How to Write a Song: A Simple Step-by-Step for Beginner Songwriters (2024)

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How to Write a Song: A Simple Step-by-Step for Beginner Songwriters (1)

Author: Tom Stein

Expert Sources: LP

Last updated: May 31, 2022

Reads: 205,018

Tom Stein is a Senior Professor at Berklee College of Music in Boston. He is a visionary musical entrepreneur, music producer, artist development consultant, arranger, bandleader and performer. Tom is the author of The Business of Music Management: How To Survive and Thrive in Today’s Music Industry, and a member of the US State Department's Fulbright Specialist Roster for global entertainment and music industry.

  1. Introduction
  2. Where to Start
  3. Step-by-Step Guide
    1. Choose a title or decide on your song topic
    2. Write a hook/chorus on your main instrument
    3. Choose a song structure
    4. Write the verses
    5. Write a bridge (if you want one) and consider modulating, or a breakdown
    6. Write lyrics
    7. Record a demo version
    8. Add other instruments (if needed)
    9. Listen back and improve on anything that’s not working
  4. Songwriting Action Steps to Spur Creativity and Results
  5. Songwriting Books and Learning Resources
    1. Books
    2. Software
  6. FAQ
  7. Sources
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People also ask

  1. What are the 4 steps to writing a song?
  2. How can I make a song at home?
  3. Is writing a song hard?
  4. How do you write your first song ever?
  5. What makes good songwriting?
  6. Can anyone write a song?

There are as many ways to write a song as there are Songwriters.

Whether you’re just starting out, or have written many songs already, it’s worth taking a close look at your songwriting process to see if there are ways to improve or to better organize your work. In this post, we’ll examine the ways Songwriters go about the business of writing a song, and offer a step-by-step process you can use to write your own songs. I’ll also offer some action steps you can use to further your songwriting skills and some useful learning resources for Songwriters.

Many Songwriters claim the talent to write songs is a special gift, which you either have or you don’t. It may be true that at least some talent is required, but it’s also certainly true that the art and craft of songwriting can be taught and learned.

The fact that there are college degrees offered in songwriting is proof of this. Studying songwriting could be an opportunity to develop and refine your natural gift in order to make the most of the talent and ability you have.

Here’s our simple step-by-step for how to write a song:

  • Choose a title or decide on your song topic
  • Write a hook/chorus on your main instrument
  • Choose a song structure
  • Write the verses
  • Write a bridge (if you want one) and consider modulating, or a breakdown
  • Write lyrics
  • Record a demo version
  • Add other instruments (if needed)
  • Listen back and improve on anything that’s not working

Where to Start

Making a song is like a project, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Where to start is the first important decision you’ll face.

Some artists start with a title, a lyric, or a topic, while others might play around with a chord progression, a melody, and a rhythmic feel or tempo. There really isn’t any right or wrong way to go about it. It comes down to what works best for you. You don’t have to always use the same approach either; you can try different approaches for different songs.

It’s important to write on a regular basis so you can develop your skills and a body of work. Understand that you will have to write many songs to end up with a few good ones. Most professional Songwriters have catalogues with hundreds of songs, and that doesn’t happen overnight. If you’ve decided you are a Songwriter, you’d best get to work writing songs.

It’s easy to say “just start.” But where? Try putting yourself in a personal space where the inspiration is likely to hit you. For example, if you like to be in nature, or by the seashore, or in a big city, you could have an idea for a song come to you seemingly out of nowhere. Be attuned to these moments, and be sure to carry a little songwriting notebook with you where you can jot down any ideas that come to you.

Many accomplished Songwriters say they do this. It could be some words, a phrase, a title, a melody, or chords. Just write it down so you can return to it later.

What makes good songwriting?


I think, truth, I think resonance of a lyric with a melody. Sometimes you just can’t believe how perfectly a lyric fits the melody. It makes you feel exactly what that lyric is saying. That to me is always like “wow, I can’t believe it.” Everything is just putting me in that spot that wants to feel. That’s why people fall in love with music, with different songs and different artists because it’s something that resonates with you and is on a frequency that your heart recognizes somehow.

How do you write your first song ever?

Whether you are writing for the first time or have written a few songs, it’s a good idea to investigate some of the common techniques used by Songwriters everywhere. There are excellent sources for this, ranging from books about music and articles, to blogs (like this one), YouTube videos, interviews with artists, and even liner notes on albums. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Do some homework to get yourself prepared. Of course, if you play an instrument or sing (voice is considered an instrument) you will have some advantage, and the more familiar you are with the style of music you want to write in, the better.

Familiarity can come from repeated and prolonged listening, attending concerts, and analyzing what you hear, especially the music you like the most. Do everything you can to assimilate as much as possible about good music and what goes into creating it. You could even hang around with some Songwriters to pick up the tricks of the trade.

Once you’ve prepared yourself, you should set aside some time to write. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Sometimes you hear about a famous song that was written in an hour, but this isn’t the reality for most Songwriters, and especially if you are just starting. The main point is to start, somewhere, and then put in the time and effort needed to get results. Follow the steps as they’ve been laid out for you by others. Get into a groove.

This will look different for everyone, and you should not fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others. Put aside the time, start, put in the work, rinse, and repeat. Take comfort in the knowledge that many others have walked the same path, and struggled with the creative process of writing songs. They succeeded, and so will you.

How can I make a song at home?

Caleb J. Murphy (CareersInMusic)

To write a song at home, you technically don’t need anything but your voice. You can come up with a melody a capella and then write lyrics to that melody. But ideally, you’ll also have an instrument at home so you can find the chord progression. The chords are important because they can affect the overall vibe of the song, which can change where you take the melody and even the lyrics.

Step-by-Step Guide

Writing a song requires you to solve musical and lyrical problems. Returning to the question of where to start, you could consider the following steps in any order, or follow as a step-by-step guide.

What are the steps to writing a song?

Tom Stein

Most Songwriters will agree to disagree about how to write a song, and there isn’t a right way and a wrong way to go about it. For the pros, it’s a job they sit down to most days and work hard at it. They might be co-writing with others or in teams, and have their entry and exit points, or assigned duties. That might be attending to the lyrics, melody, harmony, rhythm, concept, production, or even the publishing and licensing aspects. They might be writing in a band situation.

If you’re sitting in a room by yourself and wondering where to start, I think it’s fair to say that you need some kind of inspiration, and that finding that inspiration is a first step to writing a song. Where to find it? Use your imagination. It could be from literature, a movie, another song, a person, a food, a country, city, or region, or anything at all, as long as it moves you somehow. Songwriters get tuned in to it, making notes in a notebook as they go through their day, or staying up late at night, by going to concerts, museums, public spaces, or nature. The first step is finding a concept, whether from own experience or fantasy. You should also have a genre, or style in mind. The order for all the other steps is up to you.

If you listen and read to what most Songwriters are saying about the steps they use, you will see that coming up with a chord progression and melody, adding lyrics to tell a story, finding rhymes, figuring out the different sections (e.g., verse, chorus, bridge, etc.), finding a tempo and rhythm, learning to play the song live, making a good quality recording, and polishing the final product all figure in somewhere. But it all depends on finding your creative spark and developing your ideas. These are the key steps to writing a song.

What are the 4 steps to writing a song?

Caleb J. Murphy (CareersInMusic)

Every songwriter has their own songwriting process, so there are not four definitive steps that every songwriter uses. But if you had to simplify the songwriting process into four steps, you could use these steps: 1) come up with the chord progression, 2) develop the melody, 3) write lyrics to fit the melody, 4) revise, edit, finalize.

Choose a title or decide on your song topic

When Paul McCartney wrote his iconic song “Yesterday” it was morning and he was sitting at his piano thinking about breakfast. As he tells it, the melody of the song started out with the lyric “scrambled eggs” but then he realized that wouldn’t make such a great song title or lyric. So, he changed it to “Yesterday” and the rest is history.

This story shows how the original idea or concept for a song can evolve and change. The melody and chord structure were originally built around a whimsical lyric, and then the lyric was reworked to create a more meaningful song.

Although he lived in the San Francisco Bay area, John Fogerty of Creedence Clearwater Revival liked to write songs about the deep south and particularly the Bayou. He wrote his famous hit song “Proud Mary” after having written down the title on the first page of his songwriting notebook as a teenager. He carried it around with him for some years before it turned into a real song.

When he first wrote it down, he didn’t know the title would ultimately refer to a riverboat. In this case, he had the title and some of the concept fleshed out already before adding the chords and melody, and then he created a context with meaning for the words and the title.

These examples show how you can start with words, an idea for a title, or a concept of what the song is about, and then use that to mold the other elements of your song into a more polished and cohesive whole.

Write a hook/chorus on your main instrument

Popular songs almost always have some part that manages to stick in the memory of the listener. Songwriters call this the hook. Sometimes the hook is in the chorus, or it’s a vocal refrain. The hook could also be a short instrumental section.

Hooks need to be relatively short so they can easily be recalled by listeners, so they are usually two to four bars in length. Try to listen for the hook in famous songs and analyze why they work so well. Then use your instrument to write your own hook. (Voice is also an instrument).

How do you write a melody for a song?

Tom Stein

Most Songwriters want their songs to be memorable, to stick in the memory and be easily recalled by listeners. Writing songs uses various musical elements, from chords and rhythm to style, form, and lyrics, but writing great memorable melodies seems to be the most elusive part for many.

A great melody might pop out when you are strumming some chords on a guitar while humming along, or playing notes and chords on the piano, or you might hit on a cool guitar riff, or a bass line (they are also melodies), or you might have just a fragment of a melody in your head. There are different kinds of melodies and different ways to compose them.

Melodies can be chord-based, arising out of complex chordal or harmonic structures such as in Jazz, Classical, Opera, or Progressive Rock music, or they can be based on the scales that fit with chords. They can also be simple and rhythm based, like an ostinato (repeating pattern of several notes), often used in Hip-Hop vocal melodies, and in EDM or Dance Beats. Accordingly, there are different approaches you can use to write your own song melodies. Whether you write based on scales or chords, using a high or low note as a focal point is one technique, as are mixing up the motion in steps and larger leaps, repeating a phrase with slight changes, using counterpoint, adding a harmony part, using a thematic approach, and experimenting with how a lyric and melody work together (called prosody).

You should also consider how the different sections of the song work together, and consider using some melodic material in the intro or another section which reappears elsewhere later on. These are a few of the techniques Songwriters and Arrangers use when writing melodies, and you should feel free to come up with some of your own.

What makes a good song?

Caleb J. Murphy (CareersInMusic)

What makes a “good” song is subjective. A song that one person hates may be another person’s favorite song. But generally speaking, a “good” song needs to evoke some sort of strong emotion in the listener — music is all about making you feel something. So if you want to write a memorable song that people call “good,” it needs to emotionally connect with the listener.

Choose a song structure

If you have the concept, title, lyric, melody, chorus, or hook for your song already written, you might next decide on your song structure, sometimes also called song form. Most songs have an introduction, verse, and chorus, and you might consider writing a bridge, or adding a pre-chorus, or a refrain.

A refrain is a short lyrical phrase which includes the title of the song, while a pre-chorus is a section which comes between the verse and chorus. Songs can also include an instrumental section or interlude, which might come after a chorus, for example.

There’re many ways to organize all the sections of a song, and sometimes getting the right structure is the element which really makes the song come together. To come up with the right structure for your song, you might practice playing a section over and over to see what feels like the most natural section to follow.

Pay attention to the length of each section, and how one section flows into the next. There’s no rule that says the sections have to be in a certain order. You might decide to start your song with a chorus or a verse, it’s really up to you to decide what will work best for the song.

Is writing a song hard?


I think it depends on the mood you’re in, you know. Sometimes it flows very quickly, and sometimes, it’s really hard work, it’s difficult. I call it eating a sandwich with your eye. It’s difficult and uncomfortable and doesn’t do anything.

So it depends, I think you have to be everything in life–willing and open to failures and not being able to maybe get what you hoped for. I think that’s what’s exciting about songwriting is that you never know what’s going to happen, really. Sometimes you’re a channel, and it flows right through, and sometimes you’re just trying to hack away at something that’s not even there.

Write the verses

If you’ve started with a title or idea, and come up with a hook and chorus, you can now focus on writing the verses. The lyrics could tell a story, or be fairly random.

Either way, pay attention to the sounds of the words and focus on how the words work with the melody. Songwriters call this prosody and it is an important aspect of songwriting worthy of careful study. We’ll return to this in a few moments when we discuss lyric writing.

Write a bridge (if you want one) and consider modulating, or a breakdown

The song now has verses, a chorus, maybe also a refrain and/or a pre-chorus. The bridge, sometimes also called the channel, or the release, is a contrasting optional section which gives some relief from the repetition of the other sections.

It can be a complete surprise, perhaps modulating to a different key, or it could just be a slight variation on what has come before. The change can be based on the lyrics, melody, rhythm, or chord progression.

You could also consider adding a modulation, or key change to add interest and variety. The most common modulations are up a half-step or a whole-step, which tend to increase tension and excitement in a song.

Another device for similar effect is the breakdown, where the bass and drums drop out, or sometimes other instruments are omitted. This creates suspense and interest, especially when the instruments are added back in. All of these optional devices can be used together or separately.

Write lyrics

Creating your lyrics is an integral part of the songwriting process. If you’ve been working mainly on the music up until now, it’s time to start crafting your lyrics to fit the melody.

As I mentioned earlier, how words and melody fit together is called prosody and it influences the meaning of the words and how they will be interpreted by listeners. Analyze some of your favorite songs keeping this in mind, and pay special attention to how the lyrics and melody work together in a unified whole.

Some Songwriters start with the lyrics, and some collaborate with a Lyricist to write the words, so they can just focus on the music. The famous songwriting duo of Elton John and Bernie Taupin have had a collaboration with music and words stretching back decades. Elton writes the music to Bernie’s lyrics.

The lyrics could be written either before or after the music. If you are doing both, you could write them at the same time as writing the music, or put your focus on each individually.

Whether you write lyrics first, collaborate with other Writers, or create lyrics to fit your music, your goal is to find the perfect combination that somehow expresses what the song is about, conveys the proper mood, and compels and inspires you (and your audience) to want to listen.

One tip about writing better lyrics: Make certain the tempo will allow all the words to fit in a relaxed way. You might test this by speaking the lyrics in the same rhythm they will be sung.

Record a demo version

At some point, you will want to record your song so you can listen to it and play it for others to get feedback. Software programs like GarageBand or LogicProX make it possible to create a professional sounding recording of your song on your laptop or desktop.

You should first create some basic tracks, perhaps playing an instrument like guitar or piano through a digital interface or using MIDI instruments or a sequencer. Singers who don’t play an instrument are at a disadvantage here, since they will need to enlist the help of musicians or a Producer to get the tracks for their song recorded.

Recording a chordal instrument (guitar or piano), bass, and drums would be a good start, as long as you can add your vocal track over it and it all works well together. If you have a good song it is definitely worth the time and effort to get a good quality recording of it.

It’s still possible to rent a recording studio and hire musicians to record your songs, however that will be much more expensive and doesn’t always lead to better results.

Make sure to check out this useful information on record labels accepting demos.

Can anyone write a song?


Sure. I think so. If they are willing to, and willing to have fun. Yeah, I think anyone could write a song. I think that some songs are written by people who have never written a song before. Something fun happens and there doesn’t have to be any rules. I think that’s why there are so many new artists always coming out because people just wing it and sometimes it’s great.

Add other instruments (if needed)

Once you have your song completed and are recording it, you could layer some other instruments, or background vocals, to make it sound more full and professional. You might want to feature a certain musician playing a solo or arrange your song in a certain style. Different combinations of instruments can enhance the recording and lead to surprising and attractive colors and textures.

There’s a certain amount of artistry involved in recording and playing instruments, so it’s fine if you get others to help you with this part. It’s nice when a song becomes a real collaboration, and if that works well, you might work with the same people again on your future compositions and recordings.

Listen back and improve on anything that’s not working

A big part of the recording process is listening back to what you’ve done, and thinking about what is working well, and what is maybe not working so well. Then you can tweak as appropriate. It can be a good idea to come back after a day or two, to listen with fresh ears.

In general, be observant about what parts of your songwriting process seem to work best, and where you need to improve. It can also be really helpful to read books about songwriting and Songwriters, as there’s plenty of very useful and inspirational literature on the topic of songwriting. You can learn a lot by studying the methods and successes of others.

I’ll list a few books and other resources at the end of this post, but first, let’s consider some action steps you can take right now to improve your songwriting skills and get results.

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Songwriting Action Steps to Spur Creativity and Results

Work on developing and increasing your awareness of and ability to recognize original song ideas. Write your ideas down in a dedicated songwriting notebook you keep with you at all times.

Look for other Songwriters and Lyric Writers to collaborate with. Create a roster of people you’d like to co-write with and schedule times to get together to work on songs.

Experiment with changing up your songwriting process. Write the different parts of a song in the reverse order from your usual approach.

Let other art forms (or music) inspire you. Listen to some Mozart, read a short story, or visit an art museum. Study the art and make notes about the feelings the work inspires in you. Create a melody to fit with the words you wrote.

Write a song about a person you love or admire, or a pet. It could be someone in your circle of friends and family, or a famous or historical figure. If possible, play the song for them and see their reaction.

Try writing a new lyric for an existing rap song you like.

Do some free word-association. Think of four words, set a timer, and write as much as you can about each word, giving yourself two or three minutes for each. Then craft these words into a lyric.

Practice writing melodies and chord progressions separately.

Study up on intellectual property (IP) laws and increase your understanding of how to protect your songs, publish them, and license them for use to provide income. You can do this by reading books, taking a music business course, or investigating the performing rights organizations (PROs) like ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC.

Songwriting Books and Learning Resources


Songwriters On Songwriting byPaul Zollo is a large collection of interviews with many of the songwriting greats, from Bob Dylan to Burt Bacharach.

Fortunate Son: My Life, My Music by John Fogerty. Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR) had more #1 hits than the Beatles in 1969. CCR’s lead Songwriter offers a masterclass on how to write, along with his horrific story of being cheated out of his royalties for 20 years.

The Complete Rhyming Dictionary: Including The Poet’s Craft Book by Clement Wood. This is a rhyming dictionary created for Poets and Songwriters.

Pat Pattison’s Songwriting: Essential Guide to Rhyming: A Step-by-Step Guide to Better Rhyming for Poets and Lyricists. Pat is a very popular Teacher in the Songwriting Department at Berklee College of Music in Boston. He has other books available, such as Writing Better Lyrics and Songwriting Without Boundaries. He has also authored several Berklee guides to songwriting.

The Craft & Business of Songwriting by John Braheny. Covers how to write better songs and make them stand out in the industry. Also has some good songwriting exercises.

How To Make It in the New Music Business: Practical Tips on Building a Loyal Following and Making a Living as a Musician by Ari Herstand. We use this book at Berklee for our Professional Music Business courses.

Business Basics for Musicians: The Complete Handbook from Start to Success by Bobby Borg. Bobby also has other great books on the music industry from Hal Leonard Publishing, including on music marketing.

This Business of Songwriting byJason Blume. Writing great songs is not enough. To make money, Songwriters need a firm, realistic grasp of how songs generate income.This book covers the business for Songwriters.

Making Records: The Scenes Behind the Music by Phil Ramone. The Producer of records by artists such as Frank Sinatra, Billy Joel, Sting, and Madonna shares his secrets of how to create hit songs in the studio.

You could also consider picking up either the Harvard Abridged Music Dictionary or the Oxford Dictionary of Music.


Evernote is an app designed for note-taking, organizing, task management, and archiving. It can be very useful for Songwriters who prefer taking notes in digital format.

OnMusic Dictionary is a free online music dictionary offering definitions of common musical terms and symbols.


How do you write a song (for beginners)?

Alison Stolpa (Careers in Music Staff)

Here’s a basic step-by-step process beginners can follow to write a song:

  1. Write a chorus melody, using your instrument
  2. Decide on a song structure
  3. Write the verse, using your instrument
  4. Create vocal melodies for chorus and verses
  5. Write lyrics for those vocal melodies
  6. Add a bridge, if desired
  7. Write the intro and outro
  8. Record the song, make improvements after listening

Why is songwriting so hard?

Alison Stolpa (Careers in Music Staff)

If songwriting seems hard, you might be a beginner who doesn’t fully understand the songwriting process…or you might just have writers’ block. To boost your songwriting, study famous songs and see how Songwriters used techniques like song structure and chord progressions to write memorable songs.

This tip should work for beginner and seasoned pro Songwriters alike. Getting inspired by some of the greatest songs in history usually opens up doors in the brain and the heart, and will help better songs come pouring out.

Can I make money writing songs?

Alison Stolpa (Careers in Music Staff)

Yes, but it’s very competitive!

Here are the different ways Songwriters make money writing songs:

  • Royalties from publishing deals
  • Royalties from streaming and downloads
  • Royalties from physical album sales (vinyl, CDs)
  • Royalties from when someone covers your song
  • Royalties from a live or radio performance
  • Royalties from sheet music
  • Licensing music to film/TV

Check out this blog for an in-depth look at the different types of music royalties.


How to Write a Song: A Simple Step-by-Step for Beginner Songwriters (22)


There’s this girl in the corner and she’s small, really small, and she looks like a boy, and she’s seething with emotion, with rage and love – because she’s alone, because we’re all alone, because our parents didn’t get it. She just found out faster.

Her skin is thinner because her heart is bigger. Her heart pushes against the skin, stretching it, sometimes too much.

She is a bloodletter, this girl. “A bloodletter of emotion,” she says.

I think, given the right or the wrong moment, you are too.

“I’m like a singing f*cking banshee,” she says. “My music errs on the histrionic side, but that’s how I feel, you know, I try to just let it seep out because it just hurts me if I don’t. I put it all on the line, you know, I think I am possessed by the spirit of a gambler, the big wheel. I’ve put it all on red 27.” She could lose it all right now.

This is LP.

Born Italian. New York. You’ve got to understand that; the hottest blood, the toughest city, the smallest girl.

Today she is 5’ 3” and just over a hundred pounds but her sound is anthemic, maxed out. You don’t believe your ear-eyes when you see-hear, pealing from the body of one fighting with not enough, the music of so, so much. It is the music of emotional emergency, a prayer sung loud into a bottle and cast out to sea.

“When they see someone like me,” she says, “you can think, oh sh*t, I can be like that.”

I think of Judy Garland, Bjork, Freddie Mercury if he had to deal with being a f*cking girl. From a little match, a conflagration.

“I’m like, just a very, very emotional, sensitive motherf*cker. I’m just constantly worried about everything. But I’m trying to send a message to people that it’s going to be okay. They see the person who makes the music and I want them to know, like, I’m good. You know? I’m still sad, I’m still angry, but I’m good. I want them to know that.”

LP is the medicine. She is good for heartbreak, which she knows, and in a way, lives in. “I’m always scared to lose someone,” she says. “I’m very cognizant of the fact that it could all be gone in a second.”

She writes from that, sings from that. The annoyance, the grain of ocean-floor sand troubling the oyster. It’s loss. It’s always there.

Her mother died when she was a teenager. She sang too —a voice, LP remembers, that “was very operatic, kind of like Maria Callas with a Julie Andrews cleanness to her tone.”

Loss, loss. I’ve lost too.

She’ll never recover, but there is the mounting hope, the certain knowledge, hard-earned, that “you can wield suffering, which is strength and power.”

So it works like this: loss, loss, pearl.

LP is the power crawling itself out of the ashes. I’m worried about her. She doesn’t look like she’ll make it — then you hear. Then you know. “Everyone in the audience, I feel like I want to literally look them in the eye the whole time.” She sings:

my church is you
my church is love
my church includes all of the above
no questions asked
no one to judge
my church is you and always was.

The more she loses, the more we gain. The more we gain, the less she loses.

“I want everyone,” she says, “to know they can feel safe.”

Church, no church. Gay, not gay. The bloodletting’s the same.

The blood-pearls of a poet-oyster who has hit songs and record deals and plays sold out shows all over the world and goes to bed saying to herself, “I love, I love, I love, I love…”

How to Write a Song: A Simple Step-by-Step for Beginner Songwriters (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.