Paleo Top 10 Meatball Recipes ! (2024)

Top 10 Paleo Meatball Recipes ! 10 of my readers favorite Paleo, Whole30, and low carb meatball recipes. Including beef, chicken, pork and lamb, packed with mouthwatering Asian-inspired paleo flavor. If you love meatballs, save all 10 of them in 1 place for you and the family !

Summer flew by in the blink of an eye. With all the back-to-school signs, I can’t help but putting together some of my readers’ most favorite recipes – MEATBALLS – in one blog post to help you get organized before a new season begins.

Paleo Top 10 Meatball Recipes ! (1)

Paleo Creamy Coconut Milk Meatballs

Whole30 co-founder Melissa Hartwig shared her 11 favorite recipes and you guessed it: my Paleo Creamy Coconut Milk Meatballs are one of her favorites ! These meatballs are creamy (p.s. dairy, gluten-free) and very versatile. You can use ground turkey, chicken, beef, or even lamb. A must try !!

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My Savory Breakfast Meatballs

The dream, waking up to a warm, savory breakfast waiting for you to devour it. Who wouldn’t want that ? 😀 These meatballs are perfect for make-ahead egg-free breakfast meals. I stuffed mashed sweet potato/yam with savory Italian herbs. You and your kiddos are going to love these !

Paleo Asian Meatball Recipes

These Paleo ground beef meatballs are not only a darling to look at but also super juicy. I baked them in muffin tins to reserve the meatball juice so nothing is wasted in this healthy and super delicious recipe !

Paleo Top 10 Meatball Recipes ! (5)

Paleo Lion’s Head Meatballs

Lion’s head meatballs are famous for their jumbo outer appearance, yet super soft and tender insides. I recommend using ground pork to make this dish authentic and stew the meatballs with sweet cabbage (either napa or savoy cabbage) and bok choy for a lovely yummy meal.

Paleo Moroccan Spaghetti Meatballs

You don’t think I can only cook Asian food, do you ? 😀 I was good at eating my mom’s and grandmother’s food back home but learned how to cook after I moved to the states by watching Food Network. :)) So Paleo Moroccan food ? Yes ! Let me show you how to make this ridiculously simple yet satisfying meal !

Paleo Dim Sum – Shumai

My Google ranked No. 1 dish – Paleo Dim Sum – Shumai. I wrapped these mini jewels of savory meatballs in cabbage leaves and steamed them to tender sweet perfection ! Oh, did I mention this low carb cabbage dim sum comes with a gluten and soy-free Chinese dumpling dipping sauce ? Yes !! It’s possible and you need to try it before believing it !

Paleo Vietnamese Meatball Vermicelli Noodles

Love low carb spaghetti squash noodles ? How about some lovely baked chicken meatballs drizzled with Vietnamese noodle dressing. This recipe has little hands-on time and all you need is some patience for them to get ready for you in the oven !

Vietnamese Lemongrass Meatballs

One of my early recipes when I just started my blog. I love the simplicity of this recipe. They are great for ground chicken or ground pork. The recipe comes with a lovely no-added sugar Vietnamese dressing. Highly recommended !

Japanese Shiso Leaf Meatballs

I love these unique looking Japanese shiso leaf meatballs. Shiso leaves are quite common in Japanese and Korean cuisines. They are citrusy and minty, with a hint of spicy. Perfect compliment to meat and seafood dishes. Love meatballs ? Add shiso leaves to your next meatball feast and I guarantee you’ll love it !

Paleo Popcorn Meatballs

These mini party-style popcorn meatballs were inspired by my Paleo Chicken Nuggets. I took the flavor of the nuggets and made them into meatballs (can you see how much I love meatballs ?) They are perfect for a make-ahead game-day/party dish. Follow the instructions to finish the entire cooking process. Wait until they’re cool and freeze. Just reheat in the oven for a few minutes and they will be perfectly golden brown for you and your guests !

I put together a Pinterest long-pin to help you keep all 10 of these lovely meatballs in one place. Be sure to PIN and SHARE my top 10 Paleo meatball recipes to as many boards as you like. Bon appetit and let’s celebrate good eats ! XOXO !

Paleo Top 10 Meatball Recipes ! (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.