Is A Creative Person Born Or Made: The Debate Explained (2024)

"Is a creative person born or made?"

This debate has been going on for centuries, and there is no clear answer. Some believe that creativity is a natural gift, while others argue that it can be cultivated through practise and experience. Those who believe creativity is an inborn trait point to the fact that some people seem to have a knack for coming up with creative ideas and solutions.

Some people think creativity is innate, while others believe it requires hard work and dedication.

It is believed that creativity can be cultivated with effort; critics argue that it isn't something you are born with, but rather a skill you can acquire and hone over time.

In order to clarify this debate, this article will provide evidence and assess both sides of the argument.

Is A Creative Person Born Or Made: The Debate Explained (1)

Defining 'Creativity'

Creativity is the ability to think outside the box and come up with new ideas, solutions, and perspectives.

It involves taking risks, being open-minded, and having a willingness to explore different possibilities. Creativity can manifest itself in many forms such as art, music, writing, design, engineering, problem-solving, and more. Creative people often have an innate curiosity that drives them to explore new ideas and concepts.

Furthermore, creativity is often associated with innovation, which is the process of taking existing ideas and making them better.

According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of "Creativity: The Psychology of Discovery and Invention," "creativity is an important source of purpose and vitality in our lives, with the potential for creating special, unique experiences."

Additionally, turning imaginative thoughts, themes, and visions into tangible realities requires creativity.

Creativity is very important in any venture you take on, may it be in your professional career, personal life, growing a creative business, etc.

Is A Creative Person Born Or Made: The Debate Explained (2)

The Common Attributes Of A Creative Person

The attributes of a creative person are often debated, but some common traits include:

1. Risk-taking

A willingness to take risks and explore new ideas is a key attribute of a creative person.

Risk-taking means being open to failure and learning from mistakes. Taking risks is essential for creativity, as it allows for the exploration of new possibilities.

A creative person is often less afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone and trying something new.

2. Open-mindedness

Another attribute of a creative person is their open-mindedness.

Creative people are willing to consider different perspectives and ideas, and they are not afraid to challenge the status quo. If someone is open-minded, they are more likely to come up with innovative solutions.

Open-mindedness allows for new possibilities and encourages creative thinking. It has a positive impact on someone in all aspects of life.

Creative thinking can help you start a business, pursue a career, or simply look for new ways to approach a problem.

3. Passion

Passion is one of the most important attributes of a creative person.

Creative people are passionate about their work, and they have an intense drive to create something new and unique. They are not afraid to put in the hard work and dedication required to bring their ideas to life.

Passion is essential for creativity, as it provides motivation and energy to keep going even when things get tough.

4. Curiosity

A creative person is often curious and inquisitive. They are constantly looking for new ideas and exploring different possibilities.

Curiosity is essential for creativity, as it allows a person to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. Furthermore, curiosity encourages exploration and experimentation, which are essential for a creative mind.

Curiosity means being intelligent and open to learning new things.

Having examined the characteristics of a creative individual, we can now consider whether creativity is innate or acquired.

Is A Creative Person Born Or Made: The Debate Explained (3)

Where Does Creativity Come From?

Creativity comes from a combination of both nature and nurture.

Creative people are often born with certain traits such as curiosity, open-mindedness, and risk-taking that can be nurtured and developed over time. Furthermore, creative people often have a natural inclination toward exploring new ideas and concepts. This inclination can be further developed through education, experience, and practice.

Creative people are born with certain traits, but these traits must be nurtured and developed in order for them to reach their full potential.

Scientific studies

According to the Nature vs. Nurture debate, our characteristics and outlook on life are determined by both innate genetic traits ("nature") and our environment and life experiences ("nurture"), both of which can be altered over time.

For example, schizophrenia is one of the mental illnesses that has been discovered to be hereditary, which means that one's parents can pass on the risk to their children. Research has shown this to be true. But what about creativity? Is it something that is passed down through families? Do you inherit it?

Fortunately, a lot of studies have been done over the past few decades to determine whether creativity is genetic, heritable, or more influenced by our environment and growth.

A study conducted by the University of Minnesota found that creativity is partially heritable. It concluded that creative thinking and behaviour are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

Twin studies

To determine the role of genetics in certain behaviours, it is useful to find a large group of people with similar genetic makeup and similar environments and upbringings.

The perfect way to ascertain this is by looking at the case of human twins. Some are identical twins, meaning they have the exact same genetic makeup. Other twins are fraternal, meaning they share only half of their genes.

Researchers can compare the differences in creative abilities of identical and fraternal twins to determine whether creativity is more influenced by genetics or environment.

Only roughly 22–26% of the variable in creative drawing skill was explained by hereditary factors, according to a more recent twins study by specialists.It seems that creativity has relatively little genetic basis based on research on twins.

Therefore, nurture has a considerably stronger influence than nature.

Genetic studies

Scientists have also looked into the genetic makeup of creative people to determine if there are any specific genes that are associated with creativity.

One study found that a certain gene, called DRD4-7R, was more common in creative people than in non-creative people. This gene is linked to dopamine production and has been found to be associated with risk-taking behavior.

Additionally, research reported that individuals with greater creativity had higher levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter tied to optimistic emotions and states.


Is creativity inherited? The answer is yes, to some degree.

While creativity is not solely determined by genetics, research has shown that certain traits associated with creativity are inherited.

Some of these traits are being open to new experiences, having a high level of intelligence, and being able to think in a more "blue-sky" manner. Some people are born with certain traits that can be nurtured and developed over time, while others may have a natural inclination towards exploring new ideas and concepts.

That means our traits, including creativity, are likely to be passed down from our parents and ancestors.


"Nature" refers to how a person's genetics affect their personality.

It talks about the genes we inherit and other genetic components that could affect how our personalities develop and how we mature from childhood. Some experts conclude that all kids are naturally creative. Between the ages of three and five, youngsters go through a time of continuous questioning and varied thinking, according to researchers.

Under the right reinforced environment, they can maintain their creativity throughout their lives at this phase.

Therefore, according to these authors, creativity is intrinsic. Sadly, many people lose this ability as they get older due to society's conditioning.

Learnt over time

Studies suggest that creativity is not just something we are born with but can also be learned, similar to other abilities.

As to the debate, "Is a creative person born or made?" research suggests that creativity can be developed like any other skill and nurtured through time. Additionally, there are techniques that we can employ to encourage creativity in people, such as systematic thinking techniques.

Thus, scientific studies conclude that creativity can be developed and nurtured over time.

Parental nurture

Parental nurture plays an important role in the development of a creative person.

Parents can help their children develop their creative potential by providing them with a supportive and encouraging environment. This includes exposing them to different experiences, allowing them to explore their interests, and providing them with the resources they need to pursue their passions.

Parents should also encourage their children to take risks and try new things.


Education plays a vital role in nurturing creativity.

Some people contend that schools really foster creativity as education encourages a diverse curriculum component that students can learn, like the arts, music, play, and problem-solving. Thus, every student must be given a chance to participate in this kind of imaginative activity.

Many people believe that creativity is a natural talent, however, a study in PLOS One found that creativity is a feature that can be developed.

133 students were given a one-year training program in creativity by researchers in the Netherlands, and outcomes were compared to those of a control group. The six-step cycle of creativity that was taught in the training comprised using attention, divergent thinking, detached thinking, convergent thinking, stopping thinking, and sleeping.

Researchers noticed an increase in concept production and diverse thinking after just three months.


Along with education, experience has also been seen to impact creativity among people.

There are several theorists who believe that our experiences shape who we are in the future. For instance, John Locke, a renowned philosopher, held the notion of tabula rasa, which holds that the mind is initially a blank slate. This idea holds that our experiences shape everything about who we are.

Behaviourism is a different viewpoint that contends our daily life experiences might influence our creativity.

It is a wonderful illustration of a theory that is based on this idea because behaviourists think that conditioning is the cause of all actions and behaviors. John B. Watson and other theorists held the view that a kid is born uninformed and must learn through experience.

As they say, "Experience is the best teacher." You must personally experience something before you can appreciate it.

Hence, someone's experiences, with the help of education and parental guidance, demonstrate that creativity can be nurtured over time.

Is A Creative Person Born Or Made: The Debate Explained (4)

Let's Look At Famous Creatives Throughout History

Here is the list of people who have shown creativity in entrepreneurship throughout history:

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell was an inventor, scientist, and innovator who is best known for inventing the telephone.

He was born in Scotland in 1847 and moved to Canada with his family when he was 23. Bell's creativity was evident from a young age. He had a passion for science and technology, and he experimented with sound waves and electricity from an early age.

He also had a knack for problem-solving and was able to come up with creative solutions to complex problems.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was an American entrepreneur and innovator who is best known for co-founding Apple Inc.

He was born in San Francisco, California, in 1955. Jobs had a passion for technology from a young age, and he was able to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems.

He was also very driven and determined, which allowed him to take risks and push boundaries.

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman who is best known for inventing the light bulb.

He was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847 and had a passion for science from a young age. His invention of the light bulb was a result of his creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

He was also very determined and had a strong work ethic, which allowed him to push through obstacles and come up with innovative solutions when making his discovery.

Walt Disney

Walt Disney was an American entrepreneur, animator, and film producer who is best known for creating the iconic Disney brand.

He was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1901 and had a passion for art from a young age. His creativity was evident in his early work as an animator and cartoonist.

Disney had a knack for storytelling and was able to come up with creative ideas that captivated audiences.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates is an American business magnate, investor, author, philanthropist, and co-founder of Microsoft Corporation.

He was born in Seattle, Washington, in 1955 and had a passion for computers from a young age. His creativity was evident in his early work as a programmer and software developer. His undeniable drive and ambition allowed him to take risks and push boundaries in the tech industry.

Now, Bill Gates is considered one of the most successful entrepreneurs in history.

Jack Ma

Jack Ma is a Chinese entrepreneur and philanthropist who is best known for co-founding the e-commerce giant Alibaba Group.

He was born in Hangzhou, China, in 1964 and had a passion for business from a young age. His creativity was evident in his early work as an English teacher and tour guide.

Ma had a knack for problem-solving and was able to come up with the idea of building Alibaba, the world's largest e-commerce platform, which generates billions of dollars in revenue.

The entrepreneurial success of these people is motivating.

You can take inspiration from these remarkable entrepreneurs if you're considering starting a creative business.

To conclude, all these influential creative entrepreneurs have used their creativity to build significant wealth, by providing huge value to the world.

Is A Creative Person Born Or Made: The Debate Explained (5)

5 Tips On How To Be More Creative

Here are 5 tips on how you can be more creative:

1. Get out of your comfort zone

Getting out of your comfort zone is one way to harness your creative spirit.

It allows you to do new tasks that enhance your creativity. Stepping outside of your comfort zone might boost your creativity since it motivates you to try new things and develop new concepts.

2. Be open to failure

Being open to failure is necessary if you want to be more creative with any venture you take on.

If you're doing something creative, failure is inevitable because it's a necessary result of trying something new. Recognise that you will experience failure and error.

After all, making mistakes is all for research and discoveries. Not having the solutions is okay.

3. Embrace collaboration

Collaboration is key when it comes to creativity.

Collaborating with others supplies the opportunity to trade ideas and devise imaginative solutions. Seeking advice from others and learning from their experiences is also beneficial.

With this, you can gain new perspectives and come up with innovative ideas.

4. Exercise your imagination

Using your imagination to its fullest potential can help you become more creative.

You can engage yourself in a creative exercise; it is a creative project that emphasises developing creative abilities in general, rather than honing a particular creative skill, like painting or dancing. These abilities include problem-solving, communication, and inventiveness.

The same stages are involved in becoming creative: mixing seemingly unconnected ideas to create something unique.

Allow your thoughts to wander and generate concepts that are still undiscovered.

5. Take breaks

Taking regular breaks is essential for creativity.

Breaks can help you reset your mind and come up with new ideas. It also gives you the opportunity to take a step back and reflect on what you have done so far.

Taking a break can help you refocus and come up with more creative solutions.

If you're looking to be more creative, these tips are a great starting point for creative people like you.

Is A Creative Person Born Or Made: The Debate Explained (6)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why should all humans be creative?

Being creative is essential for humans, as it encourages out-of-the-box thinking and allows us to generate fresh solutions to issues.

It also helps us express ourselves in unique ways and develop our own individual styles. Furthermore, creativity can be a great source of joy and fulfilment. Creativity is something that can be learned.

It requires practice and dedication, but it is possible to become more creative with time and effort.

2. Do creative people have any traits or characteristics in common?

It is true that creative people often share similar qualities.

They are often open-minded, curious, and willing to take risks. They also have a strong sense of imagination and an artistic ability to think outside the box. Creative people are also highly motivated and driven by their passion for creating something new or unique.

Furthermore, people with these skills may be able to solve difficult issues and create imaginative solutions.

3. What kind of environment would foster creativity?

A creative environment is one that encourages exploration, experimentation, and risk-taking.

It should be a place where people feel comfortable expressing their ideas without fear of judgement or criticism. A creative environment should also provide resources and support for those who wish to pursue creative endeavours. This could include access to materials, tools, and mentorships.

It should be an environment that fosters collaboration and encourages people to work together to come up with creative solutions.

4. Are we seeing a decrease or an increase in overall creativity among people today?

In recent years, there has been an overall increase in creativity among people.

This is due to the rise of technology and the availability of resources that allow people to explore their creative potential. With access to tools such as computers, software, and the internet, people are able to create and share their ideas with a wider audience than ever before.

More people are pursuing creative careers such as graphic design, photography, and writing.

This has led to an increase in overall creativity among people today.

5. Can creativity be taught to people of all ages?

It is thought that creativity is a natural ability, however, it can still be taught to people of all ages.

Creativity is a skill that can be developed and honed over time with practice and dedication. It is important to foster an environment that encourages creative thinking and exploration. This includes providing access to resources such as books, art supplies, and technology that can help stimulate creative ideas.

Moreover, it is important to provide guidance and support for those who are learning to be creative.

This can include providing feedback, offering constructive criticism, and providing resources that can help them develop their skills.

Is A Creative Person Born Or Made: The Debate Explained (7)


"Is a creative person born or made?"

It is clear that creativity can be both born and made. While some people may have a natural ability or inclination towards creative thinking, others may need to develop their skills over time with practice and dedication. Ultimately, creativity is a skill that can be learned and honed regardless of age or background. It is important to foster an environment that encourages exploration, experimentation, and risk-taking in order to foster creativity.

For you non-creatives out there, you'll be glad to hear that creativity is a skill that can be developed and honed over time with practice and dedication.

Supporting a stimulating environment that encourages imaginative thinking and exploration will help nurture creativity. This includes providing access to resources such as books, art supplies, and technology that can help stimulate creative ideas.

Additionally, it is important to provide guidance and support for those who are learning to be more creative. This can include providing feedback, offering constructive criticism, and providing resources that can help them develop their skills and natural talent.

We hope you found this article useful, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment below and we will be in touch.

Here at OCCO London, we are on a mission to empower as many creatives as possible to achieve their extraordinary goals.

Is A Creative Person Born Or Made: The Debate Explained (2024)


Is A Creative Person Born Or Made: The Debate Explained? ›

It is clear that creativity can be both born and made. While some people may have a natural ability or inclination towards creative thinking, others may need to develop their skills over time with practice and dedication. Ultimately, creativity is a skill that can be learned and honed regardless of age or background.

Do you think you are a creative person and why? ›

"I am creative in the sense that I am great at seeing all sides of a negotiation, I can use creativity to close a deal, and I am a solid writer. With that said, give me a paintbrush, and I will have no idea what to do. I suppose creativity comes in all forms!"

Is creativity something someone is born with and Cannot be learned? ›

Creativity is not a gift, it is a muscle. Just like every other skill, you can hone it, get better at it with practice. “Some people are just born creative” is a big myth and often an excuse we give so that we can be our comfort zone and we satisfy ourselves by believing that nothing can be done about it.

Is creativity something you are born with or is it a skill people learn? ›

Creativity is a natural skill in everyone: Creativity can be learned because it's a natural skill in all of us. While it might come easier to some, anyone can foster their ability over time. “We are all naturally creative and, like every other skill, some people have more natural talent than others,” said Seelig.

Are some people born with more creativity? ›

Genetics may play a role in creativity, but the choice to make art and be creative matters more. Creativity in all forms – art, music, writing – is so complex that it's hard to pinpoint its source. A recent study of humans and song birds revealed that musical ability may, in fact, have a genetic determinant.

Do you think creative people are born or made? ›

Creativity comes from a combination of both nature and nurture. Creative people are often born with certain traits such as curiosity, open-mindedness, and risk-taking that can be nurtured and developed over time. Furthermore, creative people often have a natural inclination toward exploring new ideas and concepts.

How do you explain that I am a creative person? ›

A person with a creative mind might be called innovative, imaginative, trailblazing, groundbreaking, pioneering, or visionary. What are the five traits of a creative person? Five common traits of creative people include being high-energy, disciplined, imaginative, passionate, and sensitive.

Is creativity a born trait? ›

Technically, creativity is a human trait. There was a well-documented study in 1968 by scientist George Land that found children are born creative but lose sight of their creativity because of life experiences, schooling and the fear of failure.

Can you be born creative? ›

The enduring question with creativity has always been whether the defining factors come from nature or nurture. Everyone can learn to be creative to some degree, but new research has revealed that the extent to which we're born creative may be greater than previously thought.

Is creativity acquired or inherited? ›

Creativity is “technically” inherited, but by everyone. It's more of a common human trait than a gift. In fact, a widely cited study by George Land found that children are born creative but lose their creativity as they transition through life and into adulthood.

Is creativity a human thing? ›

Explore the human brain and how it evolved to foster creativity.

Are you born with artistic ability? ›

Some people believe that you need to be born with talent in order to be a good artist, but this is not true. Anyone can learn to draw or paint with enough practice. Some of the most famous artists in history were not born with talent, but they practiced regularly and became great artists.

Do you think creativity is an inborn quality or can people develop it in themselves? ›

Some think it's an innate trait, while others suggest it can be developed through learning and practice. Creativity is key to problem-solving, critical thinking, and personal development. Creative thinkers can find creative solutions to old problems.

What causes people to be creative? ›

We present many paradoxes—mindfulness and mind wandering, openness and sensitivity, solitude and collaboration, play and seriousness, and intuition and reason—that contribute to the creative process.

Are we born with imagination? ›

Some research suggests we are not born with the ability to imagine. Instead, visual images emerge and develop during early childhood. This is followed by a decline in visual imagination in adulthood. Much less is known of inner speech in childhood.

Is everyone a creative person? ›

Creativity is often defined as the ability to come up with new and useful ideas. Like intelligence, it can be considered a trait that everyone—not just creative “geniuses” like Picasso and Steve Jobs—possesses in some capacity.

How do you explain why you are creative? ›

Candidates who can describe their creative thought process and how they generate novel ideas. Suggested answer: “When faced with a creative challenge, I brainstorm diverse ideas without judgement. I draw inspiration from various sources, collaborate with others, and experiment with different approaches.”

How do you think like a creative person? ›

Idle though it may seem, the act of mind wandering is often anything but mindless; it can lead to improvements in creative thinking. So, the next time you're working hard on a creative project or work assignment that requires intense focus and creative chops, try taking a five-minute daydreaming break every hour.

What defines a creative person? ›

Creative people are willing to take on the risks associated with trying new ideas. They do not know if a concept is a bad one until it is tested or examined—so all ideas pose the potential for solutions. Even if one fails, it can serve as a lesson on how to do better in the future.

What makes you think creative? ›

At its core, creative thinking is intentionally gaining new insights and different ideas through existing information. Often, creative thought involves tapping into different styles of thinking and examining information from different viewpoints to see new patterns.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.