What is the Customer Pyramid Model? (2024)

The Pareto Principle, or 80-20 rule, is commonly recognized in business as a reason to take care of your most profitable, loyal customers. It indicates that generally speaking, roughly 80 percent of a company’s profits are driven by the top 20 percent of its customer base. However, the Pareto Principle fails to address the remaining 80 percent of your customers.

The following is an overview of the Customer Pyramid, with strategies and tips on how it should effect your business decisions!

Platinum Customers

This upper tier of your customer base includes people that spend top dollar or typically buy a lot of goods and services. These customers are also heavy users, in most cases, and trust your company enough to try new offerings.

A basic marketing principle is to continue to tap into your most profitable customers as a primary growth strategy. Therefore, targeting people that match your loyal customers is an efficient strategy. Loyalty programs, frequency programs, and other incentive programs are a common strategy for retaining your core customers.

Gold and Iron Customers

Gold customers may visit your store or website as often as platinum customers, but they are more price sensitive and more likely to shop competitors for better deals. If your business is very profitable, your gold tier (around 21st to 50th percentile in profitability) customers may still provide a profit. Targeting these buyers with similar incentive or rewards programs, and doing things to strengthen the relationship and drive them up the customer pyramid, are common strategies.

The iron tier consists of people that are even more price sensitive than gold customers, and less likely to ever become loyal to one provider. Thus, they are unlikely to ever offer a return on investment for marketing or service dollars. Therefore, common practice is to operate with indifference toward this tier (around 51st to 80th percentile) and just accept the modest business you gain from them.

Lead Customers

A primary reason to understand and evaluate the customer pyramid is to consider the importance of lead customers, in addition to your platinum customers. This tier (around 81st to 100th percentile) includes people that are a drain on your business; they cost you more money to serve than you generate in revenue. They do so by only buying deeply discounted items, demanding a lot from your service staff, and routinely returning or exchanging items.

The goal is to subtly usher these people elsewhere as they can negate much of the profit you generate from your platinum core. Tighter return policies and a pricing policy that charges these customers for extra services are typical strategies.


The Customer Pyramid model offers a much deeper perspective on how to handle relationships within your entire customer base. Recognizing your different customer tiers allows you to better invest your resources to drive profits. Additionally, it helps you identify the ideal customer type that fits into your platinum level, so you can target more of these types of buyers.

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What is the Customer Pyramid Model? (2024)


What is the Customer Pyramid Model? ›

The Customer Pyramid is a way to segment clients. It is based on the Pareto Effect (20/80-rule). This postulates that 20% of clients generate 80% of the revenue. By making a layout thereof in the form of a pyramid, a visual display emerges.

What is the customer pyramid? ›

The Customer Pyramid is a tool that enables the firm to utilize differences in customer profitability to manage for increased customer profitability. Firms can utilize this tool to strengthen the link between service quality and profitability as well as determine optimal allocation of scarce resources.

What are the 4 tiers of customer pyramid? ›

Learn about the 4 tiers - Gold, Silver, Iron, and Lead - in the customer segmentation pyramid and how companies can use CLV and customer health to identify, categorize, and segment their customers.

What is the concept of customer value pyramid? ›

The Customer Value Pyramid is a conceptual framework introduced by the Harvard Business Review (HBR) in 2016 that seeks to overcome this barrier. The pyramid consists of 30 distinct elements categorised into four tiers, each representing a different level of product importance to customers.

What is the 80/20 customer pyramid? ›

The rule is often used to point out that 80% of a company's revenue is generated by 20% of its customers. Viewed in this way, it might be advantageous for a company to focus on the 20% of clients that are responsible for 80% of revenues and market specifically to them.

What is the meaning of pyramid model? ›

The Pyramid Model is a comprehensive, multi-tiered framework of evidence-based practices that promotes the social, emotional, and behavioral development of young children. The emphasis of this framework is to support all children at the universal level, thereby decreasing the need for more intensive intervention.

What are the 3 pyramid models? ›

The three different types are Pyramids of energy, biomass, and numbers. The pyramid of energy - a graphical representation of the energy found within the trophic levels of an ecosystem.

What are the 4 major types categories of customers? ›

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to engaging with customers and no one person ever fits into a neat little box, generally speaking, there are four different types of customers: analytical, expressive, amiable, and direct.

What are the 4 customer quadrants? ›

In our years of experience, we've learned that customers can generally be categorized in one of four customer engagement quadrants: Stuck, Sour, Stable and Smiling. How well products do in the market is a direct result of how customers feel when they use it.

What are the 4 key customer markets? ›

There are four key customer markets: consumer markets, business markets, global markets, and nonprofit and governmental markets.

What are the 4 types of customer value? ›

The four types of value include: functional value, monetary value, social value, and psychological value. The sources of value are not equally important to all consumers. How important a value is, depends on the consumer and the purchase.

What is Pyramid value? ›

The Elements of Value Pyramid is built around the simple understanding that the amount and nature of value in a particular product or service always lies in the eye of the beholder. It can help companies better understand what exact value about their product makes it so valuable to a certain segment of customers.

What is the pyramid business model? ›

The key components of the business pyramid model include the executive level, management level, support level, and operational level. Each level has its own specific roles and responsibilities, and the model emphasizes clear communication and decision-making processes across all levels.

What is a CRM pyramid? ›

The Customer Pyramid model offers a much deeper perspective on how to handle relationships within your entire customer base. Recognizing your different customer tiers allows you to better invest your resources to drive profits.

What is 6 Pareto analysis? ›

The Pareto analysis or Pareto chart is a bar graph that ranks problems in decreasing order of occurrence frequency. The concept was originated by Italian economist Vifredo Pareto. Its principle states that the comparative distribution of certain economic factors, such as wealth, follows an inverse relationship.

What is the Pareto formula? ›

Example: The equation for the first percentage is the most common defect divided by the total defects and multiplied by 100, or (15/45) x 100 = 34%. In order to calculate the next cumulative percentage, take the next most common defect, add it to the first data point, divide it by the total and multiply it by 100.

What is the customer value pyramid? ›

It is a term used for a specific structured techniques for analyzing and the utilization of attracting and maintaining profitable customer relationships.

What is pyramid in marketing? ›

Pyramid schemes are based on network marketing, where each person in the pyramid is tasked with bringing in their own subordinates and in turn profiting from their sales or recruitments. This fails because it essentially requires an infinite number of people to join the company.

What is the pyramid strategy? ›

By putting the various elements of a good strategic plan into a pyramid form, it is easy to see the "big picture" and relationships between different elements of the plan in a form that is easy to understand: the purpose shown at the apex cascades from one level of strategy to the next.

What is customer influence pyramid? ›

The Influence Pyramid: Reaching The Right Consumers. The Influence Pyramid is a conceptual framework for building outreach strategies to communities online and off. It helps you define a methodology and an architecture to target your content and media efforts.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.