Why do 20% of your ad creatives generate 80% of your results? (2024)

We all know that 80% of the effects are created by 20% of the causes. The 80-20 rule, or the Pareto Principle, is an aphorism that asserts that 80% of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event. But, why do 20% of your ad creatives generate 80% of your results?

Table of Contents

The 80-20 rule in business

That interesting principle applies to everything and any given event. In business, the goal of the Pareto Principle is to identify the inputs that are potentially the most productive. And make them your priority. For instance, once a sales manager identifies where he/she gets the most sales, to drive the company’s growth, they could give them the most focus and iterate to even grow bigger and faster. The same principle that applies to most things in life also applies to advertising and marketing, where 20% of your campaigns, creatives, and efforts drive 80% of your return. This also means that 80% of your campaigns, creatives, and efforts only generate 20% of your return.

Here’s an example from our practice:

Why do 20% of your ad creatives generate 80% of your results? (1) The upper line represents the winning creative and the lower line represents the performance of all other creatives. The first graph shows the percentage split: our example even goes beyond the 80/20 rule to 85% of installs and 90% of spend. Learn More: Ad Budget Calculator

In the next graph, we can see how the different creatives stack up against each other:

Why do 20% of your ad creatives generate 80% of your results? (2) As soon as the winning creative (purple) gained traction against the previous one (light blue), it basically carried the whole performance: new creative tests (dark blue) never managed to outperform the winner. This example illustrates how important systematic creative testing has become to make sure to find and leverage these outperformers. Are you feeling curious to learn more about this outstanding creative now? Thanks to our client Petit BamBou you can take a look:

The Admiral Media Framework – How do we test creatives?

Understanding how advertising algorithms work is an important part of the process. You will need to know why a particular ad is spending all your budget without really driving good results, while the only difference between this ad and the others is just different background color or call to action. This understanding will help build your optimization activity and creative production around the right communication messages. In addition to that, creating a system of creative testing is important. Creative testing means running a number of different ads at the same time, those could be different in design or just the ad copy used in each ad. Creating a good system for creative testing is going to require some work up-front, but will ensure that you stay on track and reveal the next big innovation more quickly. Here are things to keep in mind while building this system:

  • Campaign and targeting: You need your campaign to directly optimize for the most valuable event, targeting your best-converting audience, and best placements or OS type.
    • If your account doesn’t have enough data, feel free to go for top-funnel events such as installs or signups.
  • Budget: Your understanding of the ad algorithm will help you decide on how much you can spend. However, you need to keep in mind that your creative test budget is part of your channel budget so be careful of overspending and excess tests.
  • Decide on winners: Your decision should be based on a number of metrics including the amount spent, CPM, CTR, and cost per result. Keep in mind that you’re looking for an ad that spends the money fast at your desired costs.
  • Assurance: This is an extra step only if you have an ad in your evergreen campaign that spends most of the money at desired costs. In this step, you just need to re-test best performing ads from test number 1 to get the ultimate best performer.
  • Iterate: You got your winner? Well, iterate on it and try to find 1-2 versions of it that help you spend 80% of your budget.

Pre-iOS 14 vs Post-iOS 14

When a user sees your ad, you get seconds to either grab their attention or completely lose them, once and for all. This makes it very important to design something that gets users’ attention but how do you do that? Before the iOS 14 rollout, advertisers used to test hundreds of creative designs every week to find that one ad that works well, and creative tests were very customized, advertisers used to test different background colors, font sizes, people vs illustration, and much more. However, iOS 14 came into our lives with a lot to digest. The first problem is that iOS 14 uses SKAdNetwork which only allows a maximum of 100 campaign IDs including the ones used for optimization purposes to get the advertising algorithm to perform. This problem forced ad channels to limit the maximum number of campaigns an advertiser can open targeting iOS 14 devices. For example, Facebook (or should we say Meta) allows only 9 iOS 14 campaigns and a maximum of 5 ad sets in each campaign. This means less creative testing and fewer winning ads which means that you might get hit by ad fatigue that kills your 20% ads that drive 80% of your results and that is a nightmare to any advertiser.

How to find new ad ideas?

So many businesses and ad agencies produce hundreds of ads every week, but not every idea is the next big thing. It can be difficult to determine which ads stand out and create an impact and which ones just fade away into the background.However, most marketers search for new creatives in the wrong place. Marketers are looking to friends, family, competitors, random Facebook Feed, or TikTok. On the other hand, you must have one ad in your ad account that is already winning and spending almost 80% of your budget. This ad is your starting point. You need to take a deeper look into this ad. Look for the detail that makes it a winner. Think of how you can make a new ad of those details. I believe that the best ad ideas come from existing winner ads, not from outside the world of advertising. In case you don’t have that one winner, you can try any of the following. And kick-off your search for the new big ad:

  1. Look at competitor ads and find the pattern.
  2. Run a survey and ask your clients what was that thing that made them click on an ad of yours. Iterate on that reason.
  3. Look into viral news, tweets, or videos and find if you can produce something around them.


Finally, new ad ideas are everywhere. If you only know where to look. But not every idea is the next big ad creative that will help you decrease costs and increase spending. So, try to look into that one detail that can help you produce something better. That’s it for this one, see you in the next article on Admiral Media Blogs. Ciao!

Why do 20% of your ad creatives generate 80% of your results? (2024)


Why do 20% of your ad creatives generate 80% of your results? ›

GET IN TOUCH! We all know that 80% of the effects are created by 20% of the causes. The 80-20 rule, or the Pareto Principle, is an aphorism that asserts that 80% of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event.

What is the 80/20 rule in advertising? ›

What is the 80/20 rule of marketing? The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle , is a marketing strategy that says 80% of your results are a product of 20% of your actions. Economist Vilfredo Pareto thought of the idea when he realized approximately 80% of his nation's land belonged to 20% of its population.

How does the 80/20 rule work? ›

Simply put, the 80/20 rule states that the relationship between input and output is rarely, if ever, balanced. When applied to work, it means that approximately 20 percent of your efforts produce 80 percent of the results.

What is the 80-20 rule in product mix? ›

The principle states that roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. In business, this means that 80% of a company's results (#revenue, #profits, #productivity , etc.) come from 20% of its efforts (customers, products, marketing campaigns, etc.)

What is the 80 20 growth strategy? ›

Key Takeaways

The 80-20 rule maintains that 80% of outcomes comes from 20% of causes. The 80-20 rule prioritizes the 20% of factors that will produce the best results. A principle of the 80-20 rule is to identify an entity's best assets and use them efficiently to create maximum value.

What is the 80 20 relationship? ›

The 80/20 relationship theory states that you can only get about 80% of your wants and needs from a healthy relationship, while the remaining 20% you need to provide for yourself. Sounds like the perfect excuse to treat yourself to a spa day.

What is the 80-20 rule design? ›

The Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 rule as its also known, is a productivity hack of sorts. The idea behind it is: 80% of the effects of any given process come from 20% of the effort put into it. To illustrate this in a UX context, it's like saying: 80% of your users use 20% of your features.

What is the 80 20 content ratio? ›

The idea is pretty simple, of all your social media content, 80% of it should give value to your client and only 20% should ask for something from them. That might sound counterintuitive at first glance, but trust us, it works!

What is the 80-20 rule in mixing? ›

What if 80% of your mix decisions aren't making any difference at all… or even making it worse? The 80/20 rule says that 80% of the results you get come from only 20% of the things you do. That means 80% of your effort is a waste of time.

What is the 20 80 process? ›

The rule that 20% of the people do 80% of the work or business is widely known. Focusing on the 20% that returns 80% of the result is the lesser known rule, but far more impactful on a business – and your experience.

What is 80 20 development rule? ›

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is popular in various industries, including software development. The idea is that 20% of developers' time is spent on work that results in 80% of the value created.

What is the 80-20 rule in strategic management? ›

The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. In other words, a small percentage of causes have an outsized effect. This concept is important to understand because it can help you identify which initiatives to prioritize so you can make the most impact.

What is the 80 20 portfolio strategy? ›

This investment strategy seeks total return through exposure to a diversified portfolio of primarily equity, and to a lesser extent, Fixed Income asset classes with a target allocation of 80% equities and 20% Fixed Income.

What is the 60 30 10 rule for advertising? ›

According to SnapRetail, the 60/30/10 rule states that 60% of the posts you create should be engaging content that gets people reacting, commenting and sharing, 30 percent should be shared content, and 10 percent should be promoting your products and services, sales, events, etc.

What is the 50 30 20 rule in marketing? ›

It's important to connect with your followers using a healthy balance of content that engages, informs, and promotes your products. In general, you'll want to aim for 50% of your posts to engage, 30% to inform, and 20% to promote.

What is the 40 40 20 rule advertising? ›

The dictum is that 40 percent of your direct marketing success is dependent on your audience, another 40 percent is dependent on your offer, and the last 20 percent is reserved for everything else, including how the material is presented.

What is the 70 30 rule in advertising? ›

The 70-30 rule is simple. For every email you send, 70% should be dedicated to providing value – educating, engaging, and building a relationship with your audience. The remaining 30% is your chance to transition subtly into a sales pitch.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.