Why did Doom 3 fail? (2025)

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Posted on by Anonymous

Why did Doom 3 fail? (2)

>Hyped up at E3 2002
>Biggest anticipated comeback of the 2000’s for 90’s franchises
>Game comes out and dissapoints veteran fans and newcomers alike
>Gets absolutely mogged by Half-Life 2 and Halo 2
>Franchise died for almost over a decade until they get their shit together, reviving the franchise and catapulting it into it’s most successful it’s ever been

  1. 3 weeks ago



    I just remember it being too slow and focusing way too much on horror elements. Looked amazing at the time, though, I liked it as one of those "Give your graphic card a spin" kind of games, similar to Alan Wake 2 now.

  2. 3 weeks ago



    It was the highest selling doom game until 2016 so no, it didn't fail.

    • 3 weeks ago



      Still outsold by Doom 1 in terms of it’s original 2004 release.

      • 3 weeks ago



        Why did Doom 3 fail? (6)

        >it didn't sell as much as one of the best selling games of all time, therefore it is a failure

      • 3 weeks ago



        Why did Doom 3 fail? (7)

        yeah and guess what outsold Doom 1 by a wide margin? Now tell me, how many myst fans are there and how much of an impact did Myst make to this day? Where are all of the Myst mods?

        • 3 weeks ago



          There were plenty of Myst-likes, so I say it had some impact.

  3. 3 weeks ago



    It sold gorillions in 2003 despite being a bad doom game
    You needed a good computer to run it, too
    Still sold gorillions

  4. 3 weeks ago



    Why did Doom 3 fail? (8)

    it sucks monkey frick

    • 3 weeks ago



      It gained a second life in VR apart from that it's poo
      Way too ahead of it's time released when crts where in their way out and it was unplayable on lcds

  5. 3 weeks ago



    It has it's highs, but the lows were real low. The remake of the Doom levels for it was fantastic though. Still better than 2016 and Eternal though.

    • 3 weeks ago



      >The remake of the Doom levels for it was fantastic though
      Low poly levels look atrocious with Doom 3 art style. Genuinely uglier than original.

  6. 3 weeks ago



    all that matters is we got the dark mod thanks to it.

  7. 3 weeks ago



    Because it fricking sucks.
    Nice art though.

  8. 3 weeks ago



    I only played it as a kid/teen. I liked it more than dated graphically boomer hooter Dooms, but also not.
    I mean, I didn't care for original Doom, but Doom 3 was it's own thing to my mind. But I also realized that I don't like horror games that much either.
    Also, I only played the demo version.

  9. 3 weeks ago



    >Franchise died for almost over a decade
    I'm still curious about the Call of Duty DOOM thing they got going on just to see the kind of trainwreck it'll be.

  10. 3 weeks ago



    I was pretty young when Doom 3 released, but I saw some random gameplay of it at the time without knowing what it was and it blew my tiny little mind. I thought it looked amazing, and it scared the shit out of me. Still haven't actually played the game and I almost don't want to because I know it'll crush all the mystique I'd built up around it when I was a kid.

  11. 3 weeks ago



    I got happy memories with my Dad playing this on PC. I was too scared to play so i just watched most of the time lol. Miss ya, you old bugger.

  12. 3 weeks ago



    >>Game comes out and dissapoints veteran fans and newcomers alike
    I love this revisionism morons today try to whip out like you can't easily look up the reception on release. a small portion of veterans were disappointed by it, most people liked it.

    • 3 weeks ago



      Yes and plenty of games reinvented themselves throughout the francize and did fine
      Half life is such an example and it did great
      Doom now did it twice with 2003 and 2016 and it's actually doing great

  13. 3 weeks ago



    Doom 3 aged better than Half Life 2

  14. 3 weeks ago



    I thought it was a really cool game. Doom 3 and Prey are both highlights from that era.

  15. 3 weeks ago



    The fricking shadows were pitch black and the flashlight did shit all to make it visible. You can slide gamma to the max and it will STILL be too dark.

  16. 3 weeks ago



    Why did Doom 3 fail? (9)

    They tried to redo a RIP AND TEAR YOUR GUTS power fantasy as a borderline survival horror game where you can barely see shit. Quake 4 was not perfect but it was closer to what Doom 3 should have been.

    • 3 weeks ago




      >Hyped up at E3 2002
      >Biggest anticipated comeback of the 2000’s for 90’s franchises
      >Game comes out and dissapoints veteran fans and newcomers alike
      >Gets absolutely mogged by Half-Life 2 and Halo 2
      >Franchise died for almost over a decade until they get their shit together, reviving the franchise and catapulting it into it’s most successful it’s ever been

      Going for a "horror" was a mistake they thought would work because original Doom was scary and atmospheric. But what they forgot was that it was an action game first which is what they remembered by Quake 4 again.

      • 3 weeks ago



        Quake 4 was made by Raven, that's why it's good.

    • 3 weeks ago



      I miss Raven.

    • 3 weeks ago



      >RIP AND TEAR YOUR GUTS power fantasy
      doom was never that

      • 3 weeks ago



        Why did Doom 3 fail? (10)

        Which retro youtuber told you that?

        The Spider Mastermind must have sent forth its legions of hellspawn before your final confrontation with that terrible beast from Hell. But you stepped forward and brought forth eternal damnation and suffering upon the horde as a true hero would in the face of something so evil.

        Besides, someone was gonna pay for what happened to Daisy, your pet rabbit.

        But now, you see spread before you more potential pain and GIBBITUDE as a nation of demons run amok in our cities.

        Next stop, Hell on Earth!

        • 3 weeks ago



          nobody cared about this shit

          • 3 weeks ago



            >the image from the game itself isn't relevant to the game because... because I just say it isn't
            maybe play the game yourself some time, it mostly holds up and isn't that scary, I promise

            • 3 weeks ago



              it as relevant as plot in a porn movie and I played doom before you were born

              • 3 weeks ago


                Unless you're a time traveler, I don't think that's possible. Anyway, you managed to play the game and missed all the powerful weapons that turn demons into red paste? The fast movement speed? Berserk pack letting you 1v1 pinkies and literally explode lesser demons and zombies with a single punch? BFG wiping out entire rooms? Mowing down zombies with the Chaingun in the dark corridors on E1M2? Sure there were some spooky designs here and there, a jumpscare or two, even, but the game made you feel powerful.

              • 3 weeks ago


                you spent most of the time using weapons that can't gib

              • 3 weeks ago


                So, uh, what? The regular animations are plenty violent as well. Plus, from what I remember, E1 has quite a lot of barrels, which gib and throw corpses around.

              • 3 weeks ago


                is quake 2 a "RIP AND TEAR YOUR GUTS power fantasy" too? it has even more explosives and quad damage

              • 3 weeks ago


                So, uh, what? The regular animations are plenty violent as well. Plus, from what I remember, E1 has quite a lot of barrels, which gib and throw corpses around.

                Besides, you can find a Rocket Launcher as early as E1M3, and this means you can turn some zombies into fine red paste pretty early, since there's nothing better to use it on.

                is quake 2 a "RIP AND TEAR YOUR GUTS power fantasy" too? it has even more explosives and quad damage

                Wait, what are we arguing about? What is a power fantasy, anyway? In spite of lower movement speed, I feel pretty powerful even in Doom 3. The only thing that prevents me from feeling powerful is low enemy count.

                I'd say what makes Doom more of a power fantasy than Doom 3, or even Quake 2, is higher enemy numbers. It's more fun to gib 3-4 enemies with one rocket than to gib one enemy with two. Then again, there recent remaster of Q2 fixed that with one of its campaigns. I wish I could post my webm of me chaingunning like 30 guards in 10 seconds. Just revving the Ol' Painless and turning the entire room into minced meat. If that's not power fantasy, I genuinely don't know what is.

              • 3 weeks ago


                nudoom is an actual "RIP AND TEAR YOUR GUTS power fantasy" but it has low enemy numbers

              • 3 weeks ago


                >low enemy numbers
                2016 has low enemy numbers, and that made it somewhat unsatifying to me. The music just starts getting good, but suddenly everything is dead. Eternal's numbers are fine, and the enemies are fast so you don't feel lonely on its arenas. Plus, the fodder respawns.

                Pretty sure both of them have higher enemy numbers than vanilla Q1 or 2.

  17. 3 weeks ago



    enemies spawning behind your back were cheap and got old real fast
    which is a real shame cause game looked amazing for the time, both in technical and atmosphere

  18. 3 weeks ago



    You're just dabbling in the same boring indistinguishable corridors for 12 hours and when you finally get to hell, it's only for like 10 minutes and the credits roll. Such a slog of a game, couldn't force myself to complete Resurrection of Evil afterwards. Horror elements and atmosphere work for the first few hours but that's about it, it fails to realize this and continues to go on despite running out of new things to show half-way through.

  19. 3 weeks ago



    It was basically diet coke Half Life. And was pretty much blown out of the water by Half Life 2.

    • 3 weeks ago



      Half Life 1 > Doom 3 > Half Life 2 > Boomer Dooms

  20. 3 weeks ago



    because it sucked

  21. 3 weeks ago



    Not a Doom game. But they still called it Doom 3 in hopes of tricking everyone into buying this run of the mill slow paced cinematic horror game.

  22. 3 weeks ago



    It didn't fail, it sold a shit ton.
    Carmack didn't even want to make a Doom 3 in the first place. A bunch of interns convinced him and he also wanted to use it to satisfy his new 3D engine autism.
    Only after Bethesda bought Id, DOOM 2016 got released for a quick cashgrab while the brutal doom meme shit was popular.

  23. 3 weeks ago



    I remember people at the time saying the guns felt and sounded unsatisfying.

  24. 3 weeks ago



    It was nothing like Doom 1 and 2 and it was way too dark. The graphics didn't even look that good, Riddick looked way better

Why did Doom 3 fail? (2025)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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