7 benefits of drawing for daily life (2024)

We know that colors are essential in human being's life. We cannot imagine a world in black and white. Can you picture what it would be like in just these two shades?

It wouldn't make sense! Our daily lives would be boring and monotonous.

Also, coloring and drawing are not only for children. Young people and adults can do it too and we will always be on time to color our lives.

Drawing and coloring are not only for well-known artists or painters either. If you are not an artist or do not live from drawing, this art will bring you many benefits - without the need for you to be the most expert.

As believers in the magic of color, we want to show you some of the advantages of drawing and coloring. You will certainly be encouraged to buy a notebook and pencil or a book with mandalas to color.

So, here we go!

  • It boosts our brain activity

Many studies have shown that the human being, depending on the skills he or she develops along the way, puts one hemisphere of the brain to work more than another. By starting to draw, we stimulate our brain to use both hemispheres and improve our concentration.

Did you know that by drawing we can decrease pains in our body?

  • It gives us a new tool for communication

From a young age, drawing is a great tool for expressing those ideas which we may not find a way to put into words. In the case of children, for example, once they begin to discover geometric figures and lines, these new elements allow them to strengthen their psychom*otor skills.

Without a doubt, scratching and drawing also stimulates us to express our ideas, feelings, and ways of seeing life, and it encourages and increases our creativity.

You may want to tell a very special person how much you love them or feel about them. Draw a picture for them, just like in the old days.

  • It gives us a fun time

It's a moment of enjoyment. Concentrating on our creations leads us to relax and forget about the routine we have in our daily lives.

Drawing in someone’s company is also enjoyable. Those works of art that may not have been the best, will be a reason to have fun for your friends and theirs, for you. There is nothing better than sharing good moments with those you love the most.

  • Relaxing effects

They say that coloring gives you benefits very similar to meditation. When you start coloring or drawing, your mind will focus its energy on what you are doing at that moment. Moreover, if you use many colors, the diversity of these will bring to your thoughts very positive things with all the meanings they have and the variety of emotions they can transmit.

These are the meanings and emotions that your favorite color has (LINK)

  • Increase our creativity

Has anyone ever told you that your drawings are "scribbles"? Well, those scribbles are very useful, even at work. Sometimes they can be considered offensive if you're in a meeting or with a group of colleagues. But, you know something? this process of scribbling helps us to find creative solutions and to solve something.

  • We are taking care of our healthcare.

By drawing and coloring, we develop our fine motor skills. When this is lost, in a more advanced age, the risk of developing diseases such as Parkinson's and even senile dementia increases. This activity helps us to prevent these diseases in the future or also avoids falling into states such as depression.

  • It helps you identify your mood

Many of our creations or drawings, show our true state of mind. In the process, you will reflect your emotions and feelings of the moment. A creative way to find an explanation for what you are feeling and don't know why or what to call it.

Now that you know all these benefits, dare to write your anecdotes, draw what you are thinking, fill with color an idea that is still in black and white. You see, drawing and coloring will always bring positive things to your life.

7 benefits of drawing for daily life (2024)


7 benefits of drawing for daily life? ›

It gives us a new tool for communication

Without a doubt, scratching and drawing also stimulates us to express our ideas, feelings, and ways of seeing life, and it encourages and increases our creativity. You may want to tell a very special person how much you love them or feel about them.

What are 10 general benefits of drawing every day? ›

10 Great Health Benefits Of Painting And Drawing
  • IMPROVED CREATIVITY. Painting and drawing would obviously make use of one's imagination. ...
  • Emotional Restoration.
Apr 13, 2016

Why is drawing important in everyday life? ›

It gives us a new tool for communication

Without a doubt, scratching and drawing also stimulates us to express our ideas, feelings, and ways of seeing life, and it encourages and increases our creativity. You may want to tell a very special person how much you love them or feel about them.

What are the benefits of drawing from life? ›

So, if you practise life drawing, you'll be great at getting what you see onto the page, including the most difficult things to capture. If you're interested in drawing or painting from your imagination, this is a fantastic skill to have.

What are the 5 benefits of drawing? ›

Here are 10 known benefits to drawing;
  • Increase brain activity. ...
  • Stress Relief. ...
  • Improve creative thinking and imagination. ...
  • Improves Memory. ...
  • Healing benefits. ...
  • We were born to be creative. ...
  • Improved self esteem. ...
  • Improved motor skills.

What happens to your brain when you draw? ›

Not only is drawing a form of literacy, it also helps your memory! A study from Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology found that participants that doodled were 29% more likely to remember mundane information. IT MAKES YOU HAPPY: When you draw, you release Serotonin, Endorphins, Dopamine, and Norepinephrine.

What does drawing do to your body? ›

A sketching habit strengthens fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. New pathways form and, according to studies, increase blood flow to the reward center in your brain. You are training your eyes to deliver visual information to your brain, which, in turn, communicates with your hand.

How can drawing change your life? ›

Enlightening, challenging, and informative, visual art can also be therapeutic, reducing anxiety and stress levels, and offering perspective on the challenges that we all face in our lives.

Is drawing good for mental health? ›

Drawing is an act of mediation and promotes mindfulness

Taking the time to focus on a sketch allows you to be more mindful of the world around you. Centering yourself and setting aside time with a pencil or paintbrush in hand can help you find a sense of balance in your day to day.

Does drawing everyday improve your skills? ›

Through daily, concentrated practice and with an eye on what you can accomplish in a month, there's no doubt your drawings will get better.

Why is drawing so powerful? ›

So when we draw, we encode the memory in a very rich way, layering together the visual memory of the image, the kinesthetic memory of our hand drawing the image, and the semantic memory that is invoked when we engage in meaning-making.

Why is drawing important to us? ›

It's long been known that drawing something helps a person remember it. A new study shows that drawing is superior to activities such as reading or writing because it forces the person to process information in multiple ways: visually, kinesthetically, and semantically.

What are the benefits of drawing as a hobby? ›

The more you paint or draw, the more you will start to concentrate on fine detail and pay more attention to your environment. Drawing and painting can help you to become more observant about the world around you. When you enjoy and appreciate art, you can have more opportunities to connect with like-minded people.

What is drawing and why is important in our daily life? ›

Art is a great tool for people to explore and express their emotions. Drawing can help you communicate your inner thoughts to others, not just visually, but also by giving you time to better process them. This introspection can be very healthy for growing your emotional intelligence overall.

What are the 5 major purposes of drawing? ›

There are many purposes of drawing such: describe or record something, document some evidence or history, explore different objects or nature, remember the past or past moments, change people understanding or thinking, express feelings and emotions and many more. Usually all our drawings come from our memory.

What are the 5 P's of drawing? ›

There are, Mr Loomis says, “Five P's of good drawing: proportion, placement, perspective, planes and pattern.” There are also the five C's of “conception, construction, contour, character and consistency.” He step-by-step demonstrates 48 technical illustrations.

What are the benefits of art in everyday life? ›

Art gives meaning to our lives and helps us understand our world. It is an essential part of our culture because it allows us to have a deeper understanding of our emotions; it increases our self-awareness, and also allows us to be open to new ideas and experiences.

Does drawing every day make you better? ›

Making a commitment to draw everyday, for even just a few minutes, will lead to drastically substantial results. You may not see these improvements everyday, but you will over time. Creating a drawing habit, and sticking with it, will improve your skills – it's almost guaranteed.

What are the main uses of drawing? ›

In addition to its more artistic forms, drawing is frequently used in commercial illustration, animation, architecture, engineering, and technical drawing. A quick, freehand drawing, usually not intended as a finished work, is sometimes called a sketch.

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.