What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (2024)

8 minutes read

There’s no need for us to find a reason or specific explanations when it comes to art. It can simply be Art for Art’s Sake, like many writers and artists believe(d).

Beauty exists. It’s everywhere, and it’s subjective. We don’t have to find completion in it. But, as humans, we do search for balance.

And here’s where the Golden Ratio comes to help whenever we want to create something harmonious.

The Golden Ratio is an example that math can help fine arts. This doesn’t mean that just using this theory will suddenly make everything look beautiful, but it will be of great help for everyone who’s looking to achieve equilibrium.

So, let’s dive right in, starting with the Golden Ratio definition.

Table of Contents

1. What is the Golden Ratio?

2. What’s the origin of the Golden Ration term?

3. What is the difference between the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence?

4. How to create the Golden Ration by yourself?

5. How can you use the Golden Ration in graphic design?

6. Where can you find the Golden Ration being used?

7. What tools can you use for the Golden Ratio calculation?

8. Conclusion

1. What Is the Golden Ratio?

The Golden Ratio also referred to as the Golden Mean or Divine Proportion is a mathematical ratio with its roots in the Fibonacci sequence. This ratio, approximately equal to 1.618, is used to create harmonious compositions in various fields, including design projects, paintings, illustrations, photography, music, and other compositions that thrive on balance. The Golden Ratio symbol is the Greek letter ϕ (Phi) or τ.

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (1)

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In the 1200s AD, the mathematician Leonardo Di Pisa, known as Fibonacci, made calculations resulting in a series of numbers called the Fibonacci sequence. The sequence begins as follows: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21… Starting with 0 and 1, each subsequent number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. As the numbers in the sequence grow larger, the ratio between them approximates 1:1.618.

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (2)

2. What’s the origin of the Golden Ration term?

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (3)

In 1815, the mathematician Martin Ohm coined the term Golden Ratio in his study “Die Reine Elementar-Mathematik” (The Pure Elementary Mathematics), where he addressed this for the first time as “goldener schnitt” (golden section).

Before this, the Golden Ratio was called the Divine Proportion by Luca Pacioli and Leonardo da Vinci.

Earlier, I mentioned the Phi number, which comes from the Greeks. This number was first mentioned in Greek history in a book by Eukleides of Alexandria, where he called it the “extreme and mean ratio.”

Even though the Greeks are known for their mathematical calculations, the connection between the letter Phi and the Golden Ratio was made only in the 1900s.

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (4)

3. What is the difference between the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence?

The Fibonacci sequence isn’t exactly the same as the Golden Ratio but is very similar, often leading to confusion between the two terms. When creating the Golden Ratio scheme, we use separation to show its purpose. The Golden Ratio calculation involves dividing two quantities so that the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger quantity is the same as the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one. This results in the Golden Ratio number of 1.618, called Phi. While the Fibonacci sequence starts from 0 and grows to larger numbers, forming golden rectangles separated into squares with Fibonacci numbers inside each one, the Golden Ratio is characterized by its extreme irrationality and beauty. Irrational numbers cannot be represented by fractions and have an infinite increase, making the Golden Ratio challenging to observe in nature, though it can often be spotted as the Golden Ratio Spiral.

4. How to create the Golden Ration by yourself?

Because the Golden Ratio is approximately equal to a 1:1.618 ratio, it can be illustrated using a Golden Ratio Rectangle. From a mathematical point of view, you can take a square and multiply one side by 1.618, and you’ll get a balanced rectangle. You can also create it out of shapes. Here’s how:

Golden Ratio Rectangle

The Golden Ratio Rectangle has a shape from which, if you cut off a square with its side length equal to the shortest side of the rectangle, the part of the rectangle that’s left has the same proportions as the original rectangle. You can repeat this action as many times as you wish, and the rectangle ratio will remain the same.

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (5)

Creating the Golden Spiral

If you keep cutting the Golden Ratio rectangle to get squares out of it, you’ll end up with progressively smaller squares, which will be your base for the Golden Ratio spiral. Draw an arch in each square to form the Golden Spiral. You can even draw circles inside the squares, and they’ll all be in balance with each other, following the 1:1.618 ratio.

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (6)

Golden Triangle

A golden triangle is an isosceles triangle with two equal sides that are in Golden Ratio to the third one. You can create the Golden Spiral based on the resulting diagram by continuously cutting the golden triangle into smaller triangles.

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (7)

5. How can you use the Golden Ration in graphic design?

The Golden Ratio can be applied in several key areas of graphic design to enhance visual appeal and effectiveness:

  • Layout and Composition

    Placing elements on a layout with careful consideration of spacing and balance is crucial for a pleasing user interface. Applying the Golden Ratio can simplify this task. Many websites follow a simple two-column layout, and the key is knowing how to make it visually appealing and where to place important information. Using the golden rectangle as a guide, designers can create balanced and harmonious compositions without overcomplicating the grid.

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (8)

  • Typography

    The Golden Ratio can also be applied to typography to achieve the perfect balance in text sizing and arrangement. Start by choosing a dimension for your body text, then multiply it by 1.618 to get the size for your headlines. For instance, if you choose 12pt for the body text size, multiplying it by 1.618 gives you 19.416, which can be rounded up to 19 or 20. This simple application of the Golden Ratio ensures harmony and visual appeal in your typography.

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (9)

  • Logo Design

    Understanding the importance of logo design is vital for your brand. A well-made logo helps create brand identity, brand recognition, and differentiation from the competition. Once you understand what defines your brand and have a vision for your logo, the Golden Ratio can help achieve harmonious proportions. Many brands, such as Pepsi, Apple, and Twitter, have used the Golden Ratio to create their logos. For example, if you want a round-shaped logo, you can use the Fibonacci sequence to create a series of circles that are in perfect ratio to each other and place them to form a grid as a base for your future logo design. The Twitter bird logo, for instance, was made based on Golden Ratio circles.

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (10)

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  • Images and Graphics

    A balanced, eye-pleasing composition is essential when working on designs for ad campaigns, websites, or blogs, especially when incorporating images. Whether you choose images from a premium stock photo library or take your own photos, applying the Golden Ratio can help achieve perfectly balanced compositions. Consider using the rule of thirds or the phi grid. For the phi grid, split the picture into three unequal sections, then use the lines and spaces between them to create your image. The ratio of 1:1.618 is very close to 35mm film and digital camera dimensions, meaning you can place your image details while taking the photo without adjusting the image size. The ratio is 1:0.618:1, as shown below.What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (11)

6. Where can you find the Golden Ratio?

  • Nature

    Although it’s said that an irrational number can’t be easily found, we can still spot it in nature. The most popular examples of the Golden Ratio in nature are those characterized by the Golden Ratio Spiral. This sequence can be found in the spirals of sunflowers, pinecones, and shells, where the arrangement of seeds, scales, or spirals creates a visually pleasing pattern.

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (12)What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (13)

  • Art and Architecture

    Historical structures like the Parthenon and artworks by Leonardo da Vinci, including the “Vitruvian Man” and the “Mona Lisa,” utilize the Golden Ratio for their proportions. The Parthenon in Athens, Greece, is often cited as a prime example of the Golden Ratio in architecture. Its facade is said to be designed around the proportions of the Golden Ratio, creating a sense of balance and aesthetic harmony that has been admired for centuries. Leonardo da Vinci, a master of the Renaissance, used the Golden Ratio in many of his works to achieve balance and beauty. His drawing “Vitruvian Man” is a study of the proportions of the human body and their relationship to geometry and mathematics, embodying the principles of the Golden Ratio. The “Mona Lisa,” one of his most famous paintings, is also believed to incorporate the Golden Ratio in its composition, contributing to its timeless appeal.

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (14)

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7. What tools can you use for the Golden Ratio calculation?

If math scares you, there are almost always workarounds. At least there are a few tools to help you with the Golden Ratio calculation.

  • GoldieApp
    • This app is made for artists and designers who want to check if their work is Golden Ratio compliant by placing overlays on their designs.
  • Golden Ratio Typography Calculator
    • Remember how I said you could calculate the size of the fonts you use in your designs or blog? There’s a calculator for that.
    • Enter the font size, content width, or both, and get your Golden Ratio Typography.
  • Golden Ratio Calculator
    • With this calculator, you can calculate the shorter and longer sides of a shape and their combined lengths to determine the Golden Ratio.

8. Conclusion

Despite its irrationality, you can find the Golden Mean in nature or create a Golden Ratio composition yourself to reach that state-of-the-art balance.

The Golden Ratio is a mathematical tool, which proves to us that there’s also science in art, but at the same time that this formula is not here to create something instantaneously beautiful.

The Golden Ratio is used in design to reach the equity that anyone appreciates.

What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers (2024)


What is the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design? A Complete guide for designers? ›

This ratio, approximately equal to 1.618, is used to create harmonious compositions in various fields, including design projects, paintings, illustrations, photography, music, and other compositions that thrive on balance. The Golden Ratio symbol is the Greek letter ϕ (Phi) or τ.

What is the golden ratio for graphic designers? ›

You can use the ratio of 1.618:1 to determine the size of your elements relative to each other. This will help you create a sense of harmony and proportion in your design. - Use the golden ratio to choose your colors. You can use the ratio of 1.618:1 to create a color palette that is pleasing to the eye.

What is the golden rule of graphic design? ›

One of the golden rules of graphic design is to keep it simple. This means using a limited color palette, avoiding cluttered layouts, and using clear and concise messaging. Another important rule is to maintain consistency in design elements such as fonts, spacing, and imagery.

What is a designer's guide to the golden ratio? ›

The Golden Ratio in design is a standardized 1: 0.618: 1 – so the width of your first and third vertical columns needs to be 1, and the width of the center vertical column should be 0.618. For the horizontal rows, the height of the first and the third row needs to be 1 while the width of the center should be 0.618.

What is the 1 618 golden ratio? ›

The golden ratio, also known as the golden number, golden proportion, or the divine proportion, is a ratio between two numbers that equals approximately 1.618. Usually written as the Greek letter phi, it is strongly associated with the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers wherein each number is added to the last.

What is the best contrast ratio for graphic design? ›

The contrast ratio between text and its background should be at least 4.5:1. If your font is at least 24 pixels or 19 pixels bold, the minimum is 3:1. When designing, be sure to use a color checker to make sure you are within the tolerance.

What is the golden ratio formula in design? ›

One very simple way to apply the Golden Ratio is to set your dimensions to 1:1.618.> For example, take your typical 960-pixel width layout and divide it by 1.618. You'll get 594, which will be the height of the layout.

What is the golden rule of design? ›

Take a square and multiple one side by 1.618 to get a new shape: a rectangle with harmonious proportions. If you lay the square over the rectangle, the relationship between the two shapes will give you the Golden Ratio.

What is the F rule in graphic design? ›

What is the F-Pattern? The F-Pattern is a format for web design rooted in science: it doesn't force the reader's eyes to go anywhere, but conforms to the natural way a viewer looks at a website. Essentially, the readers' eyes gravitate towards the left side of the website and rarely travel to the right side.

What are the 7 rules of graphic design? ›

There are seven traditional and universal principles of design, which are significant across the industry: emphasis, balance & alignment, contrast, repetition, proportion, movement, and white space.

What is the golden ratio grid for design? ›

The golden grid, also known as "the phi grid", is a grid system that starts with a rectangle or image frame, and then divides one side of the rectangle into two parts, with the longer part being approximately 1.618 times the length of the shorter part.

How to find the golden ratio in a picture? ›

a/b = (a+b)/a = φ

In photography, the golden ratio can be used to create balanced and aesthetically pleasing compositions. This is achieved by dividing the frame into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, and placing the subject or key elements of the image at the intersection points of the lines.

Does the Apple logo use golden ratio? ›

We've all heard that Apple's logo and products adhere to the Golden Ratio. It's a lie. The old Apple logo was not designed with the Golden Ratio in mind.

What is the Golden Ratio in graphic design? ›

This ratio, approximately equal to 1.618, is used to create harmonious compositions in various fields, including design projects, paintings, illustrations, photography, music, and other compositions that thrive on balance. The Golden Ratio symbol is the Greek letter ϕ (Phi) or τ.

What is the most perfect Golden Ratio? ›

The Golden Ratio is 1: 1.618, and the full equation states that when a line is divided into two parts in a ratio of 1: 1.618, it creates the ideal proportion.

How do I calculate my Golden Ratio? ›

You take a line and divide it into two parts – a long part (a) and a short part (b). The entire length (a + b) divided by (a) is equal to (a) divided by (b). And both of those numbers equal 1.618. So, (a + b) divided by (a) equals 1.618, and (a) divided by (b) also equals 1.618.

Is graphic design a 9 to 5? ›

In-House Graphic Designers

Graphic designers working in-house at companies and organizations typically maintain more regular 9-5 schedules.

How is the golden ratio most helpful to a digital artist in graphic design? ›

Use the golden ratio as a guideline for your work to make sure things are nicely spaced out and well composed. With a convention like the rule of thirds or golden ratio, you can create variation and blank space that pleases the eye and makes content easy to comprehend.

What is the golden ratio in sketching? ›

The golden ratio is a method that you can use to divide lines and rectangles in an aesthetically pleasing way. Architects use a very accurate golden ratio number, 0.62, when designing buildings. As an easier rule of thumb for your art, you can use a ratio of 3 to 5.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.