The 80-20 color rule is the interior designers' secret for a perfect scheme – this is why it works (2024)

The 80-20 color rule is one of the easiest design rules to implement and, when done correctly, it can have transformative effects on the way you dress your home.

Following the 80-20 color rule is really simple. It states that the majority of your room –80% –should be decorated in neutral colors, such as whites, creams, beige or pale pastel hues. The remaining 20% is where you can let your creativity shine, opting for statement colors and patterns. If you use this rule in yourinterior design, you can't go far wrong.

'The 80-20 color rule is a great concept for room color ideas because it provides a balance between neutral and accent colors, creating a harmonious and visually appealing space. The neutral colors serve as a foundation for the room, while the accent colors add interest and depth,' says Artem Kropovinsky, interior designer and founder of Arsight.

What is the 80-20 color rule and how do you use it?

The 80-20 design rule is a key interior designer tip and states that the majority (80%) of your room's color scheme should be neutral.

However, when decorating with neutrals, too many injections of color can feel overwhelming if not carefully thought through. Thankfully, the 80-20 color rule promises that by limiting the bold shades to only 20% of the room, you will achieve the perfect balance of hues. It's also a great way of introducing some of the latest color trends to a space without going over the top.

The 80-20 color rule is the interior designers' secret for a perfect scheme – this is why it works (1)

Based in New York, Artem Kropovinsky, founder of Arsight, has a decade of extensive and considerable global design experience. Prioritizing minimalism, sustainability, and authenticity, Artem, alongside his team of professionals, works on projects in the US and worldwide. Here, he explains how the 80-20 design rule might be applied to different rooms in your home.

  • Living room: 80% neutral walls with 20% accent pillows and throws in a bold color.
  • Bedroom: 80% neutral bedding with 20% bedroom accent wall in a calming color.
  • Kitchen: 80% neutral cabinets with 20% accent kitchen backsplash or countertop in a bold color.
  • Bathroom: 80% neutral tiles with 20% accent shower curtain or towels in a contrasting color.

'For me, the 80% often comprises the larger investment pieces, such as sofas or a large rug, the paint or wallcoverings,' adds Ariella Duker, founder of Ariella Duker Interiors. 'The 20% brings the drama, the contrast, and/or the visual interest, so window treatments, pillows, accessories, an accent piece of furniture, or through decorating with art.

The 80-20 color rule is the interior designers' secret for a perfect scheme – this is why it works (2)

(Image credit: Ariella Duker Interiors)

Why is the 80-20 color rule so effective?

The 80-20 color rule is the interior designers' secret for a perfect scheme – this is why it works (3)

Former fashion stylist and Sotheby's-trained art historian, Ariella Duker has brought her experience to the world of interior design. Her art history background has resulted in a comprehensive understanding of classic design principles and she brings a timelessness to modern spaces. Many of her projects feature a tonal, neutral palette, with beautiful, well-chosen accents introducing personality to the space. Recipient of an IFDA Rising Star award, she was also recognized as a New York Cottages & Gardens Rising Star, and was featured on Luxe Magazine’s Gold List.

The 80-20 color rule is a good idea as it helps to create a balanced scheme, plus it can give you confidence to experiment with accent colors in a neutral room.

Similar to the 60-30-10 rule, it provides you with a framework that will prevent you from overwhelming the space and produce a professional look for your home.

'While some may argue that you can't have "too much of a good thing", I personally, suggest practicing (some level of) restraint in residential spaces,' explains Ariella Duker, founder of Ariella Duker Interiors. 'Color inevitably affects mood. In moderation, you can get the benefits of color without a visual onslaught. Bedrooms, for example, are often intended to be a calming retreat, so a chaotic or strong color scheme lends itself to a chaotic mind, which is not very restful.

The 80-20 color rule is the interior designers' secret for a perfect scheme – this is why it works (4)

(Image credit: Future / Jake Curtis)

Does the 80-20 color rule mean you can only decorate with two colors?

No, following this color rule doesn't mean you're limited to only using two colors. 'You can choose any neutral colors to make up the 80%, and any accent color as the 20%. The key is to choose colors that complement each other and work well together,' explains interior designer Artem Kropovinsky.

For example, beige, cream and gray can all make up the 80% and then accent colors can make up the remaining 20%. Whether you go with a couple of accent colors for beige or prefer to decorate with primary colors, there are plenty of options to choose from.

The 80-20 color rule is the interior designers' secret for a perfect scheme – this is why it works (5)

(Image credit: Smita Sahoo)

How do you know which colors go together?

The easiest way to know what colors go together is to consult the color wheel. You can also gain inspiration from interior designers, and learn which color combinations for rooms they recommend to see which colors the professionals commonly pair together.

However, it is still a creative process.'Knowing which colors go together is based on a blend of client taste, science, emotions, and culture. Some designers lean into the technical color wheel, while others are influenced by how colors feel, or what we see in nature – more organic with less highly pigmented hues,' explains Smita Sahoo, owner, founder, and creative director of āśaya design.

'Personally, I like to learn a lot about what my clients will respond well to by talking to them about the places they've traveled to and about their cultural backgrounds. A collection of artifacts from a person's travels, or a bright indigo wall feature can each comprise the 20% of boldness in a design to deliver a more personal and interesting statement.'

The 80-20 color rule is the interior designers' secret for a perfect scheme – this is why it works (6)

(Image credit: Mary Wadsworth)

Can you have an accent wall with the 80-20 color rule?

Yes, you absolutely can have an accent wall as part of the 80-20 color rule.

'An accent or feature wall is a great way to incorporate the 80-20 color rule. Choose a neutral color for the majority of the room and a bold accent color for the feature wall to create a focal point and add visual interest,' explains Artem Kropovinsky, interior designer and founder of Arsight.

Accent walls aren't just about solid colors either –try experimenting with wall mural ideas or even a shiplap wall to add texture and depth to your scheme.

The 80-20 color rule is the interior designers' secret for a perfect scheme – this is why it works (7)

(Image credit: Ariella Duker Interiors)

Do I have to follow the 80-20 color rule?

There are lots of design rules – including the golden ratio –that can guide you in your interior design, helping you to achieve a harmonious and professional look.

Some people are naturally mathematically minded, while others find it harder to apply logic to creativity. While design rules can be useful, don't get hung up on the numbers. Interior design is all about self-expression and filling your space with things you love.

The 80-20 color rule is the interior designers' secret for a perfect scheme – this is why it works (2024)


The 80-20 color rule is the interior designers' secret for a perfect scheme – this is why it works? ›

The 80/20 rule in decorating is a guideline that suggests focusing 80% of a room's decor on a single, cohesive style while allowing the remaining 20% to diverge, adding contrast and interest. This approach helps to create a balanced and harmonious space that is neither monotonous nor chaotic.

What is the 80-20 rule in interior design? ›

It suggests that you should choose one dominant style or color scheme for 80% of your room, and a contrasting or complementary style or color scheme for the remaining 20%. This way, you can achieve a cohesive look without being too boring or too chaotic.

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The 80/20 Rule and Software Development

When considering the 80/20 rule in the context of design, development, and the products we build for customers, the following realities arise: 80% of the effort produce 20% of the results. 80% of the customers produce 20% of the revenue.

What is the color rule for interior design? ›

This decorating rule suggests that you should cover your room with 60% of a dominant color, 30% of a secondary color, and 10% of an accent shade. It is all about maintaining the perfect balance of tones. Pick colors that mingle well with each other to create a subtle combo.

Why are color schemes important in interior design? ›

When it comes to home design, understanding color theory helps with color harmonization. It becomes imperative to choose the right colors as the hues can influence moods, add to the ambiance, and affect how a person feels. Colors play a role in human psychology and emotions to a considerable extent.

What is the 80 20 rule paint? ›

It states that the majority of your room – 80% – should be decorated in neutral colors, such as whites, creams, beige or pale pastel hues. The remaining 20% is where you can let your creativity shine, opting for statement colors and patterns. If you use this rule in your interior design, you can't go far wrong.

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Applying the 80/20 Rule to Your Work Time. Here's what we found out: If you are willing to allocate 80% of your time towards your craft, and 20% of your time towards the marketing & business, you will be doing what the most successful artists and photographers do.

What is the main principle of the 80-20 rule? ›

The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. In other words, a small percentage of causes have an outsized effect. This concept is important to understand because it can help you identify which initiatives to prioritize so you can make the most impact.

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Project Managers know that 20 percent of the work (the first 10 percent and the last 10 percent) consume 80 percent of the time and resources. Other examples you may have encountered: 80% of our revenues are generated by 20% of our customers. 80% of our complaints come from 20% of our customers.

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The Pareto chart is a visual representation of the 80-20 rule, featuring a bar + line chart. The bars represent the value of each item on your list (arranged in descending order), and the line indicates the cumulative percentage of those values.

What color scheme do interior designers use? ›

A true classic, black and white is the ultimate interior design color scheme. "Classic black and white is a chic way of dressing up a more casual interior style, like the trendy modern farmhouse," Marlaina Teich of Marlaina Teich Designs says.

What is the 70 20 10 color rule? ›

Use Three Colors: The 70/20/10 Rule: This rule of three is as easy as choosing one neutral color, one rich color, and one accent color. To make this work, use the lightest color for 70 percent of the room's décor, the second lightest for 20 percent, and the boldest for 10 percent.

Why is color scheme important? ›

A color scheme is an important part of any creative project, from graphic design to fashion. Not only does it add visual interest, but it also helps to communicate a message and create the desired mood or atmosphere.

Why do color schemes matter? ›

You can use color schemes to make customers feel happy, nostalgic or excited, which could lead them to make a purchase. Positive perception of the brand: The right color selection can change how positively customers feel about your brand.

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Importance of color in graphic design. In everyday life and in design, color plays a vital role. It has the ability to communicate a message without using words. Depending on the interactions between our personal preferences, gender, our family background, and cultural identity, colors affect our perception.

What is the 60 30 10 rule in interior decorating? ›

What is the 60-30-10 Rule? It's a classic decor rule that helps create a color palette for a space. It states that 60% of the room should be a dominant color, 30% should be the secondary color or texture and the last 10% should be an accent.

What is the 70 30 rule in interior design? ›

A simple rule of thumb many interior designers follow is the 70:30 hack for decorating a room. 70% of the room in one style and 30% in another. This delicious “Mix” of 2 or more styles creates a unique and eclectic look making the space more personal and individual and bringing your own personalised style signature.

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Creating a balanced Room Layout

The golden ratio helps achieve a balanced room layout by assessing the floor space covered by furniture. Striking the right balance means that nearly 60% of your room will have furniture on it, with 40% being clear.

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Use the Golden Ratio to Balance the Room Lay-Out

Try sticking to roughly 60% of floor space being covered by furniture for an ideal setting. If it's much lower than 60%, it's likely to feel too minimal. In an ideal world, you aim for a layout that leaves 40% of floor space clear, or as 'negative space'.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.