4 Tips to Do Well For Your PSLE English Composition (2024)

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4 Tips to Do Well For Your PSLE English Composition (1)

As a parent, you may wonder how to help your child excel in English composition on the PSLE. This is a common concern among parents who want their child to do well in the exam.

For Primary School students, writing English compositions can be daunting and overwhelming, especially if they lack experience and vocabulary. Achieving a high score in PSLE English composition requires a solid grasp of the English language and strong writing abilities.

In this article, we will share some tips to support your child in improving their English composition writing skills.

Why Do Children Struggle With PSLE English Composition?

The composition component of the PSLE exam allows students to express their thoughts and feelings through writing. However, some children may encounter difficulties with English composition due to various factors such as language proficiency, writing skills, and the structure of the examination.

One common challenge is a limited vocabulary, which can restrict a child’s ability to express themselves in writing effectively. This often results in repetitive or simplistic compositions. Another issue is a lack of creativity and ideas. Some children may struggle to generate engaging storylines or explore interesting themes, negatively impacting their composition scores.

Descriptive writing is an important aspect of PSLE compositions, and some children may struggle to describe settings, characters, emotions, or actions effectively. Inadequate planning can also contribute to a low score in composition. It’s essential for children to plan and organize their thoughts before writing to create a well-structured composition. With proper planning, their narratives may be organized and cohesive.

Finally, the time constraints of the PSLE English composition can be a source of stress for some children. They may feel pressured to complete their compositions quickly, resulting in rushed and less thoughtful writing.

4 Tips to Do Well For Your PSLE English Composition (2)

4 Tips to Do Well For Your Children’s PSLE English Composition

1. Practice Good Planning and Brainstorming

Before beginning to write, it’s essential for children to take a few moments to brainstorm and plan their composition. This can involve considering the plot, characters, setting, and the main conflict or problem.
Creating an outline to organise their thoughts can help them maintain a logical flow in their composition.
Encouraging your children to spend more time brainstorming before starting to write can be highly beneficial. Brainstorming is a crucial preparation step that can help them clarify their ideas, structure their thoughts and overcome writing obstacles. This process involves creativity and strategy, leading to more impactful and captivating writing.

2. Compile model compositions from top students

Compiling model compositions from top students across different themes can be a valuable resource for your children seeking to improve their writing skills.
Parents can reach out to schools, teachers, or educational institutions with a reputation for producing top-performing students in composition writing. You contact English teachers, writing instructors, or school administrators who may have access to compositions from high-achieving students.
Once you’ve identified potential sources, seek permission from the students and their parents or guardians to use their compositions as models.
You and your children can take time to analyze the writing style, vocabulary, organization, and creativity demonstrated in each piece. By offering insightful annotations and explanations, you can help your child better understand the writing techniques used by high-achieving students and inspire them to improve their own writing skills.

3. Practice Writing Regularly and broaden your child’s vocabulary through reading

After good planning and referring to sample writings of excellent students, it’s time to practice! The more your children write, the better they’ll become.
You can tell your children to try to write short stories, journal entries, or essays on various topics to develop writing skills. Your children can ask their teachers or peers to read their compositions and provide feedback.
• Spend more time reading: Reading books, newspapers, and magazines exposes your children to different writing styles, vocabulary, and ideas. This can improve their writing skills and expand their knowledge.

4. Edit and Proofread

Editing and proofreading are essential, so children need to pay attention to their writing process. There are some helpful tips on adjusting sentences to get higher scores in PSLE composition as follows:

Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.
Make sure the composition has a strong opening and a memorable closing statement.
– Your children can begin the composition with a compelling hook that captures the reader’s attention and piques their interest. It could be a thought-provoking question, a vivid description, a surprising fact, or a powerful statement.
– Then, the writing ends with a sentence or image that leaves a strong emotional or intellectual impact on the reader. This could be a moral lesson, a surprising twist, a reflection, or a powerful message.
Use a variety of vocabulary to make your composition more interesting, avoid using repetitive words.
Pay attention to sentence structure:
– Use a mix of simple and complex sentences to add depth to the writing. For example:
+ Simple sentences: “The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky” and “Children played joyfully in the park”.
+ Complex and simple sentences mixed: “As the sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky, casting its warm embrace upon the world, the day promised to be a delightful one. Children played joyfully in the park.”
– Instead of starting sentences with a pronoun like ‘I’ or ‘he’, swap it with the “-ing” form of the verb you would use after it. For example: Instead of “I sat by the window and I watched the rain pour down.”, write “Sitting by the window, I watched the rain pour down.”
Use of vivid descriptions for stronger details:
– Instead of simply stating that the garden was beautiful in the morning, a more vivid description can be created by writing, “As the first rays of the sun stretched across the garden, it bloomed with vibrant colours.”

4 Tips to Do Well For Your PSLE English Composition (3)


It is important to understand that children overcome these difficulties. Children can enhance their writing abilities with proper assistance, practice, and direction.

Teachers, guardians, and mentors can have a significant impact on aiding children in confronting these challenges by providing helpful comments, giving them more opportunities to practice, and cultivating a positive outlook towards writing. Furthermore, a nurturing and supportive atmosphere can enhance a child’s self-assurance and aspiration to excel in their PSLE English composition.

4 Tips to Do Well For Your PSLE English Composition (2024)


How to improve psle English composition? ›

How can I help my child with English composition for PSLE?
  1. Read extensively. Encourage your child to read as much as possible. ...
  2. Practise writing. Try to focus on the areas that your child may need strengthening. ...
  3. Review grammar and vocabulary. ...
  4. Plan their composition. ...
  5. Practise time management. ...
  6. Practise past papers. ...
  7. Give feedback.
Apr 3, 2023

How to do well for English composition? ›

What Makes a Good Composition
  1. Composition That's Relevant to the Topic. The first step is to ensure that their ideas relate back to the question or theme driving the composition. ...
  2. Descriptive Use of Words. ...
  3. Attention-grabbing Introduction. ...
  4. Proper Climax and Conclusion. ...
  5. Zero Grammatical Errors.
Apr 4, 2022

How to ace psle in English? ›

Developing Strong Language Skills

To excel in English, your child needs a strong foundation in vocabulary and grammar. Encourage them to read widely and actively engage with different genres. Help them expand their vocabulary through word games, daily word challenges, and using new words in everyday conversations.

What is the composition for PSLE English? ›

PSLE English Composition (40 marks; 20%)

They must write at least 150 words (usually in the form of a narrative) using one, two or all the pictures. Out of 40 marks, 20 are awarded for Content and 20 for Language. To achieve top scores in content, ensure your story is creative, engaging, well-developed, and coherent.

How can I improve my English composition? ›

To help you out, we've put together seven super actionable tips for improving your written English.
  1. Read, read, read. Experiencing déjà vu? ...
  2. Ban these words. ...
  3. Use a thesaurus. ...
  4. Use and notice collocations. ...
  5. Know your audience. ...
  6. Prefer active over passive language. ...
  7. Don't write in a vacuum.

How to pass English composition? ›

Here are some quick tips to help you pass your college English composition class with ease.
  1. Hone Your Writing Skills. Writing well means writing concisely, clearly, and effectively. ...
  2. Learn Basic Grammar. ...
  3. Know How to Craft a Compelling Essay. ...
  4. Use Sources Thoughtfully. ...
  5. Build Upon Feedback.

How do you master English composition? ›

How to improve your writing skills
  1. Review grammar and spelling basics. Grammar and spelling form the foundation of good writing. ...
  2. Read what you want to write. Knowing what a finished piece of writing can look like can guide your own. ...
  3. Proofread. ...
  4. Get feedback. ...
  5. Think about structure. ...
  6. Write. ...
  7. Know some common fixes.
Mar 15, 2024

What are the basics of English composition? ›

English composition is the study of fundamental reading and writing concepts and skills. Reading comprehension, grammar, the writing process, citing sources, and writing effectively to communicate ideas are topics usually covered within English composition classes.

How can I improve my PSLE English comprehension? ›

How can I improve my English comprehension for PSLE? Firstly, good vocabulary is needed by reading widely. Next, look for clues in the context by reading the surrounding sentences. The main idea of the passage should be read, and the reader should get the gist of the entire passage.

How do you ace PSLE oral? ›

By implementing these suggestions, you can help build your child's confidence, enhance their communication skills, and ensure they are prepared for this assessment.
  1. Use examples in responses where appropriate. ...
  2. Explore different oral topics & predict questions. ...
  3. Practise using the “5W1H” format. ...
  4. Practise time management.

What percentage of PSLE English score is oral? ›

The PSLE English Oral Exam measures a student's fluency in reading and speaking. It consists of two components, Reading aloud (10 marks) and Stimulus-based Conversation (20 marks ), and it accounts for 15% of the overall PSLE English score . Before the student meets the examiner, they have 5 minutes to prepare.

How long is English paper 2 psle? ›

Paper 2 (Language Use and Comprehension)

They will be tested on Vocabulary, Grammar, Editing, Comprehension, Visual text comprehension and Synthesis. The duration of the paper is 1 hour 50 minutes.

How can I improve my vocabulary for PSLE? ›

Activities to do for Improving Vocabulary

Encourage a habit of daily reading across different genres and topics. Teach the skill of using context to infer the meanings of new words. Use flashcards to regularly quiz on new vocabulary words. Create and maintain a list of new words, complete with meanings and examples.

How can I improve my English language analysis? ›

Reading contemporary and classic literature improves language analysis skills. Annotating and identifying literary devices can also improve these skills. Exam preparation should include weaker area revision strategies. If vocabulary is a weakness, creating a list of topic-specific keywords can help.

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