PSLE Composition Writing Tips: 5 Ways to Score (2024)

PSLE Composition Writing Tips: 5 Ways to Score (1)

As the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) draws near, the pressure on Primary 6 students increases, especially in mastering the art of composition writing. A well-written composition demonstrates a student's English language proficiency and showcases their creativity and imagination. In this article, we will explore five essential tips on how to write a good composition in PSLE to help parents guide their children towards writing an exceptional PSLE English composition, ensuring they have the skills to excel in this crucial exam.

Read Widely: Expanding Horizons and Vocabulary

Encourage your child to read widely, beyond just textbooks and required reading lists. Reading exposes them to various writing styles, genres, and ideas, fostering a deeper understanding of different writing techniques. By exploring a diverse range of literature, students can expand their vocabulary and find inspiration for their own writing.

Aim to introduce your child to classic literature, contemporary fiction, non-fiction, and even poetry. Additionally, discussing the stories they read can enhance their comprehension and critical thinking abilities, making them better equipped to craft a well-rounded composition.

PSLE Composition Writing Tips: 5 Ways to Score (2)

Plan and Organise: Laying the Foundation

Effective composition writing begins with a solid plan. Teach your child to organise their thoughts before starting to write. This process involves brainstorming ideas, structuring the composition with a clear beginning, middle, and end, and deciding on the main plot points.

Encourage your child to create an outline for their composition, detailing the characters, setting, and the key events that will unfold. This way, they will stay focused and maintain coherence throughout their story. A well-thought-out plan is the backbone of a compelling composition.

Use Descriptive Language: Bringing Words to Life

Descriptive language is the key to transporting readers into the world of composition. Encourage your child to use vivid and imaginative language that evokes emotions and creates vivid images in the reader's mind. Descriptive language adds depth to the characters, setting, and events, making the composition engaging and exciting to read.

Encourage your child to experiment with various literary devices, such as similes, metaphors, and personification, to add richness to their writing. However, it's crucial to strike a balance, as overusing these techniques may distract from the essence of the story.

PSLE Composition Writing Tips: 5 Ways to Score (3)

Show, Don't Tell: Engaging the Reader

“Show, don't tell” is a fundamental rule in storytelling. Instead of merely stating events or emotions, teach your child to use actions, dialogue, and sensory details to reveal information to the reader. This approach lets readers experience the story firsthand, creating a stronger emotional connection between the reader and the composition.

For instance, instead of writing, “Sara was sad,” encourage your child to write, “Tears welled up in Sara's eyes, and she buried her face in her hands, her heart heavy with sorrow.” This way, the reader can empathise with Sara's emotions and engage more deeply with the narrative.

Revise and Edit: Polishing the Gem

Emphasise the importance of revising and editing in the writing process. Writing a first draft is just the beginning; the real magic happens during the revision phase. Encourage your child to read their composition aloud, which helps identify awkward phrasing and errors they may have missed otherwise.

Furthermore, having someone else read their work, such as a friend or family member, can provide valuable feedback and fresh perspectives. Remind them that constructive criticism is essential for growth, and they should embrace feedback as a means of refining their composition.

PSLE Composition Writing Tips: 5 Ways to Score (4)

Preparing for the PSLE composition writing can be daunting, but with the right guidance and practice, every Primary 6 student can significantly improve their creative writing skills. Encourage your child to read widely, plan and organise their ideas, use descriptive language, show, don't tell, and diligently revise and edit their work. By instilling these five fundamental tips for PSLE composition writing, you equip your child with the necessary tools to score well in their PSLE composition and, more importantly, develop a love for writing that will benefit them throughout their academic journey and beyond.

Unlock your child's full writing potential with AGrader Learning Centre. Our innovative techniques are tailored to help them develop their writing skills and master the use of vocabulary. Our specially designed curriculum will help them improve their English creative writing significantly.

PSLE Composition Writing Tips: 5 Ways to Score (5)

With the support of our experienced teachers, your child will learn to express themselves with the right use of words, enhancing the quality of their writing. Give your child a strong foundation in writing that will serve them throughout their academic journey.

Don't miss this chance to set your child up for success! Enrol in AGrader's Primary Creative Writing Tuition now and watch their writing skills soar to new heights!

PSLE Composition Writing Tips: 5 Ways to Score (2024)


How to score well in composition writing? ›

What Makes a Good Composition
  1. Composition That's Relevant to the Topic. The first step is to ensure that their ideas relate back to the question or theme driving the composition. ...
  2. Descriptive Use of Words. ...
  3. Attention-grabbing Introduction. ...
  4. Proper Climax and Conclusion. ...
  5. Zero Grammatical Errors.
Apr 4, 2022

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4 Tips to Do Well For Your Children's PSLE English Composition
  1. Practice Good Planning and Brainstorming.
  2. Compile model compositions from top students.
  3. Practice Writing Regularly and broaden your child's vocabulary through reading.
  4. Edit and Proofread.
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How to write good compo P6? ›

P6 composition writing tips
  1. Study the theme and pictures carefully before you plan. Make sure that you understand what the theme is asking you to write about. ...
  2. Have a good introduction and conclusion. ...
  3. Remember to use the theme. ...
  4. Flesh out your character.

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9 Tips to Improve Your Chinese Composition Writing
  1. Tip 1: Learn From Past Mistakes.
  2. Tip 2: Determine the Theme of Your Composition.
  3. Tip 3: Choose Your Question Wisely.
  4. Tip 4: Choose The Correct Point of View.
  5. Tip 5: Plan Before You Write.
  6. Tip 6: Start With a Relevant Introduction.
  7. Tip 7: Flesh Out Your Conclusion.
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