What is an Irrational Number?: Between Two Numbers, Videos, Examples (2024)

Number Systems

What is an irrational number? Imagine a square having side 1. The diagonal of that square is exactly the square root of two, which is an irrational number.π, e,√3 are examples of irrational numbers. Let’sstudy what is an irrational number between any two numbers.

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What is an Irrational Number?

An irrationalnumber is a number that is not rational that means it is a number that cannot be written in the form\( \frac{p}{q} \). It cannot be written as the ratio of two integers. Representation of irrational numbers on a number line.From the below figure, we can see the irrational number is√2

What is an Irrational Number?: Between Two Numbers, Videos, Examples (9)

Irrational Number between Two Rational Numbers

Suppose we have two rational numbers a and b, then the irrational numbers between those two will be,√ab. Now let us find two irrational numbers between two given rational numbers.

1. Find an irrational number between two rational numbers 2 –√3 and 5 –√3

Let x be the irrational number between two rational numbers2 –√3 and 5 –√3. Then we get,
2 –√3< x< 5 –√3
⇒2 < x + < √3< 5
We see thatx + √3 is an irrational number between2 –√3 and 5 –√3 where 2 –√3< x< 5 –√3.

2. Find two irrational numbers between two given rational numbers.

Now let us take any two numbers,say a and b. Let x be any number between a and b. Then,
We have a< x< b….. let this be equation(1)
Now, subtract√2 from both the sides of equation(1)
So, a –√2< x< b –√2……equation (2)
= a< x +√2 < b
Addition of irrational number with any number results into an irrational number. So, x +√2 is an irrational number which existsbetween two rational numbers a and b.

Irrational Number between Two Irrational Numbers

The easiest way to find the number of two rational numbers is to square both the irrational numbers and take the square root of their average. If the square root is irrational, then we get the number we want.If you do not the number you are looking for, then repeat the procedure using one of the original numbers and the newly generated number.

An irrational number between any two irrational numbers a and b is given by√ab. For example,

1. Find the rational numbers between√2 and√3

Let us first find the difference between√2 and√3. Since the difference lies between\( \frac{3}{10} \) and\( \frac{1}{3} \). There exist an integer between 4√2 and 4√3 that is 6, such that \( \frac{6}{4} \) = \( \frac{3}{2} \) is between√2 and√3. So now we can find other rationals by taking another multiple than 4.

2. We can also find many rationals between any two irrational numbers.

Let us take two irrational numbers a and b. To find the difference between a and b that is b – a, take n∈ N and n> 1. Now, there exists some integer m between na and nb. Then,\( \frac{m}{n} \) is an irrational number between a and b.

Browse more Topics Under Number Systems

  • Rational Numbers
  • Irrational Numbers
  • Irrational Numbers Between two Numbers
  • Operations onIrrational Numbers
  • Laws for Exponents for Real Numbers

Rational Number between Two Rational Numbers

If m and n are the two ration numbers such that m< n then,\( \frac{1}{2} \) ( m + n ) is the rational number between m and n. Let us see common denominator method to find the rational number between two rational numbers. Rational numbersbetween two rational numbers can be found out by usingcommon denominator method. For example,

Let us assume two rational numbers as\( \frac{-3}{2} \) and\( \frac{5}{3} \)
\( \frac{-3}{2} \) =\( \frac{-3 × 3}{2 × 3} \) =\( \frac{-9}{6} \)
\( \frac{5}{3} \) =\( \frac{5 × 2}{3× 2} \) =\( \frac{10}{6} \)
Rational numbers between these numbers are\( \frac{-8}{6} \),\( \frac{-7}{6} \),…,\( \frac{9}{6} \)

Solved Examples for You

Question 1: Which of the following irrational numbers lies between\( \frac{3}{5} \) and\( \frac{9}{10} \)

  1. \( \frac{√80}{10} \)
  2. \( \frac{√85}{10} \)
  3. \( \frac{√82}{10} \)
  4. \( \frac{√83}{10} \)

Answer : A. √36 < √80 < √81. On dividing with 10 we get, \( \frac{6}{10} \)<\( \frac{√80}{10} \) < \( \frac{9}{10} \)

Question 2: How many irrational numbers lie between√2 and√3?

  1. One
  2. Zero
  3. Ten
  4. Infinite

Answer : D. Infiniteirrational numbers lie between√2 and√3. For example, √2.1,√2.11,√2.101 and so on.

Question 3: What is an irrational number and give examples?

Answer: Irrational numbers are ones which we can’t write as a ratio of two integers. In other words, can’t express them as fractions. For instance, the square root of 2 will be an irrational number as we cannot write it as a ratio of two integers.

Question 4: Is 0 an irrational number?

Answer: A number that does not fulfil the mentioned criteria above won’t be irrational. Thus, as we can represent zero as a ratio of two integers plus its ratio is also an irrational number like it isn’t dividend in any case, so zero will be rational due to being an integer.

Question 5: Are irrational numbers infinite?

Answer: There is an infinite number of irrational numbers much similar to how there is an infinite number of integers, rational numbers plus real numbers. But, as reals are uncountable and rationals are countable thus, irrationals will be uncountable. In other words, there will be many more irrationals than rationals.

Question 6: Is the square root of an irrational number irrational?

Answer: If a square root is not a perfect square, then we consider it an irrational number. We cannot write these numbers as fractions as the decimals won’t end and won’t repeat a pattern. In other words, they are non-terminating and non-repeating.

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What is an Irrational Number?: Between Two Numbers, Videos, Examples (2024)


What is irrational number 2 examples? ›

The common examples of irrational numbers are pi(π=3⋅14159265…), √2, √3, √5, Euler's number (e = 2⋅718281…..), 2.010010001….,etc.

How do you find an irrational number between two numbers? ›

Suppose we have two rational numbers a and b, then the irrational numbers between those two will be, √ab. Now let us find two irrational numbers between two given rational numbers. We see that x + √3 is an irrational number between 2 – √3 and 5 – √3 where 2 – √3 < x < 5 – √3. 2.

What is the irrational number between 5 7 and 9 11? ›

Now, the denominators are the same hence it is easy to find three different irrational numbers between 5/7 and 9/11. The three irrational numbers between 55/77 and 63/77 are 56/77, 57/77, and 58/77. Therefore, three different irrational numbers between 5/7 and 9/11 are 0.72727272727, 0.74025974026, and 0.75324675324.

Which is an irrational number between 2 and 3 answer? ›

We know that the square root of √4 is 2 and that the square root of √9 is 3. These are the irrational numbers √5, √6, √7, and √8, between 2 and 3, since they are not perfect squares and cannot be further reduced.

What are 10 examples of irrational numbers? ›

So √2, √3, √5, √7, √11, √13, √17, √19 … are all irrational numbers.

What is an irrational number? ›

Irrational numbers are those real numbers that cannot be represented in the form of a ratio. In other words, those real numbers that are not rational numbers are known as irrational numbers.

What are the two irrational numbers between 2 5 and 3 4? ›

Answer: The irrational numbers can be 0.45455455545555... and 0.76776777677776...

What is the irrational number between 2 and 7? ›

Answer: √5 , √6 , √7 , √8 , √10 , √11 , √12 , √13 , √14 , √15 , √17 till √48 except √9 , √16 , √25 and √36 all are irrational numbers. Step-by-step explanation: Given: Numbers are 2 and 7.

What are the 5 irrational numbers between 2 and 3? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

Hence √7, 3√17, 4√54 and 5√178 are all irrational numbers between 2 and 3, as 4<7<9; 8<17<27; 16<54<81 and 32<178<243.

What are three irrational numbers lying between 2 7 and 3 7? ›

  • Concept: Irrational numbers are those numbers that can not be expressed in the form of ratios or fractions.
  • Given: Numbers between 2/7 and 3/7.
  • Find: We are asked to find the irrational numbers between 2/7 and 3/7.
  • Solution: We have, ...
  • Hence, the irrational numbers between 2/7 and 3/7 are 9/28, 10/28, 11/28, and 12/28.
Jan 20, 2018

How to check if a number is rational? ›

Answer: If a number can be written or can be converted to p/q form, where p and q are integers and q is a non-zero number, then it is said to be rational and if it cannot be written in this form, then it is irrational.

What is the difference between a rational and irrational number? ›

A rational number is the one which can be represented in the form of P/Q where P and Q are integers and Q ≠ 0. But an irrational number cannot be written in the form of simple fractions. ⅔ is an example of a rational number whereas √2 is an irrational number.

What are two irrational numbers between v2 and v3? ›

Answer: The 3 irrational numbers between root 2 and root 3 are 1.575775777..., 1.4243443..., and 1.686977... Let's understand the solution in detail. Explanation: Irrational numbers are those numbers that can't be represented in the form p/q, where q is not equal to zero.

What is an irrational number between 2 and 4? ›

There are an infinite number of irrational numbers between 2 and 4. The most common ones are probably: pi,e,and the square roots from 5 to 15 inclusive (excluding 9). 2 and 4 can be written as √4 and √16.

How is 2 an irrational number? ›

No, 2 is an integer. Integers are rational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be represented as the ratio of integers. Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot.

Is √2 a rational number? ›

Here, the given number, √2 cannot be expressed in the form of p/q. Alternatively, 2 is a prime number or rational number. Here, the given number √2 is equal to 1.4121 which gives the result of non terminating and non recurring decimal, and cannot be expressed as fraction .., so √2 is Irrational Number.

What is 2 rational or irrational? ›

2 is a rational number because it satisfies the condition for rational number and can be written in p/q form which is mathematically represented as 2/1, where 1≠0.

Which of the following is irrational √ 2? ›

Let us assume that 1/√2 is a rational number. Then, 1/√2 = a/b, where a and b have no common factors other than 1. Since b and a are integers, b/a is a rational number and so, √2 is rational. But we know that √2 is irrational.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.