Human Face and Golden Ratio - DC Derm Docs (2024)

Have you ever wondered why certain people are considered physically attractive by virtually everyone? While beauty is often in the eye of the beholder, it turns out that there’s some science to it too.

The golden ratio is commonly used to assess facial symmetry and has even helped determine that actress Amber Heard has the most beautiful face in the world.

So, what if certain aspects of your face fall short of the golden ratio?

Continue reading to learn about this mathematical phenomenon and how Botox and dermal fillers can offer a solution.

What Is the Golden Ratio?

Phi (1.86) is an irrational number and the basis of the golden ratio. It expresses an ideal proportion of two aspects of an object, with the smaller part being approximately half of the larger part.

How Are the Golden Ratio and Human Face Connected?

The golden ratio can be used to evaluate proportions of the human face through several measurements and calculations. These include:

  • The ratio that exists between the face width and length.
  • The space between eyes and the mouth compared face length
  • The space between both eyes compared to face width
  • The space between the eyes and the bottom of the nose compared to the distance between the bottom of the nose and the chin
  • The space between the top of the nose and the center of the lips compared to the distance between the center of the lips and the bottom of the chin

Not only can these findings provide valuable information about a person’s existing level of facial symmetry, they may also as serve as an objective guide for improving facial harmony.

Achieving Golden Ratio with Botox and Fillers

Injectable treatments offer an extremely safe and effective way to enhance symmetry and achieve a more balanced, attractive appearance. In fact, a skilled and talented injector can apply Botox and dermal fillers to lift, plump, define, and smooth the face so that features line up more closely with the golden ratio.

While plastic surgery procedures require anesthesia and downtime, Botox and fillers can target and correct irregularities in a matter of minutes, without any disruption to your schedule. It’s no wonder that more patients are opting to improve facial proportions with filler-based nose jobs, chin augmentations, and facelifts.

In addition, Botox and fillers provide a temporary and non-permanent option to enhance the face. That way, if you find that you look better with a few imperfections, you can always return to your pre-treatment state.

If you want to improve your facial proportions with Botox and dermal fillers, please call DC Derm Docs today to schedule a consultation with one of our highly skilled and talented injectors.

Human Face and Golden Ratio - DC Derm Docs (2024)


What is the Golden Ratio dermatology? ›

The golden ratio can be used to evaluate proportions of the human face through several measurements and calculations. These include: The ratio that exists between the face width and length. The space between eyes and the mouth compared face length.

What is the Golden Ratio of the human face? ›

It is suggested that a face is perceived as more aesthetically pleasing when its width is about 1.618 times the width of the mouth. This application of the golden ratio helps to create a sense of balance across the facial features, making the face appear more proportionate and visually appealing.

How do I check my face Golden Ratio? ›

The distance from the top of the nose to the center of the lips should be around 1.618 times the distance from the center of the lips to the chin. The hairline to the upper eyelid distance is classically 1.618 times the length of the top of the upper eyebrow to the lower eyelid.

Who has the perfect Golden Ratio face? ›

The “Killing Eve” actress, who's 29, has a face that's 94.52% close to the Golden Ratio – a standard that defines beauty. When measuring features like her eyes, nose, lips, and chin, Jodie's face closely aligned with what the ancient Greeks considered perfect.

What is Bella Hadid's golden ratio face? ›

Bella Hadid's face was found to be closest to perfection.

She got a rating of 94.35% as per the Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi with a chin that was found to be 99.7% perfect.

What is the perfect face ratio for a woman? ›

The distance from your hairline to your upper eyelid should be 1.618 times the length of the top of your upper eyebrow to your lower eyelid. Your lower lip should have slightly more volume than your upper lip, so the ideal ratio of your upper lip to your lower lip should be 1:1.6.

Are Golden Ratio faces more attractive? ›

The Golden Ratio, a ratio of 1:1.618 is found in the proportions of the Egyptian pyramids, the nautilus shell, beautiful faces and the ideal body. Our eyes are attracted to objects with this ratio and find them visually appealing.

Why is 1.618 so important? ›

The golden ratio, also known as the golden number, golden proportion, or the divine proportion, is a ratio between two numbers that equals approximately 1.618. Usually written as the Greek letter phi, it is strongly associated with the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers wherein each number is added to the last.

How can I improve my Golden Ratio face? ›

Improving Facial Proportions with Non-Surgical Dermal Fillers. Injectables are known for smoothing lines and wrinkles, but dermal fillers may also be utilized to alter sections of your face to achieve the Golden Ratio and provide a refreshed, youthful appearance for the entire face.

How do I know if I have the Golden Ratio? ›

The two sections are in golden ratio if the ratio of the length of the larger section (say, “a”) to the length of the smaller section, (say, “b”) is equal to the ratio of their sum “a + b” to the larger section “a”.

What is the Golden Ratio for a woman's body? ›

Results: There is a golden ratio in the distances between xiphoid to waist and waist to the abdominal crease that is close to 1:1.66, and the waist is at the junction of the upper 2/5th and lower 3/5th of the height from xiphoid to abdominal crease.

What is Brad Pitt's Golden Ratio? ›

Brad Pitt — 90.51%

“He has the top marks for eye spacing but was marked down for the shape of his nose.”

What face shape is most attractive? ›

Oval: Your face is often longer than wide, with the forehead standing out as the largest area of your face. According to Papanikolas, this form is typically regarded as the most attractive facial shape.

Who has the most beautiful face in the world? ›

Supermodel Bella Hadid has the most perfect face, with a beauty test score of 94.35%, according to a study by Dr. Julian DeSilva. She is followed in the rankings by actress Amber Heard and singer Beyonce. Hadid has been on twenty-seven foreign Vogue magazine covers in the last four years.

What does your Golden Ratio score mean? ›

First, the length and width of the face are measured. Once this is done, the length is divided by the width. The ideal result is considered the Golden Ratio which should equal 1.6. This means a beautiful person's face is about 1 ½ times longer than it is wide.

What is the Golden Ratio? ›

The golden ratio, also known as the golden number, golden proportion, or the divine proportion, is a ratio between two numbers that equals approximately 1.618. Usually written as the Greek letter phi, it is strongly associated with the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers wherein each number is added to the last.

What is Golden Ratio in medical? ›

After analyzing blood pressure readings from over 160,000 people, Ulmer and his team found that those with a ratio of 1.6180 (the mathematical value of the Golden Ratio) between the systolic (maximum) and diastolic (minimum) blood pressure were significantly less likely to have a fatal heart attack.

What is the Golden Ratio beauty standard? ›

Spanning all the way back to ancient Greece, the Golden Ratio considers the proportion of 1:1.618 as appealing — whether it's in art or the human body. The closer your face comes to this ratio, the more beautiful you are.

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.