What is the golden ratio of beauty and how is it used in aesthetics? (2024)

However much we like to think looks do not influence us, the statistics put out by researchers beg to differ. Some scientists suggest that we perceive proportional bodies to be healthier, and those with nice-looking teeth have higher education levels than those who don’t. Likewise, if a face is in proportion, we are more likely to find it beautiful. Some believe that we perceive a face as more aesthetically appealing when it adheres to the golden ratio because the human eye can process it faster, which ‘pleases’ our brain.

Whilst we all have different ideas about what we think is beautiful in a face, there is a specific science behind what makes a beautiful face, and most aesthetic practitioners will turn to this formula during the initial consultation with a patient.

The triangle of youth

A youthful face has three distinct features: high cheekbones, full cheek volume and a well-defined jawline. The widest point on a face is the measurement across its well-shaped cheeks, which taper down towards the chin and emphasise what is popularly known as the ‘triangle of youth’. That means if you were to draw a triangle with its base up and superimpose it on the image of a youthful face, two of its points will meet the cheekbones, and the third will finish at the chin.

As the face ages, the cheeks naturally lose volume as fat pads in the face diminish, and the jowls will begin to sag, and that triangle of youth gets lost. In fact, quite often, it ends up upside down, with the two widest points being the corners of the jaw and the third point starting at the bridge of the nose.

How do I assess the face?

When I assess a face for the first time during a consultation, I look at each individual feature to determine how that face is ageing, thinking strategically about where I should inject for a more youthful, balanced appearance.

Perhaps we could improve the facial structure or make a face a little more symmetrical. Most of us have asymmetric faces, and although symmetry is something the human eye finds pleasing if you look carefully at most beautiful faces, it’s their slight asymmetry that gives them their unique attraction and stops them from looking robotically perfect.

When we restore an ageing face, we want to strengthen that triangle of youth and make the skin look fresher, smoother, and more radiant.

The golden ratio formula

As well as a practitioner’s assessment of the face, there is also a mathematical element – Phi. If we measure the length and width of the face and then divide the length by the width, the ideal result – as defined by the Golden Ratio – is roughly 1.62. This number is known as Phi, after the Greek sculptor Phidias, who used this proportion in his work.

Using this concept when assessing a patients face, we can demonstrate what looks good on a face and how the principles of the Golden Ratio can be used on them. This isn’t to turn them into a canned version of themselves but to move the proportions of their face closer to the ideals that are known to be pleasing. They will still look like themselves, just fresher, youthful and more balanced.

What is the golden ratio of beauty and how is it used in aesthetics? (2024)


What is the golden ratio of beauty and how is it used in aesthetics? ›

If we measure the length and width of the face and then divide the length by the width, the ideal result – as defined by the Golden Ratio – is roughly 1.62. This number is known as Phi, after the Greek sculptor Phidias, who used this proportion in his work.

What is the golden ratio simply explained? ›

Putting it as simply as we can (eek!), the Golden Ratio (also known as the Golden Section, Golden Mean, Divine Proportion or Greek letter Phi) exists when a line is divided into two parts and the longer part (a) divided by the smaller part (b) is equal to the sum of (a) + (b) divided by (a), which both equal 1.618.

What is the relationship between the golden ratio and aesthetics in design? ›

The golden ratio—often symbolized as the Greek letter Phi (Φ)—is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 1.618033987. It exists in nature, architecture, art and design. It is a factor in producing aesthetically pleasing and balanced forms.

Why is the golden ratio aesthetically pleasing? ›

Golden ratio enthusiasts argue that the golden ratio is aesthetically pleasing because it's common in the natural world. The proportions of nautilus shells and human bodies are examples of the golden ratio in nature, but these tend to vary greatly from one individual to the next.

How is the golden ratio used in the body? ›

The golden ratio is supposed to be at the heart of many of the proportions in the human body. These include the shape of the perfect face and also the ratio of the height of the navel to the height of the body.

How do you use golden ratio in real life? ›

Here are a few ways you can use it in your everyday life:- Use it as a guide when creating visual compositions, whether you're designing a website or arranging a vase of flowers. The golden ratio is said to be aesthetically pleasing, so following its proportions can help create an attractive design.

What is the golden ratio for aesthetics? ›

While a Aesthetic Injector will have the knowledge and instinct to how one might create a more symmetrical face, the golden ratio allows them to use mathematical precision to create a face that is aesthetically harmonious: An aesthetically balanced face is 1.618 times longer than it is wide.

What is golden proportion in aesthetic? ›

Golden Proportion [2, 3], as shown in Fig. (1), is an aesthetic ratio of 0.618, which means the perceived width of the maxillary lateral incisor should be approximately 62% of the perceived width of the central incisor, whereas that of the canine should be similarly related to the lateral incisor.

Why is the golden ratio used in design? ›

The Golden Ratio is a mathematical ratio you can find almost anywhere, like nature, architecture, painting, and music. When specifically applied to design specifically, it creates an organic, balanced, and aesthetically pleasing composition.

Is golden ratio important why? ›

The golden ratio, approximately between 1 to 1.618, is an extremely important number to mathematicians. But when it comes to art, artists use this golden ratio because it is aesthetically pleasing. The golden ratio can be used in art and design to achieve beauty, balance, and harmony.

Who is most beautiful according to golden ratio? ›

Conclusion. According to the Golden Ratio, a scientific measure of beauty, Jodie Comer is the world's most beautiful woman. Her face closely matches ideal proportions with a score of 94.52%.

Is the golden ratio the best way to measure whether a design is aesthetically pleasing? ›

There's no evidence that use of the golden ratio is better than use of other proportions, but artists and designers are always in the business of creating balance, order and interesting composition for their work.

Who has the perfect golden ratio face? ›

The “Killing Eve” actress, who's 29, has a face that's 94.52% close to the Golden Ratio – a standard that defines beauty. When measuring features like her eyes, nose, lips, and chin, Jodie's face closely aligned with what the ancient Greeks considered perfect.

How does the golden mean apply to the body? ›

The Golden Ratio is a number that shows up all over the human body, for example the length of the arms and legs divided by the length of the torso. It seems to describe what proportions look best, or most appealing.

Why do people use the golden ratio? ›

The Golden Ratio is a mathematical ratio you can find almost anywhere, like nature, architecture, painting, and music. When specifically applied to design specifically, it creates an organic, balanced, and aesthetically pleasing composition.

What is the math behind beauty golden ratio? ›

Spanning all the way back to ancient Greece, the Golden Ratio considers the proportion of 1:1.618 as appealing — whether it's in art or the human body. The closer your face comes to this ratio, the more beautiful you are.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.