The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (2024)

D-Day - 6 June 1944 - was the largest amphibious invasion in the history of warfare. The statistics of D-Day, codenamed Operation Overlord,are staggering. The Alliesusedover5,000 ships and landing craft to land more than150,000 troops on five beaches in Normandy. The landings marked the start of a long and costly campaign in north-west Europe, which ultimately convinced the German high command that defeat was inevitable.

Here are 10 things you need to know about D-Day:

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (1)

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1. D-Day was the start of Operation 'Overlord'

On D-Day, 6 June 1944, Allied forces launched a combined naval, air and land assault on Nazi-occupied France.The 'D' in D-Day stands simply for 'day' and the term was used to describe the first day of any large military operation.

Early on 6 June, Allied airborne forces parachuted into drop zones across northern France. Ground troops then landed acrossfive assault beaches- Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. By the end of the day, the Allies had established a foothold along the coast and could begin their advance into France.

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (2)

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2. 'Overlord' opened the long-awaited second front against Germany

The defeat of Germany was acknowledged as the western Allies’ principal war aim as early as December 1941. Opening a second front would relieve pressure on the Soviet Union in the east and the liberation of France would weaken Germany’s overall position in western Europe. The invasion, if successful, would drain German resources and block access to key military sites. Securing a bridgehead in Normandy would allow the Allies to establish a viable presence in northern Europe for the first timesince the Allied evacuation from Dunkirk in1940.

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3. D-Day required detailed planning

Lieutenant-GeneralFrederick Morganand his team of British, American and Canadian officers submitted plans for the invasion in July 1943. Although limited planning for an invasion of Europe began soon after the evacuation of Dunkirk in 1940, detailed preparations for Operation 'Overlord' did not begin until after the Tehran Conference in late 1943.

A command team led by American GeneralDwight D. Eisenhowerwas formed in December 1943 to plan the naval, air and land operations.Deception campaignswere developed to draw German attention - and strength - away from Normandy. Tobuild up resourcesfor the invasion, British factories increased production and in the first half of 1944 approximately 9 million tonnes of supplies and equipment crossed the Atlantic from North America to Britain. A substantial Canadian force had been building up in Britain since December 1939 and over 1.4 million American servicemen arrived during 1943 and 1944 to take part in the landings.

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (4)

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4. D-Day was an international effort

D-Day required unprecedented cooperation between international armed forces. The Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) was an international coalition and although the Allies were united against Germany, the military leadership responsible for 'Overlord' had to overcome political, cultural and personal tensions.

By 1944, over 2 million troops from over 12 countries were in Britain in preparation for the invasion. On D-Day, Allied forces consisted primarily of American, British and Canadian troops but also included Australian, Belgian, Czech, Dutch, French, Greek, New Zealand, Norwegian, Rhodesian and Polish naval, air or ground support.

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (5)

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (6)

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5. The largest naval, air and land operation in history

The invasion was conducted in two main phases - anairborne assaultand amphibious landings. Shortly after midnight on 6 June, over 18,000 Allied paratroopers were dropped into the invasion area to provide tactical support for infantry divisions on the beaches. Allied air forces flew over 14,000 sorties in support of the landings and, having secured air supremacy prior to the invasion, many of these flights were unchallenged by the Luftwaffe.

Nearly 7,000 naval vessels, including battleships, destroyers, minesweepers, escorts and assault craft took part inOperation 'Neptune', the naval component of 'Overlord'. Naval forces were responsible for escorting and landing over 132,000 ground troops on the beaches. They also carried out bombardments on German coastal defences before and during the landings and provided artillery support for the invading troops.

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6. German defences in Normandy varied in effectiveness

Germany tried to defend the northern coast of France with a series of fortifications known as the 'Atlantic Wall'. However,German defenceswere often incomplete and insufficiently manned.

Members of the French Resistance and the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) provided intelligence and helped weaken defences through sabotage. The Allieddeception campaignssucceeded in convincing the Germans as late as July 1944 that the main invasion force would still land elsewhere. The threat of this larger, second invasion kept German reinforcements tied down away from Normandy.

Defence also suffered from the complex and often confused command structure of the German Army as well as the constant interference of Adolf Hitler in military matters. However, the Allies faced a number of setbacks both on 6 June and in the months that followed.

On D-Day, the Americans came close to defeat onOmahapartially because the preliminary air and naval bombardment failed to knock out strong defence points, but also because they faced highly effective German troops who had gained hard-earned experience on the Eastern Front. Throughout the Battle of Normandy, the technical superiority of their tanks and anti-tank weapons, as well as the tactical skill of their commanders, gave German forces an advantage over the Allies. However, the Germans were never able to fully exploit their successes or the weaknesses of the Allies in a decisive way.

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7. D-Day was possible because of allied efforts elsewhere

D-Day was made possible because of Allied efforts across all fronts, both before and after June 1944. In planning D-Day, Allied commanders drew important lessons from previous failures at Dieppe in France andAnzioin Italy.

The Allied strategic bombing campaign, which began in 1942, weakened German industry and forced Germany to commit manpower and resources away from Normandy to home defence. Securing air superiority allowed the Allies to carry out aerial reconnaissance, giving them vital intelligence on German coastal defences.

D-Day also depended on Allied control of the Atlantic, which was finally achieved in 1943 through victory in theBattle of the Atlantic.

The campaign in Italy directed German troops away from the Western and Eastern Fronts. The Soviet Belorussian offensive, Operation 'Bagration', was launched just after 'Overlord' and destroyed the entire German Army Group Centre. It also kept German forces tied down in the east. Ten weeks after D-Day, the Allies launched a second invasion on the southern coast of France and began a simultaneous advance towards Germany.

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (10)

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8. There is more to Normandy than D-Day

Theimportance of D-Dayoften overshadows the overall significance of the entire Normandy campaign. Establishing a bridgehead was critical, but it was just the first step. In the three months after D-Day, the Allies launched a series of additional offensives to try and advance further inland. These operations varied in success and the Allies faced strong and determined German resistance.

Thebocage- a peculiarity of the Normandy landscape characterised by sunken lanes bordered by high, thick hedgerows - was difficult to penetrate and placed the advantage with the German defenders. Yet the bloody and protracted Battle of Normandy was a decisive victory for the Allies and paved the way for the liberation of much of north-west Europe.

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9. North-west Europe was the most significant campaign fought by the Western Allies

'Overlord' did not bring an end to the war in Europe, but it didbegin the processthrough which victory was eventually achieved. By the end of August 1944, the German Army was in full retreat from France, but by September Allied momentum had slowed. The Germans were able to regroup and launched a failed but determined counter-offensive in theArdennesin December 1944. This defeat sapped German manpower and resources and allowed the Allies to resume their advance towards Germany.

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10. There were many 'D-Days' throughout the war

In this cartoon, one man says to the other: 'When they call us D-Day Dodgers, which D-Day do they mean, old man?' 'D-Day' is a general term for the start date of any military operation - the 'D' stands for 'day'. It is often used when the exact date is either secret or not yet known. Some people thought soldiers serving in Italy were avoiding 'real combat' in France and called them 'D-Day Dodgers'. But troops in Italy had faced their own D-Days at Sicily, Salerno, andAnzioand were engaged in a dangerous and difficult advance up the Italian peninsula.

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Based on Peter Elstob's own wartime experiences,Warriors for the Working Dayfollows one tank crew as they proceed from the beaches of Normandy into newly liberated Western Europe, brilliantly evoking the claustrophobia, heat and intensity of tank warfare.



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D-Day (Flip Book)


Using rare archival footage from the archive at IWM, this flip book recreates Exercise Fabius, the largest amphibious training exercise of the war and the final rehearsal for arguably the most risky military operation in history - D-Day.


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The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (17)

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D-Day: 6 June 1944

Explore how D-Day was planned and hear the stories of those who witnessed the events of 6 June 1944.

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (18)

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What you Need to Know about the D-Day Beaches

On 6 June 1944 –‘D-Day’– Allied forces launched the largest amphibious invasion in thehistory of warfare. Codenamed Operation ‘Overlord’, the Allied landings on the beaches of Normandy marked the start of a long and costly campaign to liberate north-west Europe from Nazi occupation.

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (19)

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From British mathematician Arthur Thomas Doodson's Tide-prediction machine, and PLUTO (short for 'pipeline under the ocean' - supplied petrol from Britain to Europe), to the German's 'Rommel's Asparagus', discover 7 clever innovations used on D-Day.

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (20)

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Second World War

What Happened after D-Day?

On 6 June 1944,D-Day, Allied troops landed on the coast of Normandy. It was the start of the campaign to liberate Europe and defeat Germany. The Battle of Normandy was a hard-fought campaign. British divisions bore the brunt of German resistance on the eastern flank of the front, enabling US forces to stage a breakout in the west.

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (21)

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Discover D-Day 75

Visit where D-Day history happened anddiscover how HMS Belfast, IWM Duxford and Churchill War Rooms played a part in the largest combined naval, air and land operation in the history of warfare.

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (22)

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D-Day at sea: Operation Neptune

On 6 June 1944, two naval task forces landed over 132,000 ground troops on the beaches of Normandy as part of Operation Neptune, the seaborne invasion of northern France which made D-Day possible. HMS Belfast played a pivotal role in Operation Neptune and the opening bombardment of D-Day. Join IWM curator Nigel Steel on-board the ship to explore the story.

The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day (2024)


What are the key events of D-Day? ›

With a small window of opportunity in the weather, Eisenhower decided to go—D-Day would be June 6, 1944. Paratroopers began landing after midnight, followed by a massive naval and aerial bombardment at 6:30 a.m. American forces faced severe resistance at Omaha and Utah Beaches.

What do you need to know about D-Day? ›

The D-Day operation of June 6, 1944, brought together the land, air, and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest amphibious invasion in military history. The operation, given the codename OVERLORD, delivered five naval assault divisions to the beaches of Normandy, France.

What are some facts about D-Day for kids? ›

Over 6,000 ships and more than 2,000 aircraft were involved in the Normandy Landings. Hoping to trick the Nazis into thinking D-Day would take place at Pas-de-Calais, the Allies used fake radio transmissions and double agents. Germany's Atlantic Wall covered 2,400 miles of coastline.

What does D stand for in D-Day? ›

491) In other words, the D in D-Day merely stands for Day. This coded designation was used for the day of any important invasion or military operation.

What if D-Day failed? ›

If D-Day had failed or had never been attempted it's arguable that World War II in Europe would have ended with a German defeat anyway because by spring 1944 the Axis forces on the Eastern Front were clearly in retreat in the face of the growing power of Josef Stalin's Red Army.

What does "d day" mean in slang? ›

Informal. any day of special significance, as one marking an important event or goal.

How did D-Day end? ›

The success of Cobra is considered the end of the Normandy campaign and signaled the collapse of German defenses throughout most of France. Hastened by American landings on France's Mediterranean coast beginning August 15 (Operation Dragoon), Allied forces by August 25 had liberated Paris.

What went wrong on D-Day? ›

The paratroopers were badly scattered. Many were injured and killed during the attack, and much of their equipment was lost, but the brave paratroopers fought fiercely, causing confusion among the German commanders and keeping the German's troops occupied.

Why is D-Day a big deal? ›

The war would not be over by Christmas. But D-Day had opened another major front, where the bulk of America's rapidly expanding army could at last be brought to bear. It led to the liberation of France, denying Germany any further exploitation of that country's economic and manpower resources.

What was the youngest age on D-Day? ›

The Daily Advance eEdition

U.S. troops are shown approaching Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, on D-Day, June 6, 1944. At age 15, Jackson Hoffler of Hertford was the youngest U.S. combatant to participate in the Allied invasion on D-Day.

What is D-Day remembered for? ›

They stormed the beaches and saved the world. The roughly 160,000 Allied troops who landed in Nazi-occupied France on June 6, 1944, not only successfully executed the largest air, land and sea invasion in history, they did so amid daunting obstacles, terrible bloodshed and stakes that couldn't have been higher.

How many were killed on D-Day? ›

The World's Most Complete Account of. D-Day Fallen. On June 6, 1944, 4,426 men died so that freedom wouldn't. With your support, the Necrology Project research continues, with additional names added to the roster when evidence is sufficient to do so.

What makes D-Day special? ›

It was the largest invasion ever assembled, before or since, landed 156,000 Allied troops by sea and air on five beachheads in Normandy, France. D-Day was the start of Allied operations which would ultimately liberate Western Europe, defeat Nazi Germany and end the Second World War.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.