Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (2024)

Last updated on January 4th, 2023 at 12:28 am

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Questis thesequelto theFairy Tailmanga. The main plot of themangadeals withNatsuand his friends trying to seal the five dragon gods. The plot takes place in the new continent,Giltenia. This manga introduces a lot of new characters, especially new foes and allies. The manga also introduced another parallel world, i.e.,Elentear, similar toEdolas. Today we are going to discuss the top 20 strongest characters of the sequel manga.

Table of Contents

20) Kiria

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (1)

At the beginning of the manga, she was a prisoner of Water Dragon God,“Mecrophobia.”Natsu and his friends didn’t know anything about Kiria, so they rescued her. As soon as they rescued her, she immediately attacked them. But her attack failed.

She managed to hypnotize Erza using her magic. But it didn’t make any impact on her as Erza put up an act to fool her and defeated her. Later during theWood Dragon God arc, she clashed againstLaxusand was defeated by him.

Now in the ongoing arc, she fought againstLucybut got beaten by her. She is adragon eaterand a member of theDiabolosGuild. Her main attack is to cut the mental strength of her opponent. This is the power of Blade Dragon.

19) Lucy Heartfilia

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (2)

She is acelestial wizardand a mage of the Fairy Tail guild. In the current manga, especially during the battle, we have seen that Lucy has come a long way. In most of the battles, she used tostrugglea lot, or she gotdependenton Natsu and others to save the day.

During the Wood Dragon Arc, she clashes withMirajane, Elfman,andLisanna, where she manages to give them a tough fight. But she barely manages to beat Lisanna by combining the powers ofLeoandVirgo. She had her spotlight during theGreat Labyrinth Arc, where she not only beatKiriaand also, she showcased her use of celestial power brilliantly.

18) Haku

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He is thefifth-generation dragon slayerand one of thefour elitesof the Diabolos guild. He managed to prove to be a formidable foe as he tricked Lucy, Natsu, and Happy and successfully turned them intoplush dolls.

His magic was far stronger, which even affected Lucy’scelestial spirits; they also turned into plush dolls as she summoned them. During his fight withWendy, he easilyspottedIreneand turned her into a plush doll. His overconfidence and distraction during the fight cost him the battle.

17) Wendy Marvel

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Thesky dragon slayerand mage of Fairy Tail guild. She has shownexponential growthin the sequel manga, from her first battle againstNebaruto her latest battle againstHaku.

Herenchanting powerhas also increased; she waspraisedby none other thanIrene Belserionherself. Even though she started as asupport-type wizardbut later on in the series, she grew up who can hold her own.

16) Faris

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At the start of the manga, shejoinedthe Fairy Tail guild using the guise ofTouka. After herinfiltration, she successfullycastherwhiteout spellon the entirefairy tail guild members, including Laxus, Gajeel, Mirajane, and even Makarov. Also,Jellalfell prey to her magic. She was theoverarching antagonistduring theWater Dragon God arcand theWood Dragon God arc.

She first successfullystoleMecrophobia’s magic and was easily controlling him from the other continent. Later she managed tobreaktheorbsto defeatAldoron, but itbackfired.

Later it came to light that she forcefullyfusedwith Touka, anexceedfrom Elentear, and was manipulated byMoon God Dragon Selene. To save her home, she took up the mantle ofWhite Wizard.

15) Hakune

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She made her appearance duringMoon Dragon God Arc. She is one of themoonlit beauty godsand has the ability themanipulatetheconcept of freezing. She is a fearsome wizard as she cantrapheropponentsinto adream-likestate and make themvulnerable. During her first battle, she managed tocaptureNatsuandGrayvery easily.

14) Jellal Fernandes

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (7)

During the start of the manga, he was visitingvarious guildsand searching for acertain person(Touka). The moment he found her, he fellpreyto her magic “Whiteout” along with the rest of the fairy tail guild members.

He is one of the Ishagar’sstrongestmages. Under Touka’s spell, hefoughtagainstErzaand got defeated due to his weird behavior during the fight. Later he fought against one of theAldoron’s god seeds, “Gears.” He was having trouble during the fight, but withUltear’sguidance, he finally overcame and defeatedGears.

13) Gajeel Redfox

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (8)

Theiron dragon slayerof the fairy tail guild. He is the mostcautiouscharacter in the series. He quicklysuspectedTouka when she joined the Fairy Tail guild when everyone didn’t believe him.

His suspicion became true, but he becamevictimto her whiteout spell, and under herinfluence, he clashed withNatsubutlostagainst him. Later with the help ofBrandish’smagic, he became agiantand clashed withAldoron’smain body.

12) Misaki

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She is the fifth-generation dragon slayer and one of the four elites of the Diabolos guild. She made her first appearance during theGreat Labyrinth arc. During that arc, she clashed againstErza Scarlett, where she used her power magicblue streamandbluedimension.

Her magic dealt great damage to her, but that was not enough as Erza managed to overcome her foe by using her techniqueFairy Blade: Meteor.

11) Gray Fullbuster

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (10)

Theice devil slayerof the fairy tail guild. Gray is one of thecleverestmembers of the guild. During theWater Dragon God arc, hesupportedNatsu during his fight against Mecrophobia, and he brieflyclashedwithSkullion Raider. During theWood Dragon God arc, he clashed with Laxus’sThunder God tribe, who were under Faris’s spell.

In theprequel manga, during theBattle of Fairy Tail arc, Gray was defeated by them. Finally, he got hisrevengeagainst them, where he showcased hisbrillianceanddefeatedall three of them atease.

Later, in theMoon Dragon God arc, heclashedwithHakune, where he was able to break from her spell, which put the opponent in a dream-like state, and defeated her with his full might.

10) Natsu Dragneel

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One of thestrongestmembers of the fairy tail guild; even though he is not anS-Class Wizard, his strength rivals theirs. Natsu, in the sequel series, has come a long way where he not only becomes strongphysically, hebecame strongmentallyas well. During the first arc, he clashed withMecrophobia; if it wasn’t for the intervention ofIgnia, he would have been defeated. Ignia offered his guidance and gave hisflamesin order to defeat the Water Dragon God.

Later on, during theWood Dragon God arc, he fought against the Diabolos guild memberWraithand thegod seedsofAldoron. In this battle, he used hisintelligenceto defeat both of them. During his fight with Aldoron, he managed tocombinetheflamesofIgneel,Atlas flame, and Ignia managed to defeat the Wood-Dragon.

In theMoon Dragon God arc, he clashed withSuzaku and was defeated immediately. In the current arc, he clashed with him again and was able to keep up with him where he was able to predict his attack.

Must Read: How strong is Natsu in Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest? (2022)

9) Erza Scarlett

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (12)

She is one of theS-Class wizardsofFairy Tail. During theWood Dragon God arc, Faris cast a whiteout spell on Laxus, which made him obey her. Laxus managed to defeat Erza barely after a tough battle. Later during theMoon Dragon God arc, she went againstYoukaiand defeated her.

During her escape from the castle along with other guild members, she encountered Suzaku, who swiftly cut her down. In the current arc, she withstands all the attacks of Misaki and finally beats her by using the techniqueFairy Blade: Meteor.

8) Kirin

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (13)

He is thefifth-generation dragon slayerand one of the fourelitesof theDiabolosguild. During theGreat Labyrinth Arc, he manages to intimidateLaxusduring the first half of the battle.

The interesting thing about his battle with Laxus is the dragon he ate to gain thelightning powerwas the samedragonthrough which Laxus becomes a dragon slayer using thelacrimaof that dragon. He also goes by the name ofThe Yellow Dragon.

7) Suzaku

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (14)

He is thefifth-generation dragon slayerandstrongestof theDiabolos guild. He wassummonedby thepeopleofElentearto slay theMoon God Dragon. During this arc, he bumped into Natsu and his friends, where he quicklydefeated ErzaandNatsuin one slash.

Immediately after clashing with the fairy tail, he fought againstSelena, where he managed to defeat her after a lengthy battle. Once Selena annihilates his master to save his fellow guild member, he agrees to listen to her orders.

6) Laxus Dreyar

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (15)

Thegrandsonof the Fairy guild masterMakarovand one of the strongest fighters of the fairy tail. Especially in the sequel manga, Laxusgrewexponentially stronger.

He defeatedSkullion Raider, Mademole,andKiriawithout making any effort. During theWoodDragon God arc, under the whiteout spell cast by Faris, he fought against Erza and defeated her.

During his battle against Kirin, the yellow dragon slayer, to defeat him, LaxussacrificeshisDragon slayer magic. He destroys the lacrima inside his body and defeatsKirinonce and for all.

5) Dogramag

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (16)

TheEarth Dragon God, also known to be theweakestamong all thesix dragon godswhen compared to the other dragon gods, was murdered byEllfeseriain exchange fordevouringtheLaw Dragon’s heartin the past.

Now, he is revived as the mainantagonistin theGreat Labyrinth arc.He isIgnia’s friend,who is also very powerful.Currently, he cannot use his full power since he wasrevivedrecently. His magic allows him to manipulate the ground and can create a never-ending maze from his immense magic.

4) Mecrophobia

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (17)

He is also known as theWater Dragon God. Among all theDragon Gods, he isgentle. For his people to live, he was ready to sacrifice himself. Mecrophobia turns into hisdragon formasFaris maximizes her power.

Herampageshis city but is immediatelystoppedbyTeam Natsu. Team Natsu struggled a lot during this fight with theinterventionof Ignia.Natsucombines theflamesof Ignia and defeats him.

3) Aldoron

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (18)

He is theWood Dragon God. During theDragon King Festival, whereAcnologiawas killing all dragons and humans, he sustained a severe injury against him that lasted for many centuries; he only woke once he was completely healed.

Later on, in the series, he uses his god seeds and clashes with the fairy tail guild. Finally, the battle starts to get into the final leg when one by one, his god seeds get defeated by the collective efforts of the fairy tail guild member.Gajeeltakes on the main body whileNatsutakes on the God seeds of Aldoron. Finally, thefire dragon slayercombines the power ofIgneel,Atlas flame,andIgnia’spower to defeat Aldoron.

2) Selene

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (19)

Seleneis the onlyfemalemember among the dragon gods known as theMoon Dragon God.She is generally regarded as the dragon who can cross through the worlds due to having possession ofall-world magic.She was the person who pulled the strings behind the scenes as she manipulated Faris for her own goals.

She was the main antagonist of Moon God Dragon Arc, where she was defeated by Suzaku. Later on, she becomes guild master of Diabolos by killingGeorg Reizen. During the ongoing arc, she fought against Ignia, who defeated her.

1) Ignia

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (20)

Igniais thestrongestin the sequel series. He is thesonof the DragonIgneel, and he is also thefoster brotherofNastu. This is one of the things which makes himinteresting. Out of nowhere, he came tohelpNatsu during his fight against Mecrophobia byofferinghis flames. He was able tofend offNatsu’s attack with ease.

Ignia is a totalmysteryas he has some kind of his owngoal. During theGreat Labyrinth arc, heconfrontedNatsu and Suzaku, who were no match to him. During the climax of this arc, he defeated Selene in his dragon form.

Honorable Mentions

1) Gildarts Clive

He is thestrongest magein theIshagar. His power and strength areunparalleledif it wasn’t for hisfated meetingwith Acnologia. He would havecompletedthe Quest by himself.

2) Viernes, The Gold Dragon

He is aGold Dragon Godwho has yet to make an appearance in the manga. His details are not known yet, but his character is shrouded in the mystery where he was mentioned byEllfeseriaandSeleneas a dangerous and troublesome dragon.

Here, we conclude our article on, “Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest.” We hope you like this post. We will be back with another article. Till then stay tuned with us and read the articles below.

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Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (21)

Arpit Veldi

Top 20 Strongest Characters in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2023) - OtakusNotes (2024)


How strong is Lucy Heartfilia in 100 year quest? ›

As the series progresses, Lucy is strong enough to where just about any spirit can summon themselves whenever. Lucy acquires the power of Star Dress, which gives her unique abilities to fight herself based of the spirits power. This really gives her a bigger arsenal.

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Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Erza, and the whole Fairy Tail Guild are back in action! And they've decided to tackle the “100 Years Quest”—a job no one's dared take on since the founding of the guild more than a century ago.

Who is more powerful than Natsu? ›

There's no denying that God Serena is more powerful than Natsu seeing as he was the most powerful wizard on the entire continent. Against a foe like this, Natsu would have to pull out his demon form in order to stand a chance.

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Natsu has always admired Gildarts for his incredible strength and, as he's grown to know him more, he definitely respects him as a man. Natsu developed this habit of sneak attacking and fighting with Gildarts, and in all these events, he would lose.

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Lucy (Heartfilia) Dragneel is a Fairy Tail Celestial Spirit mage and mother to Nashi, Liddan, Layla, Jude, and the triplets, Igneel, Mavis, and Luna. She is married to Natsu Dragneel and has accomplished S-Class in Fairy Tail. She is a character from the original Fairy Tail series.

Is Natsu or Erza stronger? ›

Sting is a formidable wizard, but he and Rogue together lost to Natsu and Gajeel in the Grand Magic Games tournament, and it's safe to say that Erza is stronger than either Natsu or Gajeel. So, Sting is certainly less powerful than Erza is.

Is Natsu S-class level? ›

Immense Magic Power: While only an S-Class Mage Candidate, Natsu is noted on numerous occasions to have tremendously large amounts of Magic Power, well beyond even S-Class level Mages. His Magic is noted to be warm and bright, almost hot when his emotions effect his strength such as anger.

What is Lucy's strongest spell? ›

Here are the strongest moves she used over the years (and sorry—Lucy Kick didn't quite make the cut).
  1. 1 Fairy Sphere.
  2. 2 Summoning Celestial Spirit King. ...
  3. 3 Summoning Horologium. ...
  4. 4 Gottfried. ...
  5. 5 Urano Metria. ...
  6. 6 Unison Raid. ...
  7. 7 Simultaneous Celestial Summons. ...
  8. 8 Forced Gate Closure. ...
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All Celestial Spirits are each named after a different astronomical constellation. Out of the twelve Gold Keys, ten are owned by Lucy Heartfilia and the remaining two are owned by Yukino Agria, who also holds the key to the "13th Gate" of the Zodiac.

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The sequel to the Fairy Tail anime series, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest, finally has a confirmed release date, as the producers have revealed that the series is premiering in July 2024. Animated by the studio J.C.Staff, the series will start its run in the summer on TV Tokyo, as well as other Japanese networks.

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S3 E4: Gildarts—Fairy Tail's strongest wizard—returns from a hundred-year quest that even he couldn't complete.

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Summary. Fairy Tail's main ship, NaLu (Natsu and Lucy), has strong evidence of romantic feelings between the two characters, with moments of care and support. The relationship between Natsu and his first love, Lisanna, was largely downplayed, with the author favoring Natsu's relationship with Lucy.

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Lucy recalls that even Gildarts, had been unable to complete the 100 years quest, with the ace of Fairy Tail having previously refused to give Natsu the details of the job.

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Fairy Tail: 15 Most Powerful Characters In The Series, Ranked
  1. 1 Acnologia - The Dragon King.
  2. 2 Zeref - The Most Evil Mage Of All Time. ...
  3. 3 Natsu Dragneel - Flames Of Emotions. ...
  4. 4 Gildarts Clive - The Ace. ...
  5. 5 Laxus Dreyar - Redefining Lightning. ...
  6. 6 Irene Belserion - The Scarlet Despair. ...
  7. 7 Larcade Dragneel - The White Dragneel. ...
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Who is the most powerful member of Fairy Tail? ›

The strongest of them all, known as the 'Dragon King,' Acnologia easily snags the top spot as the strongest character in Fairy Tail. Apart from his various abilities, his magic overpowers everyone because he can wield Dragon Slayer magic of an unknown element.

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Top 25 Most Powerful Fairy Tail Characters
  1. Natsu Dragneel. Ultimately, he defeated both, Acnologia & Zeref, so therefore he deserves being ranked at #1.
  2. Acnologia. ...
  3. Zeref Dragneel. ...
  4. Gray Fullbuster. ...
  5. Irene Belserion. ...
  6. Mavis Vermilion. ...
  7. August. ...
  8. Igneel.

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