in photography, depending on your subject and style. One of the most common methods is to use the golden spiral, which is a curve that follows the golden ratio and guides the eye to the focal point of the image. You can use the golden spiral to position your main subject, create a dynamic movement, or emphasize a perspective. Another method is to use the golden sections, which are lines that divide the frame into nine equal parts, similar to the rule of thirds. You can use the golden sections to align your elements, create balance, or add interest.

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  • Dóra Réti 🏗️📷 Industrial photography specialist|Photoartist|Photojournalist|Professional photographer
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    The golden ratio occurs when a line is divided into two parts in such a way that the ratio of the whole line to the longer segment is the same as the ratio of the longer segment to the shorter segment. In practical terms, this often means that the point of interest or the main subject of the photo is placed off-center, creating a visually appealing and balanced composition.


    How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (59) 2

  • Jean-François RENAULD Tech Lead sénior fullstack, +20 ans d'expérience (CTO / Lead), vulgarisateur émérite, expert en écoute attentive, photographe et grand rêveur, mais pas que...
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    L'utilisation du nombre d'or en photographie fait parti des base de la composition. Ne pas centrer son sujet, ne pas le décaler de trop, le placer juste au centre de cette spirale représentée par le nombre d'or.Une fois que vous savez cela, le mieux est de tester, de retester et de trouver votre "nombre d'or", la composition qui vous donnera la petite larme à l’œil et qui fera de votre photo une photo mémorable. Une bonne photo n'a jamais été celle qui respecte les règles imposées.



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3 What are the benefits of the golden ratio?

Using the golden ratio in your photography can have several benefits, such as improving your composition and aesthetics, enhancing your storytelling and mood, and developing your creativity and style. The golden ratio can help you create images that follow a natural and harmonious proportion, as well as convey a message or an emotion. Additionally, it can offer you a flexible and versatile framework for experimenting with different angles, shapes, and patterns.

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  • Shoandeep R. Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (Honours) in Artificial Intelligence || Ex- Fibre GTM Intern @ Maxis || Maxis Tech Scholar || Student Ambassador || Monash University
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    For me personally, what I found is that the golden ratio typically is the trail our eyes examine the photo. for most people if you notice the way we look at the photo is either left to right or following the golden ratio where we focus at a set point and expand from there. By following the golden ratio, you allow your audience to ease into the sights and take it in easier. Not only that but it allows you to make sure that whatever you plan to highlight is seen and that nothing gets too distracting or messyIn short, there is a reason why the golden ratio is integrated in nature and is a key composition tool so use it wisely!


    How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (77) 2

  • Dóra Réti 🏗️📷 Industrial photography specialist|Photoartist|Photojournalist|Professional photographer
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    A golden ratio creates harmony. However, it's important to know that a picture becomes aesthetic, expressive, and appealing when we apply composition rules. By adhering to these rules, we can influence the message of the image, perfectly highlight what we want, and guide the viewer's eye toward the main subject.The most fundamental compositions include:CentralDiagonalRule of thirdsGolden ratioFeel free to combine these basic compositions with each other for a more dynamic and visually engaging result.


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4 How to find the golden ratio tools?

If you want to apply the golden ratio to your photography, you can use various tools to help visualize and measure it. Camera apps and software often have built-in features that allow you to overlay the golden spiral or the golden sections on your screen or viewfinder. Additionally, templates and grids that show you the golden ratio on a printed or digital image can also be found online or created by hand. Lastly, you can train your eyes and intuition to recognize and apply the golden ratio without any tools by studying examples of images that use it, practicing with different scenarios, and experimenting with your own preferences.

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  • Dóra Réti 🏗️📷 Industrial photography specialist|Photoartist|Photojournalist|Professional photographer
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    There are guide lines in the camera viewfinder or on the phone display in photo mode.Here we can choose whether to use the guide lines of the third section or the guide lines of the golden section.


    How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (95) 2

  • Charlotte Biancardi Boston University Alumni, Concert Photographer, Visual Design Intern
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    Now, how do I actually do this?✨Whether you are using your phone or a DSLR, there are in-device and post-production options. The vast majority of cameras can easily enable grid features that will remain visible while taking the photo. There are also apps you can download if that option appeals to you.In post, you can simply download golden spiral grids to further analyze your composition. You can overlay the PNG in Photoshop, Canva, or many other applications. With practice, you will train your eye to recreate the grid without fail. All in all, there are many options to get you started with improving your photography compositions!


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5 How to avoid the pitfalls of the golden ratio?

The golden ratio can be a useful and powerful tool for your photography, yet it has its drawbacks. For example, it can become too rigid and formulaic, limiting your creativity and expression. Additionally, the golden ratio should not be the only factor taken into consideration when composing a photo. You must also consider other elements, such as color, contrast, light, texture, balance, symmetry, and negative space. To get the best results from the golden ratio, use it as a reference or suggestion and combine it with other principles and techniques of photography.

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  • Dóra Réti 🏗️📷 Industrial photography specialist|Photoartist|Photojournalist|Professional photographer
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    When applying the golden ratio, the main subject is removed from the center line. This shift can be horizontal, vertical or both directions at the same time. The design of this layout is the subject of the image. So the intersection of the horizontal and vertical center lines is the geometric center of the image.


    How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (113) 2

  • Nelson Lu Computer Science Student at University of Wisconsin-Madison
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    Don’t get stuck thinking that just because something is “technically” correct, it’s good. In the end, they’re all just guidelines to help you compose the best picture while combining your own vision and creative freedom. Don’t be afraid to go against the “norm.”


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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    Better consider using dynamic symmetry and the root rectangles armature for more advanced compositional techniques in photography. These methods provide a framework for creating balanced and visually appealing images. Dynamic symmetry, based on natural growth patterns, allows for more fluid and organic compositions compared to the rigid structure of the golden ratio. Root rectangles offer varied proportional systems for different types of images. Also, explore the 15 design techniques related to these grids, such as arabesques, diagonals, and reciprocal relationships, to add complexity and depth to your compositions. These techniques can lead to more dynamic and engaging photographs, enhancing the visual storytelling aspect of your work.


    How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (131) How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (132) 3

  • Dóra Réti 🏗️📷 Industrial photography specialist|Photoartist|Photojournalist|Professional photographer
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    My favorites are the golden ratio, rule of thirds, and diagonal composition, and I often combine them. Most of my photos are edited this way, as it adds aesthetics and dynamism to the images.


    How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (141) 2

  • Himanshu Upadhyay B.TECH (CSAI) | Junior Child Scientist-2018 | Tech Enthusiast | C | JAVA | Artificial Intelligence | Photography |
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    The golden ratio, a mathematical concept seen in art and nature, enhances photography composition by providing balance and harmony. Placing key elements along the golden spiral or at ratio points guides the viewer's gaze and adds dynamic flow. It encourages off-center compositions, fostering visual interest. Whether in initial composition or post-processing, the golden ratio aids in framing and cropping decisions. Its proportions contribute to aesthetically pleasing relationships among elements, while emphasis on specific areas enhances storytelling within the photograph. Though not a strict rule, incorporating the golden ratio can elevate the visual appeal of your images.


Photography How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (150)


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How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? (2024)


How can the golden ratio improve your photography composition? ›

The golden ratio, a mathematical concept seen in art and nature, enhances photography composition by providing balance and harmony. Placing key elements along the golden spiral or at ratio points guides the viewer's gaze and adds dynamic flow. It encourages off-center compositions, fostering visual interest.

Why is the golden ratio important in photography? ›

In photography, the golden ratio can be used to create balanced and aesthetically pleasing compositions. This is achieved by dividing the frame into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, and placing the subject or key elements of the image at the intersection points of the lines.

What is the golden mean in photography composition? ›

Golden mean in photography is a composition rule that states that an object should be placed at the intersecting points of two imaginary lines drawn according to the golden ratio. This rule is said to produce more visually appealing results and has been used by artists for centuries.

How does golden ratio help us? ›

This is a guiding principle to help you understand the limits of human attention so you can create something that is aesthetically pleasing.” If you decide to use the golden ratio as a basis for your art or design, it can help your project look even, balanced, and aesthetically pleasing.

What is the composition of the golden ratio? ›

You can find the Golden Ratio when you divide a line into two parts and the longer part (a) divided by the smaller part (b) is equal to the sum of (a) + (b) divided by (a), which both equal 1.618. This formula can help you when creating shapes, logos, layouts, and more.

How does the golden ratio help us create visually pleasing artwork? ›

One of the key reasons why the golden ratio is considered significant in art is its alleged ability to create visually appealing compositions. The ratio is believed to create a sense of balance and harmony and is often associated with a feeling of naturalness or organic beauty.

How do you use golden ratio in portrait photography? ›

It can be used to divide the image frame into a series of smaller and smaller rectangles. A line is then curved from the outer corner of the first rectangle, through the corners of the second largest, through to the next and so on, until you have a spiral flowing through the whole image.

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Probably the most important use of gold photographically is for sensitising an emulsion, although the toning effect is most widely known. 1840, who proposed the use of gold chloride for toning daguerreotypes.

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In golden hour photography, the goal is to capture the rich, warm hues of the light without losing detail in the shadows or highlights. To do this, you may need to underexpose the overall image slightly to retain the color integrity of the sky and then use reflectors to illuminate your subject.

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You will learn: The Golden Ratio is about 1:1.6. The Rule of Thirds is a simple way to achieve balance and harmony in your photos. Place the horizon at the 2/3 or 1/3 line in your photo. Place focal points at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal grid line.

What is a good example of the golden ratio? ›

Faces, both human and nonhuman, abound with examples of the Golden Ratio. The mouth and nose are each positioned at golden sections of the distance between the eyes and the bottom of the chin. Similar proportions can been seen from the side, and even the eye and ear itself.

Why do people care about the golden ratio? ›

The golden ratio (GR) is an irrational number (close to 1.618) that repeatedly occurs in nature as well as in masterpieces of art. The GR has been considered a proportion perfectly representing beauty since ancient times, and it was investigated in several scientific fields, but with conflicting results.

Why is the golden ratio attractive? ›

Others think that we tend to perceive a face more aesthetically appealing when it features the Golden Ratio because the human eye can process it faster and that causes our brain to feel 'pleased'. The Golden Ratio is not just observed in humans, but it is actually used in architecture and art work as well.

Why is the golden mean important? ›

Cultivating virtues: Aristotle believed that by practicing and cultivating virtues, individuals could develop a virtuous character. The golden mean guides this process, enabling individuals to refine their behavior and achieve moral excellence.

What is the Golden Ratio body composition? ›

Vitruvius said that the upper body should be about 3.75 times the size of the lower body. This is close to the golden ratio of 1:1.6.

What is the basic expression for the Golden Ratio? ›

Thus, the following equation establishes the relationship for the calculation of golden ratio: ϕ = a/b = (a + b)/a = 1.61803398875... where a and b are the dimensions of two quantities and a is the larger among the two.

Why is the golden ratio so fascinating? ›

The golden ratio has the amazing property of being the most irrational number of them all. This means that not only is it not possible to represent it exactly as a fraction, it isn't even possible to approximate it easily by a fraction.

Why do artists like the golden ratio? ›

This mathematical formula is considered by some as a universal rule of beauty. With a proportion equal to x²=x+1, the golden ratio in art creates a balanced relationship that the mind's eye loves. More precisely, it is about obtaining a precise ratio between the different parts of a work, an image, or an object.

Why is golden ratio important in logos? ›

The golden ratio offers a clear framework for logo designers to proportion elements against each other: from the size of a symbol relative to the text, to the spacing between letters, and even to the layout of a tagline. The end result is a logo that feels well-composed, where every part has a place and purpose.

How to use the golden triangle in photography? ›

The Golden Triangle concept is a guideline for composing with scenes and subjects that have more of a diagonal shape. Placing the objects in the photographs along one of those lines or within one of the resulting triangles helps create a strong composition, even using objects that have a more diagonal shape to them.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.