Per Capita Real Gdp Calculator (2025)

1. GDP per Capita Calculator

  • Jun 18, 2024 · The GDP per capita calculator is a tool to compute the Gross Domestic Product per unit of population in a given country.

  • The GDP per capita calculator (total output divided by population) measures the general standard of living in an economy.

2. GDP Per Capita Calculator

  • Jul 26, 2023 · To calculate GDP per capita, divide the real GDP by the total population. Enter the exact population for a more accurate answer, or simply use ...

  • Enter the total GDP (US $) and the total population of any country into the calculator. The calculator will evaluate and display the GDP per capita.

3. Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita - UNECE Data Portal

  • Real GDP per capita is calculated by dividing GDP at constant prices by the population of a country or area. The data for real GDP are measured in constant US ...

4. GDP Calculator

  • This free GDP calculator computes GDP using both the expenditure approach as well as the resource cost-income approach.

5. Real GDP Calculator

6. Real Economic Growth Rate: Definition, Calculation, and Uses

  • This calculation is done by factoring in a GDP deflator. A GDP deflator is the quotient of nominal GDP divided by real GDP divided by 100, so this method is ...

  • The real economic growth rate is a measure of economic growth that adjusts for inflation and is expressed as a percentage.

7. GDP Per Capita Formula - BYJU'S

  • GDP per capita is calculated by dividing the gross domestic product of a country with its population. GDP per capita is a measure of the prosperity of a country ...

  • GDP per capita formula is one of the important metrics that determine the economic output of a nation by taking into account its population.

8. GDP per capita (current US$) - World Bank Data

  • GDP per capita (current US$) from The World Bank: Data.

  • Free and open access to global development data

9. GDP Per Capita Formula - Calculation, Example and Nation's Data

  • How to Calculate GDP Per Capita? GDP divided by population is the formula. If you're looking at a single point in time ...

  • Learn about GDP per capita formula topic of Commerce in details explained by subject experts on Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts.

10. GDP per capita | Growth Study Guide - Dietrich Vollrath

  • The growth rate of GDP per capita is the growth rate of GDP minus the growth rate of the number of people. This quick derivaion indicates that the faster ...

  • Materials for a course in economic growth based on the Jones and Vollrath textbook

11. Real Gross Domestic Product (Real GDP): How to Calculate It, vs ...

  • Feb 16, 2024 · In general, you calculate real GDP by dividing nominal GDP by the GDP deflator (R). ... Using a GDP price deflator, real GDP reflects GDP on a per ...

  • Real gross domestic product is an inflation-adjusted measure of the value of all goods and services produced in an economy.

12. [PDF] UN SDG Indicator 8.1.1: Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita.

  • The data for real GDP are measured in constant US dollars to facilitate the calculation of country growth rates and aggregation of the country data. 2.b. Unit ...

13. Real GDP Per Capita, How to Calculate It, and Data Since 1947

  • Sep 17, 2020 · Real GDP per capita is a country's economic output for each person adjusting for inflation. The formula, how to calculate, annual data since ...

  • Real GDP per capita is a country's economic output for each person adjusting for inflation. The formula, how to calculate, annual data since 1947.

14. How to Calculate Real GDP? Formula, Step by Step Guide

  • One method for calculating real GDP from nominal GDP is by dividing the nominal GDP by the GDP deflator and multiplying this by 100. How do you calculate real ...

  • Calculating Real GDP: ✓ Formula ✓ Nominal GDP ✓ Per Capita ✓ Base Year ✓ Price Index ✓ StudySmarter Original

15. Navigate the Economy: The Ultimate GDP per Capita Calculator

  • GDP per Capita is calculated by dividing a country's total GDP by its population. Why is GDP per Capita important? GDP per Capita is an important indicator of a ...

  • Unveil the economic status of nations with our GDP per Capita Calculator. Perfect tool to understand the average economic output per person, and compare diverse economies. Start exploring now!

16. GDP and Standard of Living | Macroeconomics

  • Learning Objectives. Calculate GDP per capita using population data; Explain the limitations of GDP as a measure of the standard of living. When economists talk ...

  • When economists talk about the standard of living, they are referring to the average quantity (and quality) of goods and services that people in a country can afford to consume. Since real GDP measures the quantity of goods and services produced, it is common to use GDP per capita, that is real GDP divided by population, as a measure of economic welfare or standard of living in a nation.

17. Per capita calculator / Ben Welsh | Observable

  • ... Gross Domestic Product across countries. Rates also are often used with very big or very small numbers to change them into something we can understand. The re.

  • Compute the number of observations per person in a population. In Numbers in the Newsroom, Sarah Cohen writes: As with percentages, per person or per capita rates are used to level the playing field. They’re often used when you need to compare two dissimilar places or events: Crimes in cities with different populations, deaths from various diseases or Gross Domestic Product across countries. Rates also are often used with very big or very small numbers to change them into something we can understand. The re

Per Capita Real Gdp Calculator (2025)


How do you calculate per capita real GDP? ›

Real GDP per capita is calculated by dividing GDP at constant prices by the population of a country or area.

Is real GDP per capita accurate? ›

The real GDP number allows them to measure growth more accurately. Real GDP is a more accurate gauge of the change in production levels from one period to another, but nominal GDP is a better gauge of consumer purchasing power.

Can real GDP rise as per capita real GDP falls explain your answer? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Yes, it is possible for GDP to increase simultaneously when the per capita GDP is falling. This ideally depends on the speed of GDP rising. If the GDP is rising slower than the population, the population is increasing, then the per capita income would fall.

How do we calculate real GDP per capita quizlet? ›

-We calculate Real GDP per person by dividing real GDP by the population.

What is the rule of 70 formula? ›

The Rule of 70 Formula

Hence, the doubling time is simply 70 divided by the constant annual growth rate. For instance, consider a quantity that grows consistently at 5% annually. According to the Rule of 70, it will take 14 years (70/5) for the quantity to double.

How do I calculate real GDP? ›

Real GDP Calculation

In general, you calculate real GDP by dividing nominal GDP by the GDP deflator (R). For example, if an economy's prices have increased by 1% since the base year, the deflating number is 1.01. If nominal GDP was $1 million, then real GDP is calculated as $1,000,000 / 1.01, or $990,099.

Why is real GDP per capita misleading? ›

the decrease in the value of a nation's capital stock over time; GDP accounts for investment in new capital but does not subtract the lost value of depreciated capital. Because of this, GDP may overstate the amount of economic activity in nations with rapidly depreciating capital stocks.

Is real GDP per capita a better measure? ›

Per capita real GDP growth is considered a better measure of economic growth because it reflects the changes in the average standard of living in a country.

How do you compare real GDP per capita? ›

One way to compare different countries' GDPs is with an exchange rate, the price of one country's currency in terms of another. GDP per capita is GDP divided by population.

Who has the strongest economy in the world? ›

The United States upholds its status as the major global economy and richest country, steadfastly preserving its pinnacle position from 1960 to 2023. Its economy boasts remarkable diversity, propelled by important sectors, including services, manufacturing, finance, and technology.

What would cause a fall in real GDP per capita? ›

If the growth in population exceeds the growth in real GDP, real GDP per capita will fall.

Why increasing real GDP per capita is good? ›

Sustained economic growth increases average incomes and is strongly linked to poverty reduction. GDP per capita provides a basic measure of the value of output per person, which is an indirect indicator of per capita income. Growth in GDP and GDP per capita are considered broad measures of economic growth.

How is real GDP per capita calculated? ›

The formula for calculating GDP per capita is an economy's GDP divided by its population. Hence, GDP/Population = GDP per capita.

Why is real GDP per capita imperfect? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Per capita GDP is an imperfect measure of a standard of living in the country because it does not tell how fairly the GDP is distributed among people. It only tells the average earning of the person living in the country.

Can real GDP per capita grow faster than real GDP? ›

Real GDP per capita is usually lower than the growth of real GDP because the population is typically increasing in a country, so if GDP increases 3 percent, but the population is also increasing, GDP per capita will increase less than 3 percent (or even decline if the population increased at a faster pace than GDP).

How is per capita calculated? ›

How do you calculate per capita? Per capita is calculated by dividing the attribute of interest (such as income) by the number of people living in the area of interest. Per capita income is equal to the total income in that area divided by the number of people living in that area.

Does GDP per capita use nominal or real? ›

In most circumstances, the real GDP (and real GDP per capita) shows a more accurate picture of a country's economic performance since it can be more easily compared to past figures. Thus, we can deduce whether a country really is better or worse off year over year.

What is real GDP per capita at PPP? ›

A country's gross domestic product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita is the PPP value of all final goods and services produced within an economy in a given year, divided by the average (or mid-year) population for the same year.

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