How To Care For A 5 Week Old Kitten. Everything You Should Know - All About Cats (2024)

In nurturing a 5 week old kitten, you don’t need to know anything about taking care of a cat beforehand, you can quickly learn everything you need to know on the go.

It is normal to make a lot of mistakes as a new cat’s parent in your first few days. it is synonymous for most new cat parents to make various mistakes, from feeding to bathing.

There’s a lot to learn about your 5 week old kitty that will make you love her more as your bonding process begins to set in. This may be a hard experience for a first-timer, all you require is patience.

This fun article has been made easy to read; so you can get all the valuable information you need concerning the maintenance, general care, and feeding of your kitten.

Table of Contents

  • What To Feed A Five Week Old Kitten?
    • Formula
    • Solid Food: Wet or Dry
    • Is Wet or Dry Food Better For Your 5 week Old kitten?
  • How Much Wet Food Should A 5 Week Old Kitten Eat?
  • 5 Week Old Kitten Potty/Litter Box Training
  • How to Give Your 5 Week old kitten a Flea Treatment Bath
    • Brushing/ Grooming
    • Bathing
  • Play safely with your kitten
  • 5 Week Old Kitten won’t Poop
    • Ensure to take her to the vet if she has any of the following
  • Final Thoughts

What To Feed A Five Week Old Kitten?

At this early stage, you should prioritize feeding your 5 week old kitty a quality diet. It’s worth it to spend a few extra cents on quality food. The quality of food will keep your kitten healthier, and as they grow, you’ll realize how great a choice you have made.

At five weeks, your kitty wouldn’t require much nursing on a frequent basis. Cat mothers in the wild will start discouraging their kittens from sucking milk. You should do the same.

Your cat should be allowed to bottle feed, during the period of weaning, although at lengthening intervals as the hunger of the kitty is satisfied increasingly with more solid food.

weaned kittens need about five meals daily, in sufficient quantities. These meals can be eaten within a short period of time.

You will need to start reducing the frequency in the way you feed your kitten so that when your kitten attains maturity they are used to a fewer meals daily.


At five weeks old, your kitten should already be getting the orientation of solid foods. Introduce solid meals gradually while maintaining 5 to 7 bottle feedings per day to ensure she gets her 128 cc of formula a day.

Age(weeks)Body weight (ounce)Total Formula/Day (cc)Number of Feedings A Day

An active 5 week old kitten, should use a formula that is a close replica of her mum’s milk. The formula should have 45% of protein, 25% of Carbohydrates, 25% of fat, and 5% of ash content.

The ideal ratio of calcium to phosphorus is 1.2:1, to determine if it is a concentrated meal, the density should be about 5.

You shave to stop bottle feeding your kitten before your kitten decides to stop on her own accord. Ensure you never overfeed the kitten as this can lead to bloating, you have to stick to a schedule when feeding her. You should give just the right quantity of food that will enlarge her abdomen slightly without bloating it.

To wean your kitten off her bottle, you should give her the formula in a bowl, this will aid the kitten to become more accustomed to her future way of feeding.

Solid Food: Wet or Dry

If you are feeding her right a 5 weeks old kitten should weigh around 16 ounces. Including solid food in her diet will give her an upper hand in maintaining and achieving a healthy weight.

Adding oats and cereal (which are high dry protein cereals) to the formula will help specifically in the kitten’s growth.

For fast growth, you should target foods that comprise higher quantities of proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins.

Is Wet or Dry Food Better For Your 5 week Old kitten?

The weaning process will see your cat having a low desire for eating. Irrespective of this, she still needs energy anyways. Having this in mind, the debate about the most suitable food is dependent on a lot of factors.

For a kitten in the weaning process, the best food you can provide her is wet food. The wet food consists of soft mousses that will aid a seamless transition from formula-based feeding to solid food.

The best-wet food brands usually include antioxidant complex to equip the growing kitten’s immune system.

See to it that, any wet food you purchase has a macronutrient profile. The balance between carbs, proteins, and fats is what you get from a macronutrient profile.

In general, dry foods are good for your 5 week old kitten. The downside is the high carbohydrate contents, which are usually hard for kittens to digest.

Besides the high carb content, dry food contains a higher amount of plant protein than animal proteins. Fluids are necessary for kittens, dry foods have low fluid(water) content. Dry foods are also known to have limited nutritional value. For someone who has owned pets for years, I make my cat and dogs food and treats myself, to ensure they get what they need.

How Much Wet Food Should A 5 Week Old Kitten Eat?

Like I have just analyzed with formula feeding. It is a bad move to overfeed your 5 week old kitten. The following table will provide you with the best suggestions.

Age (weeks)Weight (pounds)Suggested Daily Intake (grams)
40.8 to 1.725 to 40
4 to 81.8 to 3.040 to 50
8 to 123.1 to 4.050 to 55
12 to 164.1 to 5.055 to 60
16 to 205.1 to 6.060 to 70

5 Week Old Kitten Potty/Litter Box Training

One of the important things to note is potty training for your 5 week old kitten. As young as 3 weeks old, you should have already started to train your kitten on how to use a litter box.

If it’s your first time being in charge of a 5 week old kitten, there are a few things you have to make yourself familiar with, about the litter box.

The basics

  • kittens love a litter box that is neat
  • For your kitten, The litter box size matters. The measurement you could use is getting a litter box 3 times the size of your kitten from tail to nose.
  • In choosing a location for the litter box, you have to choose the least busy place in the house. This will make the cat not feel too exposed.
  • Cats hate to share a litter box, if you have more than one kitten, ensure you get different litter boxes for each.
  • To make it easier for your 5 week old kitten to get in and out of its litter box, ensure the litter box has low sides.
  • Since most 5 week old kittens will ingest a clumping litter which can cause intestinal blockage, we advise you use the non-clumping litter.

Steps to Follow When Training a 5 week old Kitten To Use the litter box

  • When litter box training becomes a problem, use treats, and reward your kitten when she eliminates in the right spot.
  • A regular feeding schedule equals a regular potty outline. Structure out times when you need to feed your kitten.
  • Your kitten will usually sleep a lot, ensure to wake your kitten every two hours and take her to her litter box, encourage her to take the honor and get into the litter box herself.
  • It is bad for your to punish your kitten for her accidents. Instead of punishing her, get white vinegar and wipe off the smell and any trace of the poop.
  • Give your kitten a great impression that her litter box is a neat place, by making the litter box neat always; scoop away all mess from the box. This will make her get comfortable with using the box.

How to Give Your 5 Week old kitten a Flea Treatment Bath

For a kitten that has been indoors from birth, she may not need quick successive baths. However, a rescued 5 week kitty will require lots of baths.

A rescued kitten will need lots of grooming, brushing, and bathing to free her from all fleas and dirts. This is a valuable not for a five week old kitten care.

Brushing/ Grooming

A brush and combs are handy when considering the care of pets. You can get combs that have coarse, medium, or fine teeth, depending on the one needed for your kitty’s fur.

For longhaired kittens, the ideal combs to use are coarse or medium combs, while shorthaired kittens should use medium to fine teeth combs.

Shorthaired kittens will do just fine if you brush their hair with brush gloves in their frequent grooming sessions. These gloves are great for removing mats and loose hairs, as it has inert rubber nubs in the palm.

Not only will the glove help stimulate a shiny and healthy coat, but your kitten will also love it since it’ll give her a feeling that you are petting her.


For your five week old kitten, there are two types of bath you can give her: full and spot.

  • spot bath

This is when you use a neat linen cloth soaked in water to clean dirty spots on your kitten’s body. While you carry out this task, be sure not to touch the kitten’s mouth, eyes, ears, and nose.

  • Full bath

For a Flea treating bath, we recommend you don’t use chemical treatments, since the kitten’s body is still small and susceptible to possible chemical accidents.

Instead, you will require a different method of removing the fleas without using chemicals that can cause damage. What do you need r this alternative method? A clean towel, warm water, a washcloth, and the Best kitten flea control shampoo.

Here are a few steps you can follow

  • Step 1: Create a ring of soap/shampoo around her neck to prevent the fleas from going towards the head
  • Step 2: Hold her gently and securely while you wet (warm water) and shampoo her body from the neck and towards the tail.
  • Step 3: Use your palm or a washcloth to get rid of the fleas and dirt from the fur.
  • Step 4: Then go ahead and rinse her. Make sure the water is comfortably warm.
  • Step 5: Dry her coat immediately with a clean towel to keep her warm. It is normally difficult for your kitten to regulate her body temperature.
  • Step 6: Use cotton rounds to spot bath her head while avoiding sensitive parts, such as the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

Play safely with your kitten

5 week old kittens care can be fun when you’re watching them being kittens. They are usually very vibrant, trying to investigate new things, which is the fun part of having them around.

Teasing her with your feet and hand will only teach her that your hand and feet are toys she should play with. You should avoid teasing her with your hands or legs.

There are 3 modes of laying that you can teach your 5-week-old kitten. social, predatory, and locomotive.

  • Social

This mode of play, as the name implies, is a way of getting your kitten to socialize with other pets ad people in the house. You can also provide toys she could play with, the general idea of this method is to socialize your cat to be able to lay with other people other than you. If you have other pets in the house, this is an important play as it’ll help your cat get along with dogs.

  • Predatory

The predatory play is basically the cat chasing, grabbing bouncing, and throwing things up in the air for your cat to leap and try catching.

  • Locomotive

This is almost like the predatory, since the motion associated with this mode are climbing, running, leaving, and finding places they can run into and out of very quickly, like a bag or a box.

5 Week Old Kitten won’t Poop

Some health issues that may arise for your 5 week old kitten can be handled at home. More severe symptoms you find alarming should be directed to your vet.

A kitten in the weaning process will require you to stimulate her after each meal, while a rescued 5 week old kitty may need you to aid them in defecating.

For you to stimulate her, get some warm water, cotton squares, and paper towels. Don’t forget to come along with a container where they could eliminate the waste.

After she has eaten, you will want to hold your kitten in any palm you find comfortable, ensure her tummy is in your laying on your palm. Using the other arm, soak the cotton square in warm water and then stimulate her urethra and anus area in a circular motion.

To Effectively catch her urine which usually comes first, you may want to lace her on a litter box, while you continue stimulating her to pass the feaces.

Be as patient as possible for her to defecate. Usually, a 5 week old kitten will defecate every 24 – 36 hours. The stool should be consistent, and brownish-yellow.

She will strain after elimination if she is having diarrhea. To ensure she isn’t going to be having retinal prolapse as a result of excess straining, see your doctor.

Ensure to take her to the vet if she has any of the following

  • Green diarrhea or loose stool
  • constipation
  • warms
  • fever

Final Thoughts

We have provided you with 5 week old kitten care, but don’t limit your knowledge to our guide. You should speak with your vet and other cat owners as this will broaden your knowledge further

Vaccination is required from the age of 6 weeks. It is best you understand that your Efforts may take longer than expected to become evident in your cat. They may still mess outside the libber box up. Instead of punishing her, patiently show her what’s right and reinforce her when she does the right thing, with a treat.


How To Care For A 5 Week Old Kitten

How To Care For A 5 Week Old Kitten. Everything You Should Know - All About Cats (2024)


How To Care For A 5 Week Old Kitten. Everything You Should Know - All About Cats? ›

Five-week-old kittens will be running and playing confidently. They will be developing social skills with humans and other animals. Their grooming skills will be improving. They will have perfected their use of the litter box by this age.

What should kittens be doing at 5 weeks old? ›

Five-week-old kittens will be running and playing confidently. They will be developing social skills with humans and other animals. Their grooming skills will be improving. They will have perfected their use of the litter box by this age.

Can kittens survive on their own at 5 weeks? ›

Kittens 5 weeks and older should already be eating on their own and no longer require mom's milk or formula to survive. Older kittens are prime candidates for fostering. Socializing the kittens prepares them to live happily in a new home.

How to care for a stray 5 week old kitten? ›

Housing Kittens

Make sure you include a small litter box and food and water. Place something in the carrier or room that will help keep the kittens warm, like a blanket or stuffed animals. Just remember kittens are messy so don't use anything that you don't want ruined.

What happens if you take a 5 week old kitten from its mother? ›

So kittens taken away from their mothers too soon may become timid, shy, and fearful of other animals—including humans. Fearful kittens will often run away when approached by someone they don't know. Interaction with humans before they're 10 to 12 weeks old is ideal for kittens to learn not to be fearful.

Will 5 week old kittens drink water? ›

4 – 5 Weeks of Age

Feeding: They can usually drink and eat gruel from a shallow dish by 4 weeks. Weaning should be done gradually; bottle feeding should be continued twice a day while they are learning to eat solid foods. Introduce dry food and water.

Can 5 week old kittens use a litter box? ›

Once the kitten has reached 3 weeks, it's appropriate to introduce them to the litter box. Every kitten develops at a different pace, so be patient with the kitten and continue stimulating until you're confident she is using the litter box with regularity.

How much wet food should a 5 week old kitten eat? ›

Kittens should now be weaned and eating wet food mixed with baby cat kibble. Provide them with kibble and a dish of water at all times. In addition, feed the kittens half a small can of wet food per kitten in a dish, two or three times a day. If needed, supplement with kitten formula.

How long can a 5 week old kitten be left alone? ›

Kittens need to be fed more frequently than adult cats do, and they require playtime and socialization. A good rule of thumb is that a kitten under six months of age should not be left alone for more than three to four hours per day.

Can 5 week old kittens survive without the mother? ›

Once the kittens are “weaned” (eating on their own - typically no earlier than 4 weeks), the kittens can be safely separated from the mother. You can then begin the socialization process in your home or bring them to our shelter so they can fostered until they are at least two pounds.

How do you bond with a 5 week old kitten? ›

Here are 6 surefire ways s to help you build a strong, genuine bond with your kitten:
  • Develop social abilities early. ...
  • Feed your kitten regularly. ...
  • Schedule regular playtime. ...
  • Let kittens nap near you. ...
  • Talk to your kitten. ...
  • Groom your kitten.
Apr 3, 2024

How do you entertain a 5 week old kitten? ›

Follow these tips to keep playtime fun:
  1. Play with your kitten at least two to three times a day (ideally for 15 minutes at a time) using interactive toys. ...
  2. Make sure your kitten has various toys to play with. ...
  3. Kittens love to explore new objects.

How can I tell how old a kitten I found is? ›

How to Determine a Kitten's Age
  1. Under 1 week (3 to 8 ounces): Kittens' eyes are shut, their ears are folded down, and they can't yet walk. ...
  2. 1-2 weeks (8 to 11 ounces): Their little blue eyes start to open and focus. ...
  3. 3 weeks (7.5 to 14.5 ounces): Kittens' eyes and ears are fully open, and they are standing up.

Where should 5 week old kittens sleep? ›

Although cats can sleep all over your house, sometimes in unexpected places, having a dedicated bed for your kitten is a must. How much your kitten sleeps at night is likely to increase with a snuggly bed that has high sides, or even a dome-shaped 'cave bed' that makes kittens feel safe from predators.

Where to keep 5 week old kittens? ›

Ideally, kitten rooms should be kept around 85 F or 29 C but that it isn't always practical. A kitten over 6 weeks of age only needs the availability of a warm, cozy spot. Since kittens under four weeks of age do not have the ability to thermoregulate, we must help them maintain body warmth.

Can kittens be rehomed at 5 weeks? ›

Homeless kittens should be taken from their mother between the ages of 4-8 weeks (5-6 weeks is ideal).

Should 5 week old kittens still be nursing? ›

A kitten 0-5 weeks old should be nursing or bottle feeding. Around 5 weeks of age, the kitten's premolars will begin to emerge, indicating that she is likely ready to start trying out some meaty foods. However, some kittens may need a bit more time on the bottle due to health issues, or differences in weight or size.

Do 5 week old kittens need to be stimulated? ›

Kittens need to be stimulated until about 3 weeks of age. Kittens should be stimulated before and after each feeding. Kitten should urinate every time and defecate at least once daily.

How often do 5 week old kittens poop? ›

While a kitten should pee every few hours, they may pass stool anywhere from 1 to 6 times a day, depending on the kitten's age, care, and GI health. Sometimes, a kitten may even go 24 hours without pooping. If this happens, don't panic—but do keep an eye on them and focus on trying to help them go potty.

How long should a 5 week old kitten go between feeds? ›

Feeding chart for kittens under six weeks old
Age0-1 week4-5 weeks
Amount2-6 ml18-22 ml
TimingEvery 2 hoursEvery 5-6 hours
Dec 19, 2022

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