Mark Zuckerbergs Leadership Style and Organizational Influence at META (2024)


Organization’s development has certain factors that improve sustainability based on effectiveness and efficiency. Organizations look for Leaders who can lead effectively and efficiently. But each Leader is unique with his or her style depending on the situation and inclined paradigm. Leadership style refers to a leader’s methods, characteristics, and behaviors when directing, motivating, and managing their teams. A leader's style is influenced by several characteristics, including personality, values, abilities, and experiences, and may have a substantial impact on their leadership effectiveness.

Apparently, a leader's leadership style influences how they develop their strategy, carry out their goals, and respond to changes while managing the expectations of their stakeholders and the welfare of their team. Additionally, in many scenarios, leaders will exhibit a range of leadership styles, which they will presumably modify according on the context. But most leaders like exhibiting one dominating style more often than others.

This write-up examines Mark Zuckerberg's leadership style and organizational influence at META, formerly known as Facebook. By identifying his leadership styles and the fundamentals of these styles, as well as exploring the organizational behavioral model and approach used to influence the company, which provides valuable insights into Zuckerberg's leadership approach and its impact on META's success.


Leadership is fundamentally a relationship in which one person has an impact on the conduct or activities of others (Mullins, 2016). Mark Zuckerberg, founder, and CEO of Facebook has been a prominent leader in the tech industry. With the recent rebranding of Facebook as META, it is essential to analyze Zuckerberg's leadership style and organizational influence within the old and new context. This write-up delves into the leadership styles employed by Zuckerberg and their fundamentals. Furthermore, it examines the organizational behavioral model and approach he employs to influence META's employees and organizational culture.

Leadership Styles and Fundamentals:

Mark Zuckerberg's leadership style at META encompasses several key elements:

Visionary Leadership:

Zuckerberg being the founder and CEO exhibits visionary leadership by having a clear sense of purpose, forward thinking mindset, constantly seeking innovative solutions and envisioning the future direction of the company. His vision focuses on leveraging technology to connect people and create meaningful experiences. The fundamental aspect of this style is setting audacious goals and inspiring employees to work towards a shared vision.

Transformational Leadership:

Zuckerberg's transformational leadership style is distinguished by his ability to inspire, motivates, and empowers employees to excel and contribute to the company's success. He encourages innovation, challenges the status quo, and fosters a culture of continuous learning and growth. The fundamental aspect of this style is inspiring and influencing employees to go beyond their current capabilities and achieve exceptional results.

Adaptive Leadership:

Zuckerberg demonstrates adaptability as a leader, recognizing the need to adjust and pivot in response to changing circ*mstances. In a dynamic industry, he navigates challenges, embraces emerging trends, and guides the company in new directions. The fundamental aspect of this style is being flexible and responsive to technological advancements and market shifts.

Analysis of Mark Zuckerberg's Leadership Approach:

Mark Zuckerberg's leadership approach at Facebook has been both effective and successful, contributing to the company's growth and impact on a global scale.

Visionary and transformational leadership: Zuckerberg's visionary and transformational leadership style has been instrumental in Facebook's success. By setting audacious goals and consistently pushing the boundaries, he has transformed the way people connect and communicate. His vision of a more connected world has inspired millions and has helped Facebook become one of the most influential companies in the world.

The effectiveness of Zuckerberg's visionary leadership can be seen in Facebook's tremendous growth, user base, and financial success. Facebook has evolved from a small social networking platform to a conglomerate that includes Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus. Zuckerberg's ability to inspire and rally his team around a shared vision has proven to be highly effective in driving innovation and shaping the company's direction.

Situational Leadership and Adaptability: Zuckerberg recognizes the importance of adapting his leadership style based on the needs and developmental levels of his employees. He understands that different individuals require varying levels of support and guidance.

This approach has proven effective in empowering employees and promoting a culture of autonomy and ownership. By providing the right level of guidance and support, Zuckerberg enables his employees to take on challenging projects and develop their skills. This adaptability has fostered an environment of innovation, where employees feel empowered to take risks and think creatively.

Theory Y and Employee Empowerment: Zuckerberg's leadership approach aligns with the Theory Y approach to organizational behavior, which assumes that employees are intrinsically motivated and capable of taking responsibility for their work. McGregor, D. (1960). This McGregor's Theory Y leans toward a participatory or consultative leadership style and fits within the management grid of Blake and Mouton (1964), which promotes a more democratic, employee self-direction approach, with a focus on inspiring and putting people first. He encourages employees to take ownership of their projects, fosters a culture of trust, and provides them with opportunities for growth and development.

McGregor's XY Theory of Management

The Theory Y approach has been effective in promoting employee engagement and productivity at Facebook. By trusting employees and providing them with autonomy, Zuckerberg has created a work environment where individuals feel empowered to contribute their best. This approach has resulted in the development of innovative features and the continuous evolution of Facebook's platform.

Servant Leadership and Employee Well-being: Zuckerberg demonstrates a genuine concern for the well-being of his employees, actively listening to their feedback, and creating an inclusive and supportive work environment.

The Servant Leadership was the term that has was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf in the year 1970. The servant leadership approach has been effective in fostering a positive and collaborative culture at Facebook. Employees feel valued and supported, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention. This approach has also enhanced teamwork and collaboration, as employees are more likely to contribute their diverse perspectives and ideas in a supportive environment.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Facebook's approach to organizational behavior emphasizes the use of data and analytics to drive decision-making. Zuckerberg has championed a culture of data-driven decision making at the company, enabling evidence-based strategies and fostering a sense of objectivity and accountability.

Laissez-faire leadership: Mark Zuckerberg, as the CEO of Facebook, believes that his team members can come up with innovative ideas and therefore leave them to reach their goals. Consequently, this approach demonstrates that his leadership style contains the characteristics of laissez faire leadership.

Laissez-faire leadership at Facebook promotes autonomy, empowerment, and creativity among employees. It allows individuals to make decisions independently and pursue their own projects. This approach has been effective in fostering innovation, adaptability, and employee satisfaction at the company. Employees are engaged and motivated, leading to the development of new ideas and solutions. The flexibility of the laissez-faire leadership style enables Facebook to stay at the forefront of industry trends and respond to changing market demands.

Effective Leadership Approaches for an Education Technology Company: Lessons from Mark Zuckerberg's Leadership Style at Facebook

Having explored and reflected on the leadership approach of Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook and how effective it has proved; I believe it is worth emulating especially for my organization which is an education technology company in Nigeria.

By analyzing the visionary, transformational, adaptive, servant leadership, Laissez-faire leadership, and data-driven decision-making aspects of Zuckerberg's leadership, I derive valuable lessons that can be applied to my company as the Country Lead.

In the context of my company, a leader should possess a clear vision and communicate it effectively to inspire employees. By articulating a compelling vision for the future, rally employees around a shared purpose, encourage them to strive for excellence in delivering quality education. Transformational leadership further empowers employees by fostering a culture of continuous learning, promoting creativity, and challenging traditional practices, thereby driving positive change and innovation within the organization.

The education technology industry is marked by rapid technological advancements and evolving student needs. A leader at my organization should demonstrate adaptive leadership skills by embracing flexibility, embracing emerging technologies, and responding effectively to changing market dynamics.

My company will benefit from a leader who adopts a servant leadership approach, prioritizing the well-being and development of employees which will enhance employee satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty. This approach fosters a positive organizational culture, resulting in increased employee productivity and overall organizational success.

Drawing on Zuckerberg's emphasis on data-driven decision making, we must leverage more on data and analytics to inform strategic choices. By analyzing student data, educational trends, and market insights.


In conclusion, adopting visionary and transformational leadership, being adaptive to industry changes, embracing servant leadership principles, and utilizing data-driven decision making, I can foster innovation, employee engagement, adaptability, and informed decision making within the organization. Even though these leadership trait and approaches exist in my organization, I am more than inspired to be more conscious and deliberate about every approach and analyze it effectiveness regularly on my company.

Note: References are listed at the end of the assignment workbook.


Aamodt, M.G., 2015. Industrial/organizational psychology: an applied approach. Cengage learning.

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Mark Zuckerbergs Leadership Style and Organizational Influence at META (2024)
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