PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (2024)

Confused by the PSLE English Marking Scheme? Wondering how each section of the exam is marked, and what are the key points your child needs to focus on to excel? If questions like these have crossed your mind, you’re in the right place. The PSLE English examination, with its multiple components and detailed assessment criteria, can indeed be a source of anxiety for many parents and students. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to clear the fog surrounding the PSLE English Marking Scheme, so you can prepare your child to tackle the PSLE English paper with confidence.

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (1)

Overview of the PSLE English Examination

The PSLE English examination is designed to assess students’ proficiency in the English language across four key components:

  1. Writing (Paper 1),
  2. Language Use and Comprehension (Paper 2),
  3. Listening Comprehension (Paper 3), and
  4. Oral Communication (Paper 4).

The total marks for the examination sum up to 200, with each component contributing a different weighted towards the final grade:

Paper 1: Writing (55 marks, 27.5%)
Paper 2: Language Use and Comprehension (95 marks, 47.5%)
Paper 3: Listening Comprehension (20 marks, 10%)
Paper 4: Oral Communication (30 marks, 15%)

Now, let’s examine each paper in further detail.

PSLE English Paper 1: Writing

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (2)

Paper 1 is divided into two parts: Situational Writing and Continuous Writing (commonly referred to as Composition) and students are given 70 mins to complete it.

Situational Writing: 15 marks (7.5%)
Continuous Writing: 40 marks (20%)
Total: 55 marks (27.5%)

PSLE English Situational Writing (15 marks; 7.5%)

In this section, students are provided with a context and a visual-stimulus. They’re required to write a response to it, generally in the form of an email, letter or report. Out of 15 marks, 6 are awarded for content, while the remaining 9 are awarded for Language.

Success in situational writing hinges on whether you have managed to cover all 6 content points and whether you understand the context, target audience, and purpose of the response. Of course, grammatical, spelling and punctuation mistakes can cost you precious Language marks.

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (3)

PSLE 2022 Situational Writing Task

PSLE English Composition (40 marks; 20%)

For the composition, students are given a topic and three associated pictures. They must write at least 150 words (usually in the form of a narrative) using one, two or all the pictures. Out of 40 marks, 20 are awarded for Content and 20 for Language.

To achieve top scores in content, ensure your story is creative, engaging, well-developed, and coherent. For high language marks, focus on using a wide range of vocabulary, varied sentence structures, and maintaining accurate grammar and punctuation throughout your writing.

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (4)

Adapted from PSLE 2022 (A Long Wait)



· Ideas are highly interesting, clear, and logical

· Thoroughly developed content

· Topic and at least one picture are addressed

· Sentences and expressions are very well-written

· Hardly any errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation

· Excellent range of vocabulary

· Very good sequencing and paragraphing of ideas.


· Ideas are mostly interesting, clear, and logical

· Well-developed content

· Topic and at least one picture are addressed

· Sentences and expressions are mostly well-written

· Minor errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation that do not affect understanding

· Appropriate range of vocabulary

· Good sequencing and paragraphing of ideas


· Ideas are generally clear and understandable

· Sufficiently-developed content

· Topic and at least one picture are addressed

· Sentences and expressions are adequately written

· Some errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation that do not affect understanding

· Fair range of vocabulary with some words used incorrectly

· Fair sequencing and paragraphing of ideas


· Some ideas are relevant

· Story is mostly unclear and illogical

· Undeveloped content

· Topic and at least one picture are not addressed

· Sentences and expressions are under-developed

· Several errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that affect the understanding of the story

· Range of vocabulary is mundane

· Weak sequencing and paragraphing of idea


· Most ideas are irrelevant to the topic

· Story is unclear and confusing

· Topic and at least one picture are not addressed

· Sentences and expressions are poorly written

· Full of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that affect the understanding of the story

· Range of vocabulary is very limited

· Very poor sequencing and paragraphing of ideas that lead to confusion

PSLE English Paper 2: Language Use and Comprehension

Paper 2 Overview

The PSLE English Paper 2 makes up a whopping 47.5% of the PSLE English marks. It’s divided into 2 booklets: Booklet A and Booklet B and students are given 1hr and 50 mins to complete it. Booklet A comprises multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Listed below is the breakdown of this booklet:

Booklet A (Total Marks: 28; 14% of the total PSLE English marks)

  • Grammar MCQ: 10 marks (5%)
  • Vocabulary MCQ: 5 marks (2.5%)
  • Vocabulary Cloze MCQ: 5 marks (2.5%)
  • Visual Text Comprehension MCQ: 8 marks (4%)

Booklet B, on the other hand, challenges students with open-ended questions. Here are the subcomponents:

Booklet B (Total Marks: 67; 33.5% of the total PSLE English marks)

  • Grammar Cloze: 10 marks (5%)
  • Editing for Spelling and Grammar: 12 marks (6%)
  • Comprehension Cloze: 15 marks (7.5%)
  • Synthesis/Transformation: 10 marks (5%)
  • Comprehension Open-Ended (OE): 20 marks (10%)

Now, let’s delve into each component.

PSLE English Grammar MCQ (10 marks; 5%)

This section, comprising 10 MCQs, tests students’ understanding of various grammar concepts including subject-verb agreement, tenses, prepositions and more. Look out for tricky questions involving verbs of perception, perfect tenses and gerunds.

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (5)

Grammar MCQ Example (From Henry Park Primary School Prelims 2023)

PSLE English Vocabulary MCQ (10 marks; 5%)

In the vocabulary MCQ segment consisting of 10 MCQs, students’ extensive and deep vocabulary knowledge is put to the test. Simply memorising a list of words and their meanings won’t suffice; it’s the understanding of the subtle nuances among words that is crucial.

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (6)

Vocabulary MCQ Example (From Ai Tong Primary School Prelims 2023)

PSLE English Vocabulary Cloze MCQ (5 marks; 2.5%)

Students are given a passage with 5 blanks to be filled with an appropriate word. Reading the entire passage first is imperative to understanding the context. Beyond merely considering the meaning of the words, pay attention to their connotation and intensity.

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (7)

Vocabulary Cloze Example (From Methodist Girls’ Primary School Prelims 2023)

PSLE English Visual Text Comprehension MCQ (8 marks; 4%)

Here, students are presented with visual materials such as advertisem*nts, posters, or informational brochures. They must answer 8 MCQ questions based on the text. The VTC is straightforward once you’ve mastered the following:

• Understanding the purpose of the test
• Detail-oriented reading
• Knowing common time expressions
• Utilising the process of elimination

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (8)

Example of Visual Text Comprehension Poster (From Anglo Chinese Primary School Prelims 2023)

That concludes our breakdown of Booklet A. Now it’s time to turn our attention to Booklet B, a whole other ball game…

PSLE English Grammar Cloze (10 marks; 5%)

The Grammar Cloze is similar to Grammar MCQs in that students are tested on their understanding of various grammar rules like prepositions, pronouns, connectors and more. This component features a passage with 10 missing words, and students must select the appropriate word from a provided box to fill in these blanks. Although it is an easy section to score in, beware of questions which test your knowledge of phrasal verbs and tricky tenses!

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (9)

Grammar Cloze Example (From Methodist Girls’ Primary School Prelims 2023)

PSLE English Editing (12 marks; 6%)

This section presents students with a passage containing 12 underlined words. Students must correct these words, which consist of six grammatical errors and six spelling mistakes. Knowing tenses, word forms and connectors is necessary for scoring well.

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (10)

Example of Editing (From Anglo Chinese Primary School Prelims 2023)

PSLE English Comprehension Cloze (15 marks; 7.5%)

The dreaded comprehension cloze is arguably one of the trickiest sections of Paper 2. Students are required to read a passage and fill in 15 blanks with the most appropriate word. Many fail to recognise that this section is not a guessing game. One must make use of contextual clues in the passage and employ forward and backward reading to derive the answer. In addition, knowing synonyms and antonyms, collocations, phrasal verbs and idioms can boost your marks.

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (11)

Comprehension Cloze Example (From Henry Park Primary School Prelims 2023)

PSLE English Synthesis/Transformation (10 marks; 5%)

The Synthesis and Transformation section consists of 5 questions, each worth 2 marks. It requires you to combine two given sentences and/or change a given sentence without losing its original meaning. Questions can test you on the following:

  • Reported Speech
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Word Transformation
  • Conditionals
  • Connectors
  • Relative Pronouns

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (12)

Example of Synthesis and Transformation (From Nanyang Primary School Prelims 2023)

PSLE English Comprehension OE (20 marks; 10%)

In this section, students are presented with a passage, followed by a series of 10 questions that require them to extract relevant information, make inferences, and synthesise knowledge from the text. It’s important to craft well-structured and grammatically correct responses that directly address the questions. Take note that no ½ marks are awarded here, so precision is key!

Here are some common question types:

  • Factual questions
  • Inference questions
  • True/ False questions
  • Cause and Effect questions
  • Referencing questions
  • Vocabulary questions

PSLE English Paper 3: Listening Comprehension

This 35-minute paper consists of 20 MCQ questions and carries a 10% weightage. 7 recordings, in the form of advertisem*nts, news reports and interviews, are played twice. Scanning the questions beforehand, practicing active listening and jotting down key points are useful strategies to tackle this section.

PSLE English Paper 4: Oral Communication

The PSLE English Oral Examination assesses a student’s proficiency in reading and speaking. Students are given 5 minutes of preparation time while the actual exam takes approximately 10 minutes. It accounts for 30 marks, or 15% of the overall PSLE English marks and is divided into two parts:

  • Reading Aloud (10 marks; 5%)
  • Stimulus-Based Conversation (20 marks; 10%)

PSLE Oral Reading Aloud (10 marks; 5%)

Students must read a given passage to an examiner. Points are awarded for fluency, articulation and pronunciation. It’s important to read with the right intonation, tone and pacing to earn high marks. Remember not to mumble or freeze when you see unfamiliar words. Be confident throughout!

PSLE Oral Stimulus-based Conversation (20 marks; 10%)

Students are also given a visual stimulus in the form of an advertisem*nt, a poster, a photo etc. They will then be asked 3 questions related to the stimulus. Generally, the first 2 questions are directly related to the stimulus. To answer them, you need to incorporate the details given in the picture and justify your opinion. The last question is broadly related to the theme of the visual stimulus. Sharing personal anecdotes, reflecting on past experiences and discussing current affairs related to the topic are encouraged. Students are tested on their ability to express their ideas and carry out a conversation seamlessly.

PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (13)

Stimulus-based Conversation Picture (PSLE English 2022)

Navigating the complexities of the PSLE English examination and its marking scheme can be daunting. With a clear breakdown of the examination’s structure, marking criteria, and the proportionate weightage of each paper, students can allocate their study time more effectively. By approaching each section with tailored strategies and a deep understanding of what examiners are looking for, students can approach the PSLE English exam with confidence.

View other related articles on Writing Samurai:

  • How To Calculate Your PSLE Score
  • How To Study For PSLE
  • Useful Model Compositions
  • Situational Writing Tips for Primary School Students
  • How To Use Good Phrases for Composition Writing
  • Free Test Papers for Primary School Before English Compositions Exams

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PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (15)

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PSLE English Paper Marks Allocation Breakdown and Marking Scheme (2024)


What is the weightage for PSLE English composition? ›

PSLE English Composition (40 marks; 20%)

They must write at least 150 words (usually in the form of a narrative) using one, two or all the pictures. Out of 40 marks, 20 are awarded for Content and 20 for Language. To achieve top scores in content, ensure your story is creative, engaging, well-developed, and coherent.

What is the composition format for PSLE? ›

Students are assessed on their writing skills and are required to write a composition of at least 150 words based on a given topic and three pictures associated with the topic. Students are free to come up with their own interpretation of the topic using one, two or all three pictures.

What is the percentage of PSLE English Paper 1? ›

Paper 1: Situational and Continuous Writing

In Paper 1, students encounter situational writing and continuous writing tasks, collectively contributing 55 marks. This segment constitutes 27.5% of the total marks, with a duration of 1 hour and 10 minutes.

What is the marking scheme for PSLE English oral exam? ›

The PSLE English Oral Exam measures a student's fluency in reading and speaking. It consists of two components, Reading aloud (10 marks) and Stimulus-based Conversation (20 marks ), and it accounts for 15% of the overall PSLE English score . Before the student meets the examiner, they have 5 minutes to prepare.

How to allocate marks for composition? ›

A range of marks is given for each area of focus. Teachers or markers mark students' compositions and decide on the range that a student's composition falls in for that particular area of focus. Once the range is decided on, the teacher / marker then decide on the specific mark to award within that range.

How is English composition marked? ›

The main points are as follows: Three features of a composition are considered- (A) Vocabulary, choice of words and idioms. (B) Sentence structure. (C) Sentence linkings. Columns headed A, B and C should be ruled in the margin of each essay.

What are the grading systems for PSLE? ›

Each subject will be scored using 8 bands known as Achievement Levels (AL), with AL1 being the best score and AL8 being the lowest score. The ALs reflect the student's level of achievement in the subject. The student's total PSLE Score will be the sum of the four subject scores.

How can I improve my PSLE English composition? ›

How can I help my child with English composition for PSLE?
  1. Read extensively. Encourage your child to read as much as possible. ...
  2. Practise writing. Try to focus on the areas that your child may need strengthening. ...
  3. Review grammar and vocabulary. ...
  4. Plan their composition. ...
  5. Practise time management. ...
  6. Practise past papers. ...
  7. Give feedback.
Apr 3, 2023

What is the format of composition? ›

The composition like a paragraph includes three main parts an introduction, body and conclusion. Introduction- This includes the definition of the topic if any and the meaning of the same. And if the topic is about informing something then the introduction includes the aim of the composition.

How many marks is English Paper 1? ›

Paper 1 -200 marks.

What are the components of PSLE Paper 1? ›

Paper 1 is a 70-minute segment comprising two writing components — Situational Writing and Continuous Writing. In Situational Writing, your child will be required to write a short functional piece in the form of a letter, an email, or a report, based on the context, target audience, and purpose of the given situation.

How to pass English Paper 1? ›

Ten Top Study Tips for Passing Your English Exams
  1. Write a Timetable. ...
  2. Do your Homework. ...
  3. Learn How to Pronounce Words. ...
  4. Learn Spelling Patterns. ...
  5. Learn the Meaning of Questions. ...
  6. Learn your Stock Phrases. ...
  7. Make a List of Vocabulary. ...
  8. Immerse Yourself in the Language.

How do you ace PSLE English oral? ›

Tips and Strategies for Acing the PSLE Oral Exam
  1. Use examples in responses where appropriate. ...
  2. Explore different oral topics & predict questions. ...
  3. Practise using the “5W1H” format. ...
  4. Practise time management. ...
  5. Craft a strong conclusion. ...
  6. Maintain confidence and a positive mindset.

What is the breakdown of PSLE Chinese marks? ›

The PSLE Chinese Weightage for the exam is divided into four papers: Paper 1 (Composition Writing) - 20% of PSLE Chinese Paper. Paper 2 (Language Use and Comprehension) - 45% of PSLE Chinese Paper. Paper 3 (Listening Comprehension) - 10% of PSLE Chinese Paper.

How to ace English oral exam? ›

  1. Read the news. You may be worried about not knowing how to answer questions during your oral exams. ...
  2. Practice reading aloud. ...
  3. Watch out for commonly mispronounced words. ...
  4. Listen to others. ...
  5. Record yourself. ...
  6. Use the PEEP format. ...
  7. Practice talking to others/yourself in the mirror. ...
  8. Don't end abruptly.

What do I expect from English Composition 1? ›

English Composition 1

Students learn how to analyze, summarize, and evaluate written works. Additionally, they learn grammar, the writing process, and test-taking skills.

How to pass English Composition 1? ›

Here are some quick tips to help you pass your college English composition class with ease.
  1. Hone Your Writing Skills. Writing well means writing concisely, clearly, and effectively. ...
  2. Learn Basic Grammar. ...
  3. Know How to Craft a Compelling Essay. ...
  4. Use Sources Thoughtfully. ...
  5. Build Upon Feedback.

How do you score well in English composition? ›

What Makes a Good Composition
  1. Composition That's Relevant to the Topic. The first step is to ensure that their ideas relate back to the question or theme driving the composition. ...
  2. Descriptive Use of Words. ...
  3. Attention-grabbing Introduction. ...
  4. Proper Climax and Conclusion. ...
  5. Zero Grammatical Errors.
Apr 4, 2022

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