The Principles of Life Drawing from the Masters (2024)

The Principles of Life Drawing from the Masters

The Principles of Life Drawing from the Masters (1)

This course seeks to systematically outline and guide you through, some of the fundamental principles that lead to a comprehensive proficiency for drawing the human figure. In the space of seven weeks, it summarises skills that could be repetitiously applied in a three to five year life drawing course; thus giving the student the necessary tools in a short time, to build on principles they can practice and repeat over a life time.

Each week introduces the student to a new aspect of competent figure drawing. Included with this is a brief analysis of human anatomy, starting with the major masses of the skeleton and concluding with an analysis of each of the major muscle groups of the human body.

The course also lays a strong emphasis on learning from the drawings of the Old Masters. Students will be assigned a weekly drawing(s) to copy that relates to a specific principle studied during class. Furthermore, the life model’s pose - and where necessary lighting - will be set up to mirror the action in a drawing studied, in order to further aid the student in conceptualising its principles in the empirically observed figure.

Course Outline

  • Week 1. Luca Cambiaso (1527 – 1585) – the figure as basic lineand structure.
  • Week 2. Luca Cambiaso (1527 – 1585) – the figure as line and structure.
  • Week 3. Fundamental gesture and action
  • Week 4. Tintoretto (1518 – 1594) - Gesture and action with basic anatomical masses, landmarks and limited convexed contours
  • Week 5. Raphael Sanzio (1483 – 1520) – Basic anatomy and the figure as line and contour
  • Week 6. Ludovico Cardi, il Cigoli (1559 – 1613) – Basic modelling and shadow masses
  • Week 7. Andrea Sacchi (1599 – 1661) - The figure as convexed forms, basic shadow masses and modelling at the plane break.

Planned Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Identify how the placement of the models weight coincides with the figures action.
  • Begin to understand and grasp the processes of conceptualising, selecting and creatively inventing from the figure.
  • Learning how to treat the figure as a “mannequin” rather than a static object to mindlessly copy and reproduce.
  • The ability to apply a basic knowledge of human anatomy to figure drawing, including the basic skeletal masses of the figure and muscle groups.
  • Understand the basic principles of suggesting form with line alone.
  • Making use of and/or inventing a light source to model form.
  • Being able to identify techniques and make use of Old Masters drawings within a contemporary drawing practice.

Drawing materials required:

  • Either charcoal, H, HB, B pencil, oil based hard red or black chalk pencil.
  • Kneadable eraser and razor blade / sharpener
  • A3 sketch book
  • Two metal paper clips

Monday 6 February - 20 March 2017

WEA Sydney
72 Bathurst Street

Student feedback:'Great course, and I made a lot of progress in the 8 weeks. Dominique was a great teacher and I will be signing up to future courses.' - Caroline

'Very structured and thoughtful course. Homework each week promoted learning. Tutoring at group level and individually was very good.'

The Principles of   Life Drawing  from the  Masters (2024)


What are the principles of life drawing? ›

The ability to apply a basic knowledge of human anatomy to figure drawing, including the basic skeletal masses of the figure and muscle groups. Understand the basic principles of suggesting form with line alone. Making use of and/or inventing a light source to model form.

What does still life drawing teach you? ›

The art of still life will allow you to understand the absolute foundations of drawing like perspective, shadowing, depth and color so that you can create something realistic and visually interesting.

What is the explanation of life drawing? ›

A life drawing is a drawing of the human figure, traditionally nude, from observation of a live model. Creating life drawings, or life studies, in a life class, has been a large element in the traditional training of artists in the Western world since the Renaissance.

What are the 4 basic principles of life? ›

Four basic principles or theories unify all fields of biology. Those principles are cell theory, gene theory, homeostasis, and evolutionary theory. According to cell theory, all living things are made of cells and come from other living cells.

What are the 5 principles of life? ›

With following five principles, you can improve our life and create success: Dream Big, Work Hard, Learn Every Day,Enjoy Life, and Be True to Yourself. If you do nothing else, then just practice these five success principles, and they are all you will ever need.

What are the three important parts of a still life drawing? ›

Still Life Objects, Shapes, and Arrangement

The shapes of common objects selected for a still life drawing provide design elements and focus on specific skills.

What should be drawn first in a still life drawing? ›

Inanimate objects are the perfect way to begin the exploration of basic shapes with visual interest, that are illuminated with a single light source. This is the essence of still life drawing. Many regard still life drawing or painting as boring, or beneath them.

What is the aim of life drawing? ›

The obvious reason to go to life drawing class is to improve your ability to draw people and to create beautiful pictures of human beings. You'll certainly become better at drawing people, which is one of the images we as humans find most fascinating.

Why is life drawing so important? ›

Life Drawing teaches you hand-eye coordination, hones your observational skills and does wonders for relaxation.

What is another name for life drawing? ›

Life drawing, also sometimes known as figure drawing or gesture drawing, is the drawing of the human form in various poses and levels of detail.

What are examples of still life drawing? ›

Lesson summary

Still life painting is a genre of painting that represents inanimate objects that the artist has arranged in a visually pleasing composition. The subjects of still life paintings are the objects depicted, including fruit or other food items, flowers in vases, and common objects found in the home.

How long does it take to get good at life drawing? ›

Commonly between 5 to 10 years of proper training to reach a level of proficiency. When attending an art class you will only learn information that you are ready to learn at the time.

How can I be successful in life drawing? ›

How to improve your life drawing skills
  1. Study anatomy. The human body is a sum of its parts, making understanding anatomy crucial for life drawing. ...
  2. Choose the right drawing tools. ...
  3. Learn from other artists. ...
  4. Don't rush your observations. ...
  5. Talk to the model. ...
  6. Master the basics. ...
  7. Go beyond the outline.
Apr 25, 2024

Which are the methods used in life drawing? ›

Gesture drawing method

Another formulaic technique, which is very commonly used for gesture drawings, but also works for longer drawings consist of starting the drawing with a line of action. Then the head, torso and pelvis are paced on this line of action, followed by the limbs and joints.

What are the 7 principles of art drawing? ›

The Principles of Art (balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and unity/variety) represent how the Elements of Art (line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space) are used by an artist to create a painting, drawing, or other work of art.

What are the 5 principles of art of living? ›

The Art of Living is based upon five principles:
  • Opposite values are complementary: In life, not everything goes the way we want, sometimes, things go wrong. ...
  • Accept people and situations as they are: Things are not going to change, if we don't accept them, right?

What are the art to life principles? ›

Only life experience is needed and a willingness to play. Discovering ones own personal way or journey in art is one of the focuses of this class. In addition, this seminar teaches, and is structured around, 6 principles of artmaking – Design, Value, Color, Texture, Risk, and Soul.

What are the elements and principles of still life drawing? ›

Elements of a Still Life Painting | A Step-by-Step from Sheldon...
  • Transferring the Drawing. ...
  • Blocking In. ...
  • Choosing One Area. ...
  • Developing One Area. ...
  • Establishing the Quality of Light. ...
  • Developing Another Object. ...
  • Within the Reflection. ...
  • Making It Complex.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.